Page 13 - Phoenix2003
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G=~==""""""" Volume XXVIII Number 2 ~_~ Wednesday, September 24, 2003 Construction Delays Have Some McDaniel Religion on Students Calling The Best Western Hotel "Home" the Hill: Supported by to move my stuff into a hotel." CHRISTlANNA D. BAGBY Dean Sayre says that he doesn't Students, Staff Writer understand the miscommunication Apartment living is undoubtly between the Best Western Hotel Faculty? the best set -up for any college stu- staff and the college. He says, "I dent willing to shell out the extra have no idea. We were told the BRIAN PA7TERSON cash for the added comfort. rooms would be ready at noon on Co-Commentary Editor For many McDaniel students Sunday. Iam really sorry there was who choose to stay on campus, the a foul-up and students had to wait Some students go to college and Garden Apartments and the North around." many go out for a sports team. Oth- Village Appartmenrs are ideal-at Several students like seniors, ers pledge a fraternity or sorority. least for those student fortunate Stephanie Smith and Natasha For some the focus is on school- enough at room draw last Spring, Coleman, were "shocked" and work: But for a few students, reli- to pick the right number. "devastated" when they intially gion defines their college experi- But, for those students who found out this summer that their ence. drew North Village Appartment appartment would not be complete McDaniel College has an un~ 189. the current living situation 'is by the start of {he school year. Se- dergraduate 'population around not so ideal. nior Tia Lawrence also recalls her 1700 students, and according to the At the begining of the 2003- emotions. She says, "I was Office of Academic Affairs, the 2004 school year, 22 McDaniel stu- dissappointed. upset, and pissed." MCDANIEl.. COLLEGE WEBSITE majority of students are affiliated dents, mostly all seniors, found Residence Life Coordinator Hurricane Isabel blew through McDaniel/ast week, cancelling with an organized religion. How- themselves unpacking their bags at Erica Bowman says that the main classes Thursday afternoon and Friday. Gusty winds and heavy ever, only about 9 percent of these the Best Western Hotel. These stu- reason that students were not able rains caused damage on campus grounds, as pictured above. students are active members of a dents were notified that they would to move into the apartments at the Abrams, Smith, Coleman, and religious group on campus. ures prior be living at the hotel for at least a start of the school year is because Lawrence, all agree that the most and from to their destination up to Religious organizations at the campus, a dial month, through a leiter that was of all the rain that the area had inconvient aspect of living in the internet service is available in school include Intervarsity Chris- sent out in July by Dean Philip recieved this summer. She says, "I Best Western is driving to school each students individual room, tian Fellowship, Catholic Campus Sayre. feel strongly that the rain was the everyday and having to find a and moving help from the Best Ministries, the Jewish Student In the letter, the move-in time reason for the hold up in the con- parking spot on campus. Coleman Western to the North Village, al- Union, and the Bahai'i Club. Of indicated for students living in the struction of the apartment. I believe says, "I'm ready to go, I'm tired though personnel is not yet con- these four, IVCF and CCM are the Best Western was Sunday, August that the contractors couldn't get the of driving to class." Abrams finned, will be provided. most active, while the JSU has re- 24th at noon. Several students like footing down." agrees. She adds, "I don't think As of September 17,2003, the cently seen a decline in member- Sarumantha Abrams, who is a se- Residence Life Director Eliza- that the college is taking advan- twenty-two students living in the ship and activity. A major concern nior at the college, showed up at beth Towle agrees. Towle says, "I tage of seniors that want to be Best Western have recieved noti- of student leaders in IVCF and noon on Sunday only to find out originally heard the information apart of the campus community." fication by Bowman, that on Sep- CCM is a lack of support from the that her room was not ready. from Dean Sayre that because of There were some tember 22, the college is antici- school administration. Abrams said that she was told that all the rain, that the appartments accomadations made by the col- pating the arrival of the furniture "In my experience, administra- the rooms would not be ready for would probably not be done." lege, for the students living in the for North Village appartrnent 189. tive support has been very low," move-in until 3 p.m. Towle says that after a few days of Best western Hotel. Also, if all goes as planned and said Mark Wheeler, a Junior and Abrams says, "I was already confirming information, the admin- Students had 25 meals added construction can continue as president of CCM. "With the ex- very upset when I found out that istration started to let students to their meal plan, campus safety scheduled, students can begin ception of one faculty advisor, most my apartment was not ready. It know that they would have to move is providing a schuttle service for moving into the North Village on of our support comes from St. didn't help that Ihad to wait around into the Best Western hotel. students who wish to call 15 min- September 26. John's" Catholic Church in Westminster. Activities Fair Highlights ...see RELIGION continued on page 2 Student Organizations Inside Looking for something to do on campus? Here are some options ... BETH MCLANE on different organizations at the !walter Zalis discusses the ongoin College. Cotton candy and other Staff Writer arking problems and lack of so snacks were provided free for stu- The Activities Fair is an annual dents. utions. event held to acquaint students with The McDaniel Greek commu- the plethora of activities available nity had many representatives at at McDaniel College. This year's the fair, including members of Phi ohbie Saville reviews Liberatore' fair-was a huge success with a large Alpha Mu, Alpha Sigma Phi, Al- istorame. turnout of interested students. pha Nu Omega, and Phi Delta The fair was held in the Forum Theta. Alpha Gamma Tau exhib- A look: at one of the Best Western hotel rooms, where 22 seniors are at 12:30 on Tuesday, September 9 ited plans for their upcoming Beef and was sponsored by the College 'n' Beer, while other fraternites and currently living while waiting to move into their new home at the yan Brod vents his frustration N_ViIlage apartments. Activities Office. Activities Direc- sorottes advertised for recruitment bout the New York Yankees thi tor Mitchell Alexander mentioned •..see ACTIVITIES that the Activities Fair is a spotlight continued on page 2 ," ~/ / I' ,~, I ,
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