Page 15 - Phoenix2003
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---_-- .. __ . .:o.,,;:~ NEWS Wednesday, September 24,2003 - Page 3 8/311 3: 7:00pm. Stolen book bag Campus Safety Blotter 9114/03: I 1:42pm, Student docu- recovered at North Village. No ment for failure to comply with suspect information the requests of an RA and a noise August 31 - September 19,2003 violation. 912/03: 5:40am, Jogger reponed that while in Blair Stadium on the track she was approached twice by ~:ge:~n~~~ trespassing, after be- COMPILED BY KATIE MARTIN a dry dorm, quiet hours violation, 9115/03: I:03am, Student docu- ment for violation of the College a unknown white male. She left News Editor and failure to comply. and violation the track and reponed the incident. Alcohol Policy residence halls. of rules governing 9/7/03: J :26am, 8:51am, 9/4/03: 4:00am, Student called and Students docu- 91J2/03: extinguisher Fire hung up on DoCS. Check of his mented for under- found partially dis- 9116/03: 2:06pm. Unknown extin- sus- a fire discharged pect welfare produced suspicious activ- age possession of pensed in Rouzer guisher. The fire extinguisher did ity. Student requested counseling alcohol, possession Hall. Student not need to be replaces as it was help of DoCS. Smith House.coun- of hard alcohol, charged for viola- still charged. selor contacted. possession of tion. multi-liter contain- 9116/03: 9/5103: 12: l3am, Student seen car- ers, failure to com- 6:07pm, Fire alarm 9/13/03, Fire extin- sounding from students cooking. rying a brown paper bag with bottle ply, participation in guisher found miss- Building evacuated and checked. of hard alcohol inside. drinking games, ing from Rouzer No damages. and also a quiet basement laundry 9/6/03: 1:15am. 'lwo'studenrs seen hours violation. room. Replaced at 9/17/03: 2:32am, Students docu- drinking from opened containers of this time. mented for possession and use of beer. Beer poured out and students 917103: 2:11am, controlled substance or drug para- documented. Students involved 9113/03, Exit sign phemaliaon college property and in a physical alter- 9/6/03: I:24am, Two students cation. broken apart in back for violation of rules governing heard yelling and screaming at each hall BWH. residence halls and noise viola- other. Male and female separated 9n /03: 12: 15pm, Student lost wal- 9/10/03: 12:01am,Missingfireex- 9113/03, A portrait was found tion. WCPD contacted and 3 stu- dents were arrested. and interviewed. let on 4th floor Rouzer Hall. When tinguisher from the 2nd floor was missing from the display area in he went to I look for it, RA had replaced. II is unknown who took 9/6/03: I:24am, Student was ob- found itand gave it back. $235.00 the extinguisher. Elderdice hall near the lobby. 9118/03: I:22anl, Students docu- served consuming alcohol ill pub- was missing. 9/13/03: 10:19pm, Two students mented for possession of multi-li- lic. Documented for underage con- 9/10/03: 7:40pm, Student found in and one non-student documented ter conrainers, failure to c comply sumption/possession of alcohol and 9/8/03: 8:59pm, Students docu- possession of two knives. Knives for throwing ice cubes at a sculp- with directions of DoCS. violation possession in a public area. mented for possession of hard li- were confiscated. ture. Non-students asked to leave of rules governing college resi- quor in a multi-liter container and dence halls. noise violation, and 9/6/03; I:39am. Student cited by underage possession of alcohol. 91ll/03: 9:50am, Two students campus. intentional obstruction. Westminster Police for underage posing as "campus security" asked possession of alcohol at an 01T cam- 9/8/03: 9: 16pm, Students docu- victim if they could look in his 9/13/03: II :29pm. Student docu- 9118/03: 10:40pm, Student found pus location. mented for underage possession of room. Victim allowed entry and mented for failure to comply in- to be very intoxicated. She was and harass- alcohol, possession of hard liquor, the students looking the in the re- cluding disrespecting in proper per- sent to the hospital for alcohol 9/6/03: 10:53pm, Student seen car- and possession of multi-liter con- frigerator and left. Incident under ing college officials overdose and criminally charged rying a plastic cup and he placed it tainers. mvesngauon. formance of their duties. with underage possession/con- on the ground when he saw the sumption of alcohol. DoCS vehicle. When approached, 9/9/03: I:29am, Student docu- 9111/03: !0:00pm, Fourth degree 9114/03: J2:08am, Student docu- mented for underage it was confirmed that there was mented for underage possession of burglary to a student's donn room, alcohol, possession of 9119/03: 12:58am. Students beer in the cup and he was under- alcohol, possession of hard alco- no suspects known. possession of alcohol in caught vandalizing an off campus age. hol, dishonest, and a quiet hours a dry dorm, and possession of hard property. Westminster City Police alcohol. Department was contacted and are violation. 9112/03: [2:40am, Student docu- 9n103: 12:ooam, Disorderly con- mented for disrespecting and ha- handling the incident. Students for violation 1:20am, duct and fighting between students 9/9/03: 8:29pm, Student docu- rassing college officials 9/14/03: for violation Student docu- documented state, or federal laws. of mu- mented nicipal, of the Col- and non-students. mented for dishonesty, providing lege Alcohol Policy. underage al- false information, intentional ob- 9/12/03: 12:49am. Student docu- 9n103: 12:06am, Non-student was struction of college activities, and mented for underage possession of cohol possession ,and violation resi- of 9/19/03: 2:30am. Student harass- governing in person and rules published student ing another seen assaulting student. Non-stu- disrespectinglfailure 10 comply alcohol. open container in a pub- dence halls, by phone. All involved agreed to dent extremely non-compliant. with directions of college officials. lic area, and dishonesty. make statements. Harasser also Non-student was given a trespass 9114103: 2:47am. Student docu- document for verbal abuse of a waming and escorted off campus. 919103: II :OOpm, Fire extinguisher 9/12/03: 2:02am, Students docu- mented for violation of college al- residence live official. taken from a donn. Extinguisher mented for underage possession of cohol policy including underage 9n103: I:20am, Non-student was replaced by DoCS. alcohol. possession of alcohol in possession. and have various The International News Corner playing a fantasy stock game, guest speakers. The Photography club and WMC- TV Channel INFORMATION COMPILED FROM BBB.COM BY 26 were also present. The Psychology Club was FRUZSINA NAGY [The Phoenix and the International an Club be sponsoring will present, and students can contact the department Photographer for more information. tntematlonal Corner that will The Environmental Club is getting started with According to BBC News, Swedish port of the European Union (EU). highlight international news oj a 'f-shirt sale to save the rainforests and they are Foreign Minister Anna Lindh was Her personality stood out from the interest to students as well as working to recycle ink cartridges on campus and stabbed several times in a Stockholm de- EU foreign ministers by being uncon- upcoming lnternati onat Club are planting trees in November. . partment store on September 10. She ventional-she once quoted Bob Dylan in information. Please call x3850 The Non-Traditonal Student Network gl~es died in hospital the next morning, Sep- a speech to the United Nation. She also with any questions or information]. non-trad students the opportunity to connect with tember II, after prolonged surgery. called U.S. President George W Bush traditional students and use their experiences. Then Swedish police apprehended a sus- "the Lone Ranger" for going to war with plan on having speakers. come to meetings and pect in a suburban restaurant in Iraq. *The next oiher helpful events throughout the ~ear. The C~m- Stockholm. The police have stressed the 'fhe murder of Lindh happened only muter Student Association is having a meet~ng man is not their only suspect. Police have days before Swedes euro referendum, in International Club Tuesday October 7 at 12 noon, where parking been pressured to find the culprit and had which Lindh played a leading role for meeting will be held on safety will mainly be discussed. put out a nationwide alert to find the as- the euro. The vote was held as sched- For more information on any of these clubs, or sassinator. uled, with voters rejecting membership Wednesdays at 7p.m. other college acrivities. contact the Campus Ac- Ms. Lindh's murder shocked a coun- of the currency by 56% to 42%. in Ensor Lounge tivities Office. try used to seeing its leading politicians International leaders gathered for an travel without bodyguards. The 46-year- official memorial service in Stockholm, old foreign minister was known for her before she was buried in a private fu- great negotiating skills and for her sup- neral.
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