Page 18 - Phoenix2003
P. 18
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff r=====================~~F~r=e~sh~D1==a=n==~ Editors-In-Chief Corner Erin Romanski '04 Beware LeRoy McDuffie '05 Welcome to Arrestville, Maryland beware-you not signe have News Editor GREEN EVES Freshmen up for four years of higher educa yourself Katie Martin '06 tion at a school similar to those seen in "Ani What are we going to do with you, mal House," "Road Trip," or "Old Schoo).' Features Editor Green Eyes? I remember my naive freshman mental Laura Petersen '06 ity, filled with expectations of wild parties booze, good friends, and good laughs. I Time after time you've made a fool these things Co-Commentary Editors of yourself. you really want to experience for Westminste better you'd do it quietly, Jamie Fallows '06 You know what I'm talking about: police are always on the prowl. Brian Patterson '05 Recently, college officials revealed the 18 student arrests have occurred during th sacrificing your Saturday nights, first two weeks of classes. Sports Editor On September IO lh , the numbers mad Ryan Brod '06 sitting by the phone, front page headlines in the Carroll Count Pressed against a relaxed cheek wearing masterpiece make-up section of Pte Baltimore Sun. Assistant Sports Editor Arms circling his sleeping lover and cute little matching bra and The number of violations and arrests fo this year are startling, but they're norhin Pat O'Toole '07 Her heartbeat pulsing next to his pantie sets- all for them, new. I could rattle off at least 25 of my friend, Advertising Manager He lays his head against the pillow all for nothing. who have received violations in the past, an Dirk Sampselle '06 Ihave to include myself on the list. Some Drawing her content form times I feel that McDaniel College sboul In his warm embrace Once again, you got your hopes up: Photographers save students from a shock. and declare th Stepfanie Lilly '07 Kissing his love goodnight. Reality program a graduate requirement. Cam The fact is, police are everywhere. Fruzsina Nagy '04 Maybe this time: pus safety is now considered ordained offlc Jenn Parry '05 -by Carrie Councill it will be different, ers. he will respect me, I know what you're thinking. youn Subscriptions Manager there will be romance, freshmen, "Why? What's the deal?" Th Katie Martin '06 WANTED Iwon't get hurt- answer is right in front of your face. It's al around you. maybe this lime it will be true love. It has swallowed you up. I'm ralkin Senior Writers about the wesrmonster. Westminster is no Christi anna Bagby '04 Why do you always make these necessarily a bad little town. In fact. ther Fruzsina Nagy '04 Thoughts, feelings, and opinions mistakes ate areas that are downright peaceful ant Beth McLane '07 moments in life. quaint However, in my opinion, McDanie are' is located in the most dangerous College Andrea Santoriello '04 and then let them haunt you? of Westminster. Robbie Saville '04 Main Street. Pennsylvania Avenue, an Becky Selletti '04 Why are you sitting on the bath- Union Street border the college. Ihave live IF YOU WOULD LIKE T room counter, off campus since my sophomore year, lin Staff Writers SUBMIT POETRY TO TH gazing into your own eyes in the have daily, first-hand knowledge of the ac Sarah Black '07 PHEONIX, SEND IT T mirror, tiviues that OCcur outside the perimeter 0 our school. Bailey Fannin '05 JAMIE FALLOWS, talking to yourself? The college continuously reminds stu Rob Goeke '07 Box 1190, dents to be considerate of the neighborin Lindsay Graham '07 residents of the school. However, I thin Brad Groover '05 Come on, Green Eyes, snap out of it's about time for the college to ask the com Beth McLane '07 it! munity to consider the importance of . for students striv healthy, safe environment Amalie Shaffer '07 ing for higher education. Was the colleg Walter Zalis 04 not even fazed when a student was stabbe last semester on Pennsylvania Avenue? Why are the students getting arrested an Adviser given violations when there is drug use jus Terry Dalton footsteps away from the coJlege? (And w all know I'm not talking about marijuana.) TIle Phoenix is published biweekly. The opin We go to school in a somewhat shad ions expressed do not necessarily representthosco suburb of Baltimore, Unfortunately, Idon' The Phoenix stall the faculty,orthc administrators 0 always feel as though students are embrace McDaniel College. by the community, and continuously slap The paper wclcomes free-lance submissions 0 ping shackles on our feet will not make m Macintoshdisks in most word pnx:essorformats. feel more welcome. editors I'CSCIVcthcright to edit for clarity, length, The school suffered the embarrassmen libeland to publish as space permits. All submission (cxcJudingsclf-addresscddiskcUcs)bccorrethe of negative press on September IOU', and erty of TIle Phoenix and cannot be returned. don't think that itis entirely the fault 0 PicascincllJdeanamcandphonenul1'llx:rforvcri McDaniel College students who drink alec fication. Names will be wilhhcld only by the discre bel. tionoftheEditors-in-Chief. That's too black and white for my Iik The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age ing. If the school wants to avoid anothe racc,religion, gendcr,sexualoricntation, national oti sticky situation similar to this recent episode gin, condition of handicap, or marital status. the police and community need to ease u on students. We are not the outrageous, wil Mail to: Fruzsina Nagy student body portrayed on the front page 0 The Phoenix McDaniel College, 2 Collcgc Hill One of the many uprooted trees, here 17w Baltimore Sun. We are a confined cam Westmirl~ter,MD 21157 pus struggling to find our niche in an un (410)751-8600 outside Village Apt. 193, on-campus pleasant area of town. FAX: (410) 857-2729 during Hurricane Isabel, E-Mail: phocnix@mcdaniel.e
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