Page 14 - Phoenix2003
P. 14
------~---------- Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page 2 NEWS The English Major Itself ...RELIGION staff workers for support. Members of IVCF Continued Undergoes Revision Wheeler criticizes from Page 1. also think a coordinator of religious life would benefit the campus community. the college for not hav- try to in- The college does not, however, ing a school official in charge of religious hibit religious groups in any way. "We try to After the Dr. Panek and other professors BRIAN PATTERSON finished outlining the new major most SlU- life. It would help to promote religious di- include in OUfadvertising that students have Co-Commentary Editor dents did not feel the changes would have versity on campus, and ensure that religion (he option of joining a religious group ... The English department announced new that great deal of an impact on them as stu- is not overlooked by the administration, ac- however we emphasize it as a choice nOI a cording to Wheeler. requirements for students who will be ma- dents. The only complaint by some upper- "I would like to see a campus minister in requirement," said Philip Sayre, dean of Stu- joring in the subject. The new major will give classmen was that they would not be here charge of organizing religious activities," dent Affairs. students more freedom to choose the types when the new writing courses will be of- said the Rev. Brian Nolan, associate pastor According to Sayre, the decision to abol- of classes they take, and at the same time fered next fall. The courses include, Writ- at St. John's Catholic Church, who also does ish the position of coordinator of religious focus more on developing writing skills. ing in Digital Environments, Writing in campus ministry work at McDanieL Nolan life was a result of several factors. One was that Intervarsity Christian Fellowship as- On Tuesday September 9 the department Professional Contexts, and Writing in Law for current help from the admin- met with many of the English majors in or- and Policy. is thankful but would like to see the organiza- signed Josh Foster to campus ministry. This istration, der to explain the new requirements. Cur- These courses will be part of the new tions gain more occurred at the same time Lancaster left the rent majors have the option of either com- writing minor that will debut next fall and support from the '(Religion should be college. Foster works full time and is able to pleting the old major or fulfilling the new will be taught by two new professors to do more than someone who would be em- requirements. Anyone who becomes an En- McDaniel, Kathryn Dobson and Julia college. a part of the ployed part time by 'the college, according glish major in the future will, of course, have Jasken. Dobson is an associate professor of Mc~a~:t pVr;v~~ college's mission, to to Sayre. to complete the new major. English and received her Ph. D in English ously had a coor- develop the mind, Sayre said another reason for not replac- Students will now be required to take a from the University of Maryland, while body, and soul," ing Lancaster is the size of McDaniel. Larger general introduction course and one extra Jasken is a professor of English and is cur- dinator of reli- schools are able to hire specific people for 3000 level class. The categories of classes rently pursuing he Ph. D. at Michigan ~ieov~s lifeM:~~ said Nolan" specific groups, but a smaller school is not for the major have been decreased to allow Technological University. Lancaster worked at the school from 1991 able to do that, according to Sayre. students to take four electives. A new cat- The new writing courses were developed to 200 I. One of his roles was to act as a re- "By looking for resources outside of the egory requires students to take a class "that to focus on specific areas of writing that stu- college organizations are better able to meet source for students on an individual basis, their individual needs," said Sayre. "Who examines a historically underrepresented dents will encounrer when the graduate, ac- helping them with religious struggles. He would we hire for' that position? A United group," according to the new departmental cording to Dobson. For example, Writing also-helped campus religious organizations Methodist minister would not be able to meet outlines. in Professional contexts will focus on writ- to plan events. His position was only part The reason for the changes is that English ing in the work place. The courses still need time, as he was also the director of the an- the [spiritual] needs of all the students." majors, "should know everything," said de- 10be approved by the school, and that is why nual fund for some of that time. Sayre gives these reasons even though the partment chair Dr. Leroy Panek jokingly. they will not be offered until next fall. school was far smaller when Lancaster was hired and was somehow able ...Activities Fair "I am Loved" buttons, the Domestic Vio- to retain him Continued from Page 1. lence Rally, and Neighbors in Need. They for 10 years. also plan to adopt a family in Westminster How- and rush activites, such as open smokers. for Christmas or Thanksgiving. ever, one Cen- Some greeks advertised plans for upcom- Also present were the service organiza- tennial Con- ing service activites. Phi Sigma Sigma re- tions Best Buddies International, Circle K, ference school vealed plans for Alcohol Awareness Week, HYPE (Harnessing Youth's Positive En- that has a including lighting luminaries on Oct. 8. They ergy), and STAY (Students Teaching campus chap- plan to volunteer at soup kitchens and at the America's Youth). lain IS Lineboro Fire Hall on Halloween. They are Other student organizations also have a Muhlenberg also participating in a Rock-a-Thon to ben- big year lined up. CAPBoard, a "student College efit the National Kidney foundation, Phi Mu governed organization that coordinates so- Muhlenberg plans to participate in National Philanthropy has 2 I00 stu- cial, cultural, and educational opportunities Day, and is organizing a Dance-a-thon. dents and 20 for the college community," already coor- Both Gamma Sigma Sigma, a national dinated Fall Fest, and is planning a Haunted percent are in- service sorority, and Alpha Phi Omega, a Hayride in October, Sfejrmielilly valved in national co-ed service fraternity were also The SGA plans to hold freshman elec- Members of the Christian Fellowship, one religious organization three major present. tions within two weeks and noted that any on campus, greet students at last week's Activities Fair religious or- Newly formed service clubs present at the organization that wishes to have funds alJo- ganizations fair include Warmth for Society, that knits cated needs to get their application from that cater to and crochets blankets for premature babies, College Activities. Anyone who wants to Lancaster's position had its origins in the ecumenical Christians, Roman Catholic, and was affiliated or anyone who needs a helping hand and the help with homecoming can contact Felicia time period when the college In the early 1970s Jewish students, according to Muhlenberg with the Methodist Church. Eating Disorder Awareness Club, a confiden- Donelson at x8036. Western Maryland College relinquished this college chaplain Peter Bredlau. . tial club offering information on eating dis- The Multicultural Student Association affiliation after settling a lawsuit dealing with Even though the campus is affili- orders to anyone. Hero's Helping Hopkins was present, and plans to hold the annual the separation of church and state. But even ated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church is also a new club, looking to raise money "Taste of Islam" dinner, in celebration of the in America, the college is open to all views the position after the lawsuit, and volunteers to buy toys, clothes, etc., and beginning of Ramadan. The Black Student of religious life remained. of coordinator and beliefs, Bredlau says. Religious events visit children at the Hopkins children's cen- Union has a Step Show and a Fashion Show at Muhlenburg include a campus-wide wor- ter. planned for this year. Allies, a gay, lesbian, For the first six years of Lancaster's ten- ship session every Sunday at 1 p.rn. and Ad- The Social Work Club has plans for their and bisexual support group at McDaniel, ure a weekly non-denominational Sunday vent Candlelight Carol worship services ev- upcoming year, including the distribution of plans to hold a Diversity Day. service was held in Little Baker Chapel. An- ery fall that draw over 400 students. The Asian Community Coalition, and other event was the Service of Lights; a two- "I like to say that religion is in the Eye to Eye, a deaf awareness. club, were also and-a-half-hour that event held every December air at Muhlenburg," said Bredlau. "ReligiouS in Big included all religious Baker present and looking for new members. The groups. He also recruited people to start life is integrated into the college life ... we Spanish, French, and German Clubs also offer religious opportunities, but never pres- Catholic Campus Ministries, which still ex- have packed schedules this year, incluing ists today and is Lancaster's only legacy left sure anyone to participate." . eating cultural foods, and enjoying other on campus. However. when he left to pursue Muhlenberg may be the standard but it IS aspects of the respective cultures. other career opportunities his pOsition was not the nann. Other colleges with stud.ent The Alumni Leadership Program for Se- not filled. populations similar to' McDaniel, fike niors was present, explaining that through "I .don'l know the reasons why the col- Gettysburg, York, and Ursinus, do not focuS this program graduates from the lege did not fill my pOsition," said Lancaster as much on campus ministry as Muhle.nb~:~ school answer questions for inquiring se- who still lives in Westminster. "It is good for does. Each of these schools has a sun niors. The Student Alumni Council was there any college to have somebody who is a neu- number of active religious organizatio~s, to connect current students with the alumni tral religious figure ... the school felt re- with religious activity on campus that mir- of the colJege, and to educate students on sources that w.ere used to fund my position opportunities after college. could be used In more beneficial ways" rors ~ce~~;:~~ should be a pa~t of the The Maryland Student Legislature will CCM is not the only group that has ro de- college's mission, to develop the mind, body, be holding a mock general assembly debate pend ~~ outsid~ SOurces for organizational and soul," said Nolan. , t The Acril'iries Fair was held in the Forum at the state house in Annapolis. You can earn and Splflt~al guidance. lnrervarslty Christian This focus ~n reli~i~n or the soul i~;~t las! week to inform students about various 2 political Science credits from participat- ~art of Mcljaniei's mission statement:ne all Fellowship adviser orgunizations 011 campus. ing. The Stock and Finance Club will be and depends does not have a faculty financed IS the policy of the college to welco on two independently kinds of religious groups, according 10 Sayre.
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