Page 57 - Phoenix2003
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SPORTS Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page J3 Hoover Library The Prankster: Head Women's Basketball hosts pre-game ex- hibit Coach Becky Martin of sports memora- Born, raised, and having con- The ultimate goal for all these bilia and sculpture tinued residence in Westminster. young women is to become net welfare of students is what sell McDaniel. she planned to coach and leach at only the best basketball players She also feels that McDanie McDaniel College Announcement a Carroll County H.igh schoot.. they can. but also the best people provides a quality education and i What motivates a practical joke Professional coaching was not they can. She places so little focus worth the money. As a full-lim When the football team takes on a consideration. johns Hopkins Saturday, Nov. 15, nd what is it that separates the on wins and losses, she could not coach. spare time is eginning, Martin has Jed her team is [0 understand and reach 18-23- is an incredibly hard process. Kristin Schwartzman, a clos ~he film clips, available only dur- year-old women. Annually, Martin must con- friend of Man in, said, "She had th Ing Saturday's event. o multiple playoff berths and con- erence chanlpionships. "1 want my players to give me vince young ladies to come play at police tell the girls of vandalism The library's exhibit of sports In the 1988-89 season, Martin 100%, I don', want to have to take McDaniel. She must also convince broken windshields and other dam memorabilia, photographs, and as named MAC Southern Coach it," Martin says. parents to invest close to $Joo,ooo ages to several cars. The girls wer game programs will run through f rbe Year.Marun joined the She feels that by reaching the for their daughters. shaking in their shoes." Dec. 5. One of the game programs McDaniel coaching staff as an as- players on a more personal level, This sales pitch is made easier The goal was to make the girl from 1935 boasts a IS-cent price .istant during her graduate studies as well as making practice fun and by Martin's belief in her program. tattle on themselves: adnut ro deeo tag; a photo features former Presi- dem Lowell S. Ensor playing with tWMC. enjoyable, her players will give re- She knows her program will nor rating her car ill order to deny an lien cubs. During graduate school, she be- spect, hard work, and dedication in only help with basketball but also other vandalism. ame a graduate assistant. As a grad return. with Iife. The officer then left Martin witl ba Stan~ing in the library's large, ssistant. Marlin taught skill Martin believes in having fun Junior Kelly Cramp is not only ck wmdow is a sculpture of a her team saying a course of actio lasses in the Exercise Science and and enjoying practice, as long as a player for Martin, bur also an would be decided when he re ~OOtball tackle by Joe Brown, a hysical Education department. the job gets done. While being advisee. Cramp feels that Marlin turned. The officer returned an ?xer and renowned sculptor who to coach She was also required died in 1985. hree sports: volleyball, baskcrbal], close 10 her players elicits hard has helped ber off the court as opened his briefcase of "evidence.' Note: The library is open from work, she concedes the close-knit much, if not more, than on the The evidence: toilet paper and pea nd track. In return for her work, group makes decisions harder than court. nut buuer, the same materials lISC 8 a.m. to midnight Monday through tw-MC paid for her graduate stud- they have to he. Martin also feels that the naru- to "decorate" Milrtin's CM. ;~Ursday, from 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. os. Naturally, the ultimate goal of ml beuuty anll mnl(lsphere of the For anyone who feels a pran May, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, and noon to midnight Sunday Prior [Q being a graduate ~tu- every season is to win a champion- C
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