Page 14 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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MARCH 11, 2004, Page 2 NEWS Tuition to reach $24,500 for 2004-2005year from students last week as they conclusion that raising tuition small and so many students comparable size experienced read campus mail from Presi- is bad, but if the money is go- needed them." tuition increases that were lower BRIAN PATTERSON CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF dent Joan Coley announcing ing somewhere worthwhile it The announced tuition than McDaniel's 6.97 increase. the hike. is not outrageous." for the 2004-05 academic year Gettysburg College will be Parents also received The College broke is $24,500 and with standard increasing its tuition from $28, similar letters from Coley last ground in December on a new room and board costs at $3,000 820 this year to $29,990, reflect- News that' McDaniel week academic building that will and $2,600 respectively, the to- ing a 5.5 percent increase. College's tuition would be hiked "I doubt many people in house the graduate programs tal bill comes to $30,100 per Franklin and Marshall's pro- by approximately 7 percent for North Village are complaining when it opens in spring 2005. year. posed fee structure calls for an the 2004 -2005 academic year was about it," said junior Steven The College's signature Ward According to Martha increase of 5.8 percent that greeted by more jeers than cheers Haines. "People jump to the Memorial Arch, which is being O'Connell, dean of admis- moves tuition from $28, 810 this enhanced a~ a mor~ prominent sions, students will find that year to $30, 000 next fall. entrance to campus, will be re- with academic scholarships "These are standard in- dedicated at Reunion Weekend and financial aid packages an creases that. are in line with col- in May. education here will only cost leges in the region," said Jean Coley's letter to students a little more, or evert less, than Riley, assistant director of finan- notes that McDaniel attempts education elsewhere. cial aid at Gettysburg College. to achieve, "an ideal learning McDaniel awards Students at F&M are not environment. .. with classes more than $15 million in schol- even aware of their tuition in- that average only 17 students arships each year and about 85 crease until they receive a bill. and professors who teach and percent of students receive fi- "The family IS billed - and noth- mentor both in and outside the nancial aid. ing is sent announcing the classroom." "Do academic scholar- change to students," said Chris- However, not every stu- ships go up too, or do they topher Hanlon, director of finan- dent shares Coley's positive stay the same," said junior cial aid for Franklin and outlook on our school's ideal Ashley Hurley. "Usually we Marshall. learning environment. get hit with a five percent hike, The hope for Coley is that "There may be 17people but this is almost 7 percent." the tuition increase will help the in our classes but, but we have McDaniel is not the only college to build upon its to get into the classes first," Centennial Conference school strengths. "The quality ... ofedu- said junior Kelley Passwaters. that will be upping tuition cation remains our top priority, "I couldn't get into my bio' charges, but the tuition hike is no matter what financial pres- Construction crews are building a grand entrance to McDaniel College by classes because they were so one of the largest. Colleges of sureweface." incorporating columns and a brick wall with the college's historic arch. New provost selected Meet Dr. Thomas Falkner Provost from page 1 said Falkner. Current Job: Acting Vice President for Square to commemorate his When not working, Academic Affairs,The College of Wooster start at McDanieL The tradi- Falkner spends time with his tional ceremony was followed wife and three. daughters, by a reception in Rice Gallery plays the guitar, reads and lis- Hobbies: Theatre: Music; Art; and Travel where Falkner formally greeted tens to music. He likes folk- over 100 campus community rock groups, especially "The Likes: Elizabeth Costello by J. M. Coetzee; members. Byrds" and prefers to watch American Splendor and Adaptation The Se-year-old Professor movies that blur the bound- of Classical Studies at The Col- aries between art and reality. lege of Wooster in Ohio has pre- Falkner officially starts Elementary School Aspiration: Wanted to viously served as Dean of the work on july 1, but will be vis- teach Faculty and as acting Vice Presi- iting campus between now dent for Academic Affairs. He and then to become more ac- Greatest Academic Achievement: Major college curriculum revision and also developed several study- quainted with the college and abroad programs in Greece, find housing in the area. spent a semester reading Vergil's Aeneid in Latin with a student Kenya and Thailand. Sam Case, retiring Pro- Committed to expanding vost and Dean of the Faculty, Most people don't know: "In my college years, I saw the folk-rock group campus diversity, broadening has just one piece of advice for 'The Byrds' some 17 times in four years!" international opportun.ities and his successor. leading the college through cur- "Listen," said Case, riculum reform, Falkner said "just listen." that he is excited by what he senses to be "new energy and determination on the part of Campus Safetublot ter McDaniel to win its fair share of regional and national atten- tion." Falkner does not want to leave the classroom entirely. At Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status Wooster, he continued to teach Assault Hands/Feet Whiteford Hall one course each year and hopes 2/20/04 12:52 AM Burglary Forcible Entry Blanche Ward Hall Closed by Report AM 2/21/0410:30 to continue the tradition at 2/21/046,OOPM Burglary Entry w / a Force Blanche Ward Hall Inactive Open McDaniel by possibly teaching 2/21/047:30 PM Harassment In Person Carden Apt. Lot Open a Jan-term course. Disorderly Conduct Disturbing the Peace North Village 2/22/04 12:20 AM Open "I want so badly to find 2/22/04 1:15 AM Disorderly Conduct Disturbing the Peace Blanche Ward Hall some way to have close contact 2/22/04 2:25 AM Disorderly Conduct Disturbing the Peac~ Garden Apt. Bldg. 3 Closed by Report Closed by Report with students," said Falkner. "I 2/22/0410:19 AM Trespassing Bugler Dining Hall Pending Court Outcome love to teach- but I understand 2/24/0412:24 AM Drug Violation Possession Rouzer Hall Pending Court Outcome that I'm here to do a few other 2/25/04956 PM Larceny Shoplifting Decker Student Center Closed by Report things." 2/26/046:10 PM Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Historic Drive Open Falkner admitted to hav- 2/26/049:00 PM Tampering with Fire Extinguishers Rouzer Hall Inactive ing trouble drawing the line 2/27/04 12:29 PM Harassment Phone whiteford Hall Open between his personal and pro- 2/29/041227 AM Drug Violation Paraphernalia Bla'nche Ward Hall Pending Court Outcome fessional lives. He is currently 2/29/041BO AM Driving Under the Influence Carroll Hall Lot Pending Court Outcome researching the renaissance of 2/29/041N9 AM Assault Hands/Feet McDaniel Hall Open Greek tragedy and modern the- 2/29/04 530 AM Drug Violation Possession Blanche Ward Hall Report Incomplete 2/2/9/047,00 PM atrical interpretations of the Harassment Phone McDaniel Hall Closed by Report texts. "I like going to the shows "There were also 13 incidents of underage alcohol possesion and two for possesion of an open container in a public area so much it's actually notwork,"
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