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TUTI10N TO INCREASE BY 6.9% NEXT SEMESTER Westminster, MD Vol. 1 No.2 Campus media The Vagina Theatre produc- deal with budget Monologues will tion is a wacky success. concerns be presented on See story on page 6. See story on page 3. March 26 Fans from the McDaniel campus community (left) supported the lady Terror basketball team as they defeated Johns Hopkins University 59- 57towinthe Centennial Conference Champion- ship (right). See story on page 12. Falkner to be new provost, dean of faculty HEATHER WEISSE 'make sure you give us some- "l knew he was exactly Like all freshmen, NEWS EDITOR one we can respect." said what we need," said Coley. Faulkner rang the bell in Red "Theswim team set all the goals Fennell, professor of educa- "He'll fit in great with the it set out to accomplish," The grueling six-month tion and search committee team." [See Provost continued all page Easterdaysaid. Swim team sets search process ended last member. "I think with Dr. 21 personal and team best timesat week with the announcement Falkner we have that." ConferenceChampionships of McDaniel's 11th official Falkner was chosen Provost and Dean of the Fac- from a pool of four finalists ulty. selected by the search com- The Passion, page_ 5 President Joan Develin mittee. Caley made the final Coley told faculty members hiring decision. that Dr. Thomas Falkner She offered the position would step into the role of to Falkner while they were chief academic officer at a both attending a conference mid-day meeting on March 2. sponsored by the American According to Dr. Skip Council on Education in Mi- Fennell, the room erupted ami, Florida. After a two-and- with cheering and clapping- a-half hour conversation, even exclamations that "you Coley asked Falkner if he might hear at a basketball would sign a contract. MelGibson's "The Passionof game." the Christ" isa holypunch to "When we first started According to Coley, the gut that leavesviewers this search, one faculty mem- Falkner was a bit taken aback more winded than by the quick offer. evangelized ber said to the committee New Provost Thomas Falkner rings the bell in Red Square to commemorate his start at McDaniel. Incidents raise questions about Club Room safety KATRINA CULLEY Safety suspected use of mari- Student Union. Hospital and then Shock STAFF WRITER juana. Shortly after the police However, this time, the Trauma, where he spent two clubroom last weekend," said Club room parties on the arrived, a fight broke out in police were called because of days. Pourhman is now recov- Phillip Sayre, dean of Student Affairs. McDaniel campus have been front of Blanche Ward Hall a fight that broke out inside ering at home, according to Sayre, Webster, and Liz a long standing trad.ition and. between a student and an the Club Room between sev- Captain Randy Barnes of the Towle, Director of Residence are rising in populanty. How- alum while another fight oc- eral people attending that Westminster City Police. Life met with the BSU Execu- ever several incidents, the curred simultaneously in the event. "I understand it was quite nve Council on Monday, March most recent involving the hos- North Village Apartments. "The students involved a brawl," said Barnes. l , to discuss ideas to improve pitalization of a Westminster The club room was in the fight did not attend Fourhman could not recall the control of students and City Police officer have faculty cleared out prior to its sched- McDaniel. To be honest with anyone assaulting him, Barnes guests attending future BSU and students wondering, uled closing time. The fight you, to my eye, they looked added. So no one was arrested club rooms. "What else can we do to keep was probably not the result of older than the typical stu- as a result. Fourhman was un- They discussed many op- these gatherings safe and fun?" the club room itself, said dent," Webster said. available for comment. tions, including limiting the On February 21, Mike Webster, Director of Westminster City Police "I want to stress that the Club Rooms to students only Westminster City Police were Campus Safety. The follow- Officer Eric Fourhman problems we are having are not and limiting the number of called to a Club Room hosted ing week, on February 28th, severly injured his back while with our McDaniel students. guests students could bring to by the sorority Phi Sigma the Westminster City Police trying to break up the fight. Our students behaved wonder- Sigma because McDaniel Col- were again called to a Club He was quickly transported fully and were all really help- {See Clubroom continued all lege Department of Campus Room hosted by the Black to Carroll County General ful in the incident at the BSU page 2]
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