Page 19 - Phoenix2003
P. 19
FEATURES "First and foremost the driving force is my parents, they have done such an arnazingjob. "Knowing that there is something better at the end of the line." Since I was five I wanted to be a pediatri- - Brian Reneaum, sophomore cian, so the need to go to Medical school has also been a driving force to make me succeed. Finally being involved in Phi Mu has moti vated me acadernicaliy but aJso just to be a better person." "Inner dri ve to be the best I can be - Jess Zimmerman, junior in everything." - Eft Eyo, junior "I am motivated to get up every morning because of the prospect of a new day." - Marcia Robusto, sophomore "The satisfaction I get at the end motivates me, from having felt like I accomplished something. Sometimes its only a smile on someone's face for doing somethmg ruce "The preparation for what parents calls the for them, that warm fuzzy feeling." real world." - Sarah Tracey, sophomore - Mike Groft, sophomore Photography and Quotations by - Bayley
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