Page 10 - Phoenix2003
P. 10
Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - Page 10 SPORTS WALTER ZALIS Sta/fWriter Back in mid-May of this year, I had to when this system came into existence. decide which gym I was going to join for Personally, I would like to put a jar on feet into is so tom and beat, that the metal Julie's gym was compared to ours, for a few the summer, for soon the fitness center at the front desk of the weight room for dona- bar pushes down with all the pressure be- different reasons; McDaniel would be running under different lions hind the weight on your shin. hours that just would not fit my schedule. towards a decent system. This is of most discomfort, trust me Ihave Reason One: Villa Julie is a school similar I worked out at a variety of gyms be- J would be the first to drop a big $20 sensitive shins. in size 10 McDaniel, however with a smaller tween May and August; local gyms like Tri- bill. The incline bench is also a blast to work price tag. One would think we could afford angle Fitness, and even corporate gyms such The sound system is the least of my com- out on. more things easier than a school whose as Gold's Gym. That thing is so wobbly, it is a wonder tuition is nearly half of McDaniel's. plaints however. Next on my list would When September rolled around however, be our "cardia room." that no one has fallen off while doing incline my memberships had expired and it was This room, about the size of a McDaniel press. Reason Two: Our football team is one that time to go back to the gym at McDaniel. donn room, houses about My point is this: these machines are old, always does well every season. Villa Julie's And that is when Irealized why I was so I0 pieces of cardia equipment. rusted, missing pieces, and most important football team is one thai doesn't exist. happy in May to be back at a gym like _ How can anyone stand to do cardia in a of all, dangerous. We have far superior sports programs Triangle Fitness. 5xlOarea with While here at McDaniel compared to Villa Julie, I walked into McDaniel's gym the first nine other people running right next to you? working out with heavy weights, one could yet their training facility is far superior to week of class, and true to form, it seemed I don't know if there's enough air to easily hurt themselves or others around them ours. I know if I was a McDaniel football less equipment was there, without one new breath in such a situation. when the equipment is faulty. player, I would still have my Gold's Gym machine in sight. There is much potential for this, for many Still, there is topper of complaints as far membership throughout the semester. Every semester J come back since my as our fitness center goes. inexperienced freshman year, it seems a new piece of gym gym goers start their lifting career when they Reason Three: How many professional foot- The lifting equipment itself is a considerable equipment is missing, and the pieces that danger with its wear and lear. arrive at McDaniel College. ball teams do you see training at the Villa remain are in worse shape than before. The grips for the cables for doing work- Some students need to be taught some of Julie campus? However, this semester brought along a the basics of weight training before they outs like cable crossovers are so rusted, that How can McDaniel house the Ravens new twist. I was surprised the day T walked enter the gym; however there is no on-site training camp and have such lack- when one releases the grip after a set, your back in to hear absolutely nothing. hand becomes the same color as the grip you trainer in the McDaniel weight room. luster equipment? The "sound system" (or sad attempt at a just used. Such is not the case at another private In conclusion, after my ranting and rav- stereo that occupies the gym) was not work- college in Maryland, Villa Julie College. ing, Ireally do believe something has t? be ing. The barbells have considerable rust as Not only did this similar school have it's well. done about our current fitness center situa- J wondered why, and I was told the gym re-done just this past fall with new tion. There are also supposed to be four clips speakers had yet to be hooked up. It is now equipment, but they also I realize there are plans in place for the for the four different hooks on the cable two weeks into the semester, and stilI those machine. now have satellite television in the weight future, but that will just take too long for speakers sit without a note coming fourth However, a game of switcheroo must be room, as well as an on-site trainer at all times, what is a danger. from them. played at the cables for we only have three. to help lifting beginners. If there any ideas on how to improve Not that our 1975 stereo complete with It came as a shock to me when I first the situation, I would love to help out. The age of certain broken tape deck was anything to write to come through as well. machines are starting learned how much more advanced Villa The jar for stereo donations I think is a home about before, but at least there was For example, the leg extension machine. something 10 occupy the silence. It receives The padding on the right bar to hook your Men's Soccer has High three stations, and CD's weren't even around Ropes for Fall Season, Sports Trivia Questions Simple Goals AMALIE SIIM"FER SraffWrirer Who is the Who was demonstrated in the offseason to use. ons. It's finally time to put all the hard work that Sophomore explained Kyle Poore The start of the men's soccer season fans should expect to see "better soccer play- all-time the only brings back four returning seniors, three jun- ers"this season. iors, and 11 sophomores. He added that everyone There are I I total freshmen on the team. close and gets along, adding on the team is to the overall interested in trying Athletes out for the leading rookie team were required to go to camp, which was chemistry that the team lacked last season. Poore personally for this year is excited a five day long session 19th and ending the 23rd. starting on August because for the first time in two years he's NFL Quarterback Once camp was over, cuts were made. a day. His body came around just in time for a healthy. remained sessions were two practice There For freshman Jerome DeFrancis, "mak- team that is ready to be competitive in their conference. respective rusher and to start the ing it to Monday" was the best part of the If the team expects to regain status as a preseason. power, they have to perform Defrancis explained, "First I wanted to conference some top ranked teams. well against make the team, then eventually receiver? 2003 every game." start and play ranked) Johns Hopkins University, who had by (top They will be tested certainly Such goals seem simple enough, but many of the alhletes who tried out for the team will a record of9-0 in the regular season and 17- 3 at the end of the season. season not see playing they will have made what is Gettysburg, the third ranked team in the time this year. Rather, called the "practice will scrimmage against the coaches' poll in 2002, has a new coach and team." who are ready to be in many new freshman This team opener? starting lineup in practice, playing a crucial the running for conference champions as well. part of the overall Success, even though they McDaniel's was on August first game do not see action on game day. 29th, against Maryland Bible College. The team's goals start simple, with the drive to make every game competitive. Their The Green Terror won handily, 8-0. 10th when is September next game Answers in next issue. with wanting to win back their reputation they will face the defending Division III Then the goal gets a little more intense from years back as the Conference Cbampi- National Champion Messiah College.
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