Page 17 - Phoenix2003
P. 17
COMMENTARY Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page 5 Welcome to Jack Great Start for The Phoenix's Daniel's College Fall Semester Jamie Fallows reacts to THE PHOENIX STAFF the college's party-school Let's go streaking! The first two issues of the Phoenix this semester have been the best reputation Let's vomit in the showers! due to our young and energetic staff. Men, use the Ladies' room to re Have you ever seen that lieve y.oursel.v~s.1tdoesn't matter i At the beginning if each semester, the newspaper usually tends to movie Animal House? If you you rmss- this IS the number I part start out slow and then tends to pick up momentum. What I haven't don't worry- you're in it. school in Maryland! As~anyofyouhaveheardby Let's all get so drunk that w have seen thus far has been outstanding. now, The Baltimore Sun pub- don't realize who the person we'r The freshmen members of the Phoenix have shown great tished an anicle on September 10 talking to is, but decide to have se dedication even though this is their first year in college. about the twenty-four drug and with them anyway! alcohol arrests made within the Girls, let's go to parties and ge The amount of time and effort needed to complete the newspaper is first two weeks of school. so intoxicated that we lose no easy task. Some are calling McDaniel consci~usness and get raped. College "the Number I party While we're at it-let's all For example, many of the editors have spent countless hours school in Maryland." forget to use condoms and sprea during layout weekend, and many have stayed until the early morning I have even heard some sexually transmitted diseases! hours putting their finishing touches on their articles and layout spreads. people refer to the school as "Jack Let's all get in our cars and g Daniel's College." driving under the influence! Mayb I hope that this energetic bunch of crackerjack journalists will be Some people are shocked and we'll get lucky and get a trip to th able to maintain their levels of interest in the Phoenix for the rest of the appalled by these statistics, while hospital! year. with all experiment others ne af all. aren't surprised Let's 1--------- drugs and laugh at each other whil If the first two issues are any indicators, look for great new "We have two choices our br~in cells die .. material in future issues of the Phoenix. Let s... oh ... wart, man .. I forgo here: We can either what I was going to say ... show them what we're Hopefully you've realized b Parking Continued really made of, or we ~::a~;t,~~p~~~~~~T~~~o can just do what they DO THESE THINGS! (My dee dred vehicles. with it." An appeal must be made in expect of us. " 6~~~:SSt~f~~; ~e;~~t:~l:~:~lall The actual Dumber of permits Many students I spoke to did writing and given to Campus given out was actually higher than partially agree with those points of Safety within 10 days in order to rook me seriouslyl) So whatdowedon~w?Cam- You see. everything that I liste 1000, but Webster says those sta- view, but there are some rules that be reviewed by the student appeals ~us Safety and Westminster Po- above is what people think happen. tistics are misleading. "The num- do not totally make sense. Webster board llcesaythatpa~olsshouldbein_ at a art school. We have tw ber of permits is not a direct cor- said, ''To park legally, students must If this writing is not made creased to curtail student drug and ChOic~s h~re: We can either sho relation 10 the number of autos park in a marked spotoron the grass within the time limit. then the ticket alcohol use. My grandmother, an them what we're really made of, 0 parking as almost all employees, along the stadium," is tacked right on a studentts tuition alumn~, says that the c?Uege and we can just do what they ex ect c and most commuter and grad stu- After consulting the parking bill. westminster communny should us. P dents, have multiple cars regis- rules that come with a decal, there According to Webster, the ap- enforce tougher .p~nish~ents on One thing you should know abou tered," he says. is no mention of legal places to park peals board consists of one gradu- tho.s~ .who partrcrpare In these me is that I'm "straight-edge." I don't know about you, but I in the grass. ate student, a commuter student. only have one car registered. Without mention of such a rule, and a resident student. acnvrues. . h hi don't drink or do drugs of any kind A 101 of people see ~ at tIS Incverhaveandprobablyncverwil! Not only that, but everyone I how can there be difference in grass These three review all the ap- college is more than a giant ~eg and there's a reason for this. talked to only has one car regis- spots all around the campus? peals, dozens a year, but without party and want to do everything You see aside from the physica tered at the school. I received a ticket for parking in the presence of the student making in their power to s~ve the s.chool effects of drinking and doing drugs I'm sorry, but in 1).0 way, shape, the grass on the second level of the the appeal. from a bad reputation. my integrity is at stake. or form do I believe that the only parking lot near the gym, with the When I receive a ticket out there Well, r say we live up to that I don't want people thinking 0 reason there are more permits than reasoning written on it, "not a in that big 01' real world, I get to spaces is because most people space." have my side of the story heard, reputation! me the way that the communit Let's start by setting a bonfire views McDaniel. have multiple cars registered. How can one possibly distin- along with the officer. on the football field to celebrate I acknowledge that those of yo l'd also like to see several hun- guish between legal grass spots Looks like justice is partially the new name change, ~en throw that drink or use drugs have your rea dred vehicles actually fit onto the when there is no rule set forth for blind in this certain situation. Bud Light on it to put It out be- sons. stadium grass. grass spots? Webster says, "Usually the only fore Campus Safety shows up! The most frequent reason tha Now, when someone does reg- I know I much rather see my appeals that are actually appealed ister to park, they receive a pam- $25 from this ticket go somewhere are ones having to due with their No. wait, that would be a I've come across thus far is boredom waste of beer ... let's use that al- Granted there isn't much to do i phlet that explains the rules of else other than this magic pot that decal not being seen by the officer, cohol-free beer to extinguish the westminster, but do we really hav parking on campus. Many students Webster claimed all the money from when it is in fact there." Generally, (including myself) feel some as- parking violations went to. a small percentage of appeals ac- blaze! to resort to such a lifestyle? Let's all go outside and There bas to be something els pects of the ticket policy are un- The appearance of a ticket also tually succeed. fair. bothers me. The officers leave a scream annoyingly until the wee to do! I find many of these policies. hours of the morning. disturbing I'm sitting here with a copy 0 As for Webster's view on the number as a signature, not a name. from the lack of specification in our neighbors I The Sun in my lap, and I'm readin ticket policy, he called it "over(ly) Webster says this is done for rea- what grass spots are acceptable, to Do they really expect to sleep that article for the hundredth time. fair." He is not alone in his view, sons of speed. He claims that offic- the entire appeals process to be in a college town like this? There's this one quote that stick as both Sayre and Seidel agreed ers save time by writing a three- unacceptable. digit number of their entire to the rule of instead with him. In regard And while we're bothenng out the most: Westminster polic Just because we have not our neighbors, let's urina~ on. Capt. Randy F. Barnes remarked, "1 lowing cars after eight tickets, last name. grown in parking as the school has their lawns and defecate In their is a real shame because McDaniel i. Sayre said, "I think that it is fair, I'm sorry, but if you're going to grown in population, does not children's sand boxes! an excellent school." bUI perhaps too liberal. charge me my hard-earned money mean students should be penalized Let's smoke pot in ou.r dorm I couldn't have said it better my Some people have suggested because I parked on a small piece for silly reasons. rooms and see how long It ~es self. we should tow after just four or of grass that was not deemed fit, I have received three tickets, to set off the smoke alarms. five tickets." you'd better tell me who you are. and quite honestly, I'm getting Let's leave trash all over -Jamie Fallows is a Seidel said many students receive And what is this nonsense with it quite sick of seeing these $25 town-I'm talking cardboard 12- sophomore tickets due to their own laziness. taking too long to write a last name? charges pop up on my tuition bill. pack containers, bottle caps, Studio Art major "Students get tickets because Is that hilarious to anyone else? I know our situation is not as bad empty plastic bags, broken ~lass, they park where it is One last aspect of the ticket as a other schools, but these prob- and discarded food con tamers convenient. .. There are other policy at McDaniel that drives me lems I think should still be ad- from our midnight- munchie spaces; they simply aren't close crazy is the appeal process. dressed. enough to classes to satisfy stu- The procedure for making an ap- -Walter Zalis is a senior attacks! dents. peal is written on a sheet given to English major. And they just can't get away students with their parking decal. ,... ... _~_""""""""" ,"" .• J'.
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