Page 11 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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SPORTS FEBRUARY 26, 2004 - Page 11 Green and Gold Club supports By The McDaniel Varsityathletes Numbers and Gold is to benefit the stu- the dollar is restricted to the dow decal, the newsletter, and ERIN ROMANSKI dent athlete's overall educa- SENIOR WRITER sport that the giver specifies, periodic electronic updates on tional experience. These ath- and the remaining 10 cents post-season play, student-ath- 13 Consecutive wins Phase one of the Green letes make up almost 30 per- goes into a general athletic lete awards, and other special and Gold athletic cent of pool." events. by the McDaniel booster club is to estab- While alumni "We have found that women's basketball team, lish a broad base of an- make up the majority of undergrads and alums really a school record. nual givers who have a donators, at 57 percent, want to give back the same desire to support Green the club also has a fair depth of the experience they Terror student athletes share of support from have enjoyed here," Primm 9 Total wins last season who love their sport. •• parents and miscella- said. Founded in Janu- neous others. As the Green and Gold by the Washington ary 2003, the Green and "An orthopedic newsletter states, "McDaniel Mystics (not a record). Gold CI'ub has been "the surgeon donated a whirl- College believes strongly that real thrust behind a sup- pool for the trainers in athletics are an integral part of port program for Green. one lump sum," Primm the total education program." 10 Pins registered Terror athletics," according to the total undergraduate en- said. "If you look at the new Director of Special Projects, rollment. campus master plan, you can For more information about this season by McDaniel Marcus Lee Primm. "If people choose to see that we hope to have tile Green and Gold Club, or to freshman wrestler Mark Primm, a member of the give money to the Green and other expanded athletic facili- make a donation, please contact Nakasone. McDaniel Development De- Gold Club, 100 percent of ties in the future." Lee Primm at (410) 857-2224, or partment, sa~s that t~e founda- their gift goes to athletics," All club members re- x2224, or bye-mail at tional premIse behind Green Primm said. "Ninety cents on ceive team schedules, a win- 5 Total pins executed by the entire Washington & Spring sports Division IIIpreview Lee University wrestling team. McDaniel College History. and hopes to add to that to- turning a solid nucleus led by JOE HORROCKS Head Coach Jim Townsend tal thisseaso Broderick Maybank and .824 ~Free-throw SPORTS WRITER Kristy Costa. Maybank, a Ter- will return a solid squad led On the baseball dia- percentage of McDaniel by defender Josh Hanlon, a mond, head coach Dave ror football player as well, ex- \ With the weather warm- cels in both the long and triple freshman. Kyle O'Connor. ing and the snow melting soon, pre-season All-American, Seibert will be returning a jumps for the Terror and also and Rob Weaver, who netted the Green Terror sports teams solid squad including first- competes in sprint competi- 16 goals and dished out 43 will soon leave the comforts of assists last season, second team All-Conference short- tions. the Gill Center and return out- stop Ryan Shotzberger. Costa, also a starter on 32n d Rankingby side for the spring sports sea- most in the nation. Shotzberger, a senior, batted the women's basketball team, percentage O'Connor Women's Lacrosse will son Women's Golf is the be starting the season with a .351 with six home runs and set school records in both the would hold if in the NBA only returning Centennial Con- new head coach, Marjorie drove in 26 runs last season. javelin and discus and will today, knocking out Jason ference Champion, but the rest Senior Hurler David look to improve upon her of the nine spring sports teams Bliss, taking over for the de- "Moo~efl Skoczlas will be the numbers this year. Terry of the Atlanta Hawks parted Mindy McCord. B~ss will look to bring home a con- will rely heavily on the seruor ace of the McDaniel pitching With all of the talent tak- and just below Stephon staff, posting an ERA of 3.63 ference crown for the college. leadership of attacker Sara ing the field for the Green Ter- Marbury of the NY Knicks. Men's Lacrosse will be Thomas, who totaled 27 last season while striking out ror this spring season, the vying for a title in one of the top points including 17goals and 46 batters and allowing less Green Terror faithful will have conferences in the entire coun- 10 assists. than one hit per inning a lot to cheer for. 14.625Amount, try. . Junior attacker Kim pitched. The team will look to Lowry also returns for the George Dix's softball fAt tile time of print there in millions, Stephon build off of last season's 10-3 Terror. Lowry recorded the team will be the favorite to were insufficient resources to Marbury will be paid next record 'and go to the NCAA mostpoints,32, of any player win the softball crown in the cover tile men's golf team or ei- season. playoffs for the first time, in Centennial. Dix will rerum an ther tennis team. Boll! will appear returning to this year's team experienced and talented crew including 2003 Centen- in the next issue.] nial Conference Player of the Year, Samantha Abrams. Abrams holds 17 school records and will fo;m a dy- 410,840,')662 "1]0,8-18.1314 namic duo with 2002 Centen- nial Conference Pitcher of the HOUSE OF LIQUORS Year, Kim Campanelli. Campanelli owns the only perfect game in McDaniel College history Uguor Sl!!lcials Wine S~ecial~ and along with Abrams has Captain M0'Jl"n 820.99 carlo Rossi Wines accounted for an 81-22 (t.75L) S7.99 record over the past three sea- (4L) 8acardl ught 8t6.99 franzia Blush $7.99 Head coach Michael (1.75l) (Slllo,) Diehl and the women's golf team will look to defend its Beer Specials conference crown in 2004. Diehl will look to Centennial Keystone Ught 810.79 (30 Pack cans) Conference Individual Natural Light $9.99 (Cos. cans) Champion Kelly Cramp to Corona (Reg. or Lt.) 821.99 (cas. Bottles) last year shooting a two day 1--------1 lead the way. Cramp, also a on 'the women's standout basketball team, won the title $7.99 Case Cans I 10% Off total of 161. track I Milwaukee's Best I liquor or Wine1 The outdoor team is hoping to run its way (Reg., Lt., Ice) Expires 3/31/04 to a conference champion- No Umit with Coupon I Excludes Sale lIems 1 ship for head coach Doug I -------- Renner. Renner wil! be re- Dave Sckoklas of McDaniel's baseball team.
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