Page 72 - Phoenix2003
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Dmen Sports T/1ff1lr Volume XXVIII Number 6 Tuesday November 25,2003 ~ Page 12 His time for the 8k (5 mile) race was 26:26. almost identical to the time he later posted at Nationals. Success though. has not come easy. Hugus, a runner throughout his high school "For me the joy of running is in setting goals, however small or large they may be, and then 1) Kansas City Chiefs achieving them." years, has developed a serious work ethic. Over this past summer, Hugus trained prt- manly for distance running, After his freshmen year at McDaniel, 3) The Detroit PIstons Hugus made small changes that helped his: performance. "The twochaoges that I would say mally helped t&'ine tifthehext}evel tlds"Year 4.) Mark McGwlre were my long runs and my mental focus." Goals also played it big part in Hugus' rise to the top of his sport. "For me tho Joy of running i. Throw me the damn ... microphone? Keyshawn Johnson's exploits have finally caught up with him Pat O'Toole Assistant Sports Editor Didn't get your article published in the Phoenix this semester? Join the statT for the spring term and let your voice be heard.
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