Page 16 - Phoenix2003
P. 16
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page 4 ~ What's the Deal with Alcohol,Drugs & Zero Freshmen Fashion? Tolerance sciousness and police-state attitude that has I've seen it every year. By now it's be- what happens after your four years here. BRAD GROOVER come as expected upon returning to the Hill This establishment expects nothing more Staff Writer so pervaded this country. Westminster Po- up to form lice and the DoCS are teaming as room check forms or Choices. from you than deodorant and a clean tee- When I first heard the news about "party patrols," T was willing to let the silk cargo pants shirt, and even those regulations don't ap- It doesn't take a genius to realize go, I said nothing about the stilettos, or the ply to eight a.m. classes. McDaniel's drug and alcohol problem, my if you increase the amount of patrol then was "Wow, I'm embarrassed first thought for wool tailored blazers in late August. I didn't Freshman girls may also have parents my fellow students." Yet, upon further reflec- you increase the amount of arrests. And, mention the cell phones attached to the belts who see coming 10 college as a reason to buy tion, I'm not sure this should be the case. or the sequenced midriffs. their children a new wardrobe; the mother of course, the increase in the amount of I've come up with two conclusions arrests inevitably results in an increase of But when I saw the flamenco skirt and of all back to school shopping sprees. we can reach from these events. The first is patrol. matching thumb cymbals in GIar, I knew the Since mom and dad are buying, freshman that there are unusual drug and alcohol prob- The only trouble with this whole issue had to be confronted. go for the most expensive stuff, and they lems on this campus, which result in the in- picture is: these aren't criminals we're talk- Why do freshman girls get so dressed want to show it off when they get here. up? Makes sense. crease of regulation, the decrease of tolera- ing about; they're just college students try- tion, the increase of corrective action, and, ing to have a good time! However, accord- In their defense, I will say that many don't But honestly, freshman, save your ing to college spokeswoman Joyce carry the behavior on past November. money! Go to Abercrombie, Gap, Old Navy, consequently, the threatening of student au- Mueller, "First year students of len test the tonomy, When temperatures begin to drop and or even Salvation Army. Next, there is my conclusion, they finally realize that hooded sweatshirts Trust me, you'll fit in even better, and lies at the heart of the college's policies. which It's policy and the college, the way they test are basically the unspoken uniform here, the more importantly, there will come a time in possible the irregular amount of arrests stem their parents. But, if you test, you are in trouble." sequins tend to head back into the closet. the next four years when you will need your from the overregulation and overcorrection of But why bother at all with the glitz, the parents money even more than you needed r see all sorts of marketing poten- glamour, the strappy shoes, in the first place? that leather black micro mini from student behavior. Sun, tial for this. It could be a new motto for According to the Baltimore the college: McDaniel College, the insti- I have contemplated several theories. Dolce&Gabanna. there have been an "unusual and a lot of ar- tution of zero toleration. Come here and Many of the girls are simply trying to These theories and the issues they address make a good impression. On their profes- doesn't apply to all freshman girls of course, rests [concerning alcohol and drugs]" and that obey, because "if you test, you are in sors, on their room and dormmates, but and those of you who it does apply to know these people are "causing disorderly conduct trouble." '- All right then, I and inappropriate behavior." There Hey, I have an idea! mostly on the guys, guys, guys. who you are. suppose we have thrown the notion of "inno- two parts; so pay attention. You might not are With so many new males at their finger- T don't intend this as a malicious attack cent until proven guilty" right out the win- like it administrators, tips, there's never been a better time to look or a mocking of your novice status here on dow. second part is to provide but LAY Off! The more education better. Please don't clean up for this oblivi- the Hill. Unfortunately, the administration, on alcohol and drugs. This is a place of ous audience. Have you noticed that they 1 just want you to be comfortable and to never dress up for you? realize that this is college! No one cares what campus security, and the Westminster Police higher education right, so why don't we Another often debated theory is that many you are wearing. have decided to follow the "drug-war" con- educate instead of castigate? of these girls see coming to college as going Except maybe the other freshman girls. For Everything There Is a out into the "real world", and they want to And even so, it's only because they are won- be dressed for it. dering where you ever found thumb cym- They think business casual, suit jackets, bals. Reason tights, pumps, a more "professional" look. -Andrea Santoriello is a senior Trust me, freshman ladies, the real world is English major, Safety, parking tickets are a low priority .." Walter Zalis sounds off about why parking at McDaniel College is higher They must have been at least a little bit Sex? Need Advice? nerve-racking. at these numbers. In the 1998-1999 school of a priority last year. Take a look The parking situation at McDaniel can be year, 1,319 tickets were given out. How- ever, the next school year it leaped to 2,940 problematic, but surely there is a reason be- tickets. This past academic year, about hind it. Last semester, I spoke to members of 2,600 tickets were handed out as of March, the school such as Director of Campus Safety so there was most of the second half to go. Mike Webster, Senior Supervisor of Campus So why the huge leap in numbers be- Af- Join us in our new column "Sex on the Safety Marlon Collins, Dean of Student of Ad- tween the school years 1998-1999 and and Vice President fairs Philip Sayre, 1999-2000? Webster Hill." Need advice on your relationship? Is your ministration and Finance Dr. Ethan Seidel because the department says the jump came was fully staffed about the subject. friendship is about break? We can help you, If Using information from an article I wrote with ten officers during that year, thus al- last semester that was never published, I lowing more enforcement. you're too shy to go to the Smith House about would now like to share my findings with the Those officers must have been busy! They must have been dedicated to hand- body. It my be a little out of date, but 'student sex problems, or sex advice, we'll go there for here it goes. ing out tickets if such a jump was made you! Join us through every issue in the Features Of course, last semester a parking prob- due to their addition, even though These Webster called tickets twa a low priority. lem was more immediate because the section as we unravel "Sex on the Hill," Harrison House Lot was not as complete as it had quite the impact with their arrival. is now. Many students I spoke to were receiv- Personally, I believe that the jump 'came ing tickets that they felt were unjust. Person- from too many cars, and not ~nou~: ally I sometimes agree that some students spaces, and not a clear enough policy as what "grass spots" are legal, and which are Just send your questions to our mailbox or deserve a ticket for where they parked. not. After all, each freshman class seems There are even some incidents where stu- our email addresses: Andrea= Box 943, or dents do deserve to be towed. Webster told to get larger, but our parking situation re- me a story of a student who received 11 tick- mained and still basically is the same.; LaRhonda= Box 1422, ets before she was towed. When you receive Webster also described the parking situ- ~hat mu~h. of a warning and do nothing about ation as difficult, saying it was like "t~~ or, It, then It IS your own stupidity. I also realize ing to herd cats." There was pretty go some officers, like Marlon Collins, are just reason why it was so difficult however. doing their jobs. There is a question about how many spaces He said last semester that he understood there are on campus, and how many per- ~he probl~ms with parking, but said, "It is an mits are given out each year, and how rhey ~dea of SItUation vs ', policy. I have to do my correlate. This public service announcement has been brought to you by Job, or el~ chaos will OCCur in the lots." According to Mike Webster, there wl~~ LaRhonda Burns and Andrea Hooker. In my mt~rvi~w with Webster, some things that wer~ said did not make sense to me. He :~~~~:~~~~e:~:!,s~~~~~~; ~~~r::lude ~ad admitted that the handing out of tickets stadium grass parking, which .Web~~~~ was not very consistent." claimed could accommodate several A~ked what the main reason was for this he said, "Within the department of Campu~ Continued on page 5
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