Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 12
Dmen TiJffilr SPOKIS Vo!'l No.1 February 26, 2004, Page 12 Women's basketball has Wrestling team urnrtor,gettableseason heads confidently with 5.9. Closely trailing record in the Centennial Con- into conferences KIM LOWRY Costa in average points per ference with most points SPORTS WRITER game are junior Kelly Cramp scored in a 103-100 victory The McDaniel College (10.9) and freshman Katy over rival Muhlenberg. Women's Basketball Team is Powell (7.3). Even more remarkable At the top of individual well on their way to is the fact that the team ERIN ROMANSKI performances is freshman Mike their second Cen- has been ranked na- SENIOR WRITER Valentino, wrestling at 174. He tennial Conference tionally by Ending the 2003 - retumeg from an absence to go Championship in d a na- 2004 winter season 2-0,earning a 10-9decision over three years with a tional ranking done by strongly, Green Terror Dave Kraus at Johns Hopkins record of 20-3, de- ,a panel of 25 coaches, wrestling stands at second during the February 3 match. spite their lack of in- sports information di- place for the second year in "We're looking good go- tercollegiate expert- rectors, and media a row, battling Ursinus for ing into conferences," Valentino members that is up- With lone se- dated weekly. This na- a top position in the Cen- said. "I think we have a chance tennial Conference Cham- to do pretty well. All the guys nior and captain tional ranking means a pionships. Toby Mcintire, great deal to the solo Also competing at the are looking, forward to it." Among other strong co~- many believed 20b3- seruor. conference championships ference contenders are junior 2004 would be a re- "Nobody ex- are Johns Hopkins, Dan Patterson, leader of the 141 building season. pected much from us Muhlenberg, Gettysburg weight class, with a seasonal Despite the critics, this season ... it's like a and Washington & Lee. record of 16-2,and senior Drew the Green Terror slap in the face to those With a record of 4-1in Reinecker, holding a record of have forged against who doubted us." said the conference matches, 17-3in the heavyweight class. the odds to produce Mclntire. McDaniel will compete in Other strong competitors one of the best sea- The recent suc- every weight class at the include freshman Mark sons Head Coach cess of the team has re- February 21 champion- Nakasone at 149, who earned Becky Martin has sulted in a rather large ships, to be held in Wilkes- five major decisions this season, ever experienced. bandwagon. The team Barre, Pa. . Blake at 157. Their near flawless generated the highest I and junior Mikey stint thus far in the attendance this year Centennial Confer- versus enemy Johns ence (16-1) puts Hopkins, with 1,024 fans packed into Gill them in prime posi- Sophomore Kri,lyC",ta has played. large rol. in the women·, tion for post-season basketb.llte.m· •• "cressful""wn Center. play. "We're looking to Martin plans on making it Not only is this team break that record; we have to the playoffs, and has her boasting incredible numbers, more fan base than some of Sights on another conference but it is breaking records at the local Division Ischools," ring. She attributes the success the same time. said Martin. The team has an of the team to overall talent The women set the average of 405 fans at each and team chemistry. record for most consecutive home game; this is more than "This team has a great wins in a season with 11 after UMBC, Loyola, and Mt. St personality," stated Martin. their trouncing of the visiting Mary's combined. "We all get along on and Gettysburg Bullets. "I love going to the off the court... each player con- In those 11 consecutive games because r know DAVESfNCLAIR tributes to the team in her own wins, the women had beaten they're going to win," junior At 17·3,scniorD",w Reine
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