Page 11 - Phoenix2003
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SPORTS Wednesday, September 10,2003 - Page II ~ NFL Football: Salanes, Attitudes Outof Control Now More Than Ever Upcoming PAT O'TOOLE Assistant Sports Editor Home A National Football League pressed by the inconsistent per- "I probably prefer college football rookie, looking for his start, is formance of teams. because there's a little less hype," says forced to miss the first 19 Take the Baltimore Ravens freshman Steve Hoffman. Sporting days of training camp. The first-round draft pick says for :~s~~~~'ary of 200 I, the "You don't have to deal with all the he can't wait to get on the field and Ravens won the Super Bowl with social issues. It seems like the athletes start a team so far over the salary cap are trying harder because there's more Events: practicing. that it had to be disjointed the on the line: not everyone makes it to So what possibly caused him following year. the NFL." to miss so much of camp? Injury? In order for a team to be Every college player out there is A mental breakdown? good, it has 10 bite the bullet and trying their best to secure a spot on an A death in the family? run over the salary cap for one NFL team, and their drive to succeed No. Contract negotiations. ;::S~r~~~~h~o f:l~~:~ft:.ear it is reflected by the intensity of the game. Women's Soccer- vs. Villa That's the story of Jacksonville's Byron Leftwich, the The main problem is that Once those players reach the NFL, seventh overall pick in the 2003 while the teams have an overall their only drive is to make more money. Julie, 9/13 @ Jpm draft. salary cap, the player's salaries Because of this, the game often After his holdout, Leftwich are still skyrocketing. suffers. ended up with a contract for be- The players keep asking for "In college football, there's more tween $20 and $30 million over more, but the teams can only pay emotion from the players because five years. so much. Men's Soccer- vs. they're not getting paid," believes He will also receive an $11.4 . No one can say that the play- miiJion signing bonus. ers don't deserve the money sophomore Mike Taneyhill. Messiah, 9/10 @ 4pm Not too shabby for a rookie, but they're making. "They're just playing." was it worth missing two-thirds of The NFL makes billions off College football games are more about training camp for? oftelevision contracts, merchan- the teams playing one another than the As unbelievable as it seems, dise, and ticket sales. individual players trying to showcase this situation is as common in the That money should rightfully themselves. Field Hockey- vs. NFL as an illicit' drug arrest. go to the players. Many of the professional football "It's getting out of hand. All pro Most fans would agree that Lynchburg, 9/13 @ 2pm games get caught up in so much hype players are taking for granted what it is much better to see a player they're there to do: getting the money rather than that the winning team becomes insig- they're getting paid to playa game some executive. nificant. they love," said McDaniel junior But when a player's desire To the NFL's benefit. college foot- Tim Sheets. for money surpasses his ball is played on Saturday while NFL Green Terror X. C. In the NFL, the overall trend of desire to play, there is a definite football is on Sunday. players holding out for more problem. Otherwise, the multi-million- Challenge, 9/13 money than they will ever need is This lack of desire to play has dollar players might find themselves PUtting the team owners in a tight caused some disenchanted fans competing for airtime with college stu- spot. to turn their love of football to dents looking for a . Because of the salary cap, other venues. break. whIch says that each team is only Football- vs. Christopher allowed to spend a set value on player salaries, many teams are Newport, 9/13 @ Jpm forced to give up the highly-paid players after a few seasons. This dilemma is outwardly ex- Like to help with layout or "Versatility" is the key word for Although still successful nents 13-1, including a big 2-1 The team can play whatever sports Coach Scott Swanson when soccer de- enough for a postseason berth in victory over Catholic University type of game they need to, says the ECAC playoffs. scribing his 3-0 women's September 6th. a slow, on Saturday, including Swanson, team this season. Looking to build on that sue- Particularly impressive to ball-control type game, or a writing? Conference's most talented senior cess, Coach Swanson chance to take Coach Swanson is freshman goal- quick, run and shoot type game. sees this sea- Led by two of the Centennial son as an excellent all these Mullen. necessary With midfielders, Niki Lepson and the next step. keeper Michelle a void left by two tools put into action, the Green By filling Contact Cristine hope to make 2003 their some consistency early," he says, departing keepers last season,she Terror Women's Soccer Team "Playing as a team and having the Green Terror Mayne, women could be on its way to a very has already shown herself to be the season. breakout Pat at of the Centennial Conference, "will be key for the team all sea- real deal. successful season. play at home their way to the top Winning son long. The Women She began her season with two They have always been able to shut-outs. against Villa Julie on Saturday, l Sth at Ip.m. ><8193 though, is easier said than done. create scoring chances. or not team, As for the versatility of the September begin their Confer- 12-8-1 women's Last season's The question is whether They by a fast, fit it is provided team was merely second fiddle to they can capitalize on those and skilled midfield, a tough de- ence play the following Satur- teams like Johns Hopkins (Centen- chances." fense, and an explosive group of day at home against nial Conference Champions), So far, they have done so, forwards. Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg, and Gettysburg. outscoring their first three oPPO-
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