Page 100 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 100
FEATURES The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, part IIof trilogy And so the trilogy continues, if the characters and the storyline don't you, the will The battle at EDWARD K. SCHULTHEIS SelliorWriter lando Bloom) the elf, and Gimli (John Rhys- Davies) the dwarf, maintain their pursuit of Anyone who has entered my donn and the other remaining members of the fellow- seen some of the posters adorning my walls ship, who were captured at the end of the knows that I am an aficionado of The]..o--;;r- firsffrrovie"> of the Rings. This was not always so. - c.Atong the way, the wizard Gandalf (Ian When I saw the original teaser trailer of McKellen), who was thought dead after a The Lord of the Rings trilogy, more than a duel with a great demon rejoins them. How- year before The Fellowship of the Ring was ever, this time he is much stronger, and ready released, I was lukewarm about the moctes. to begin the battle for Middle Earth. Then a friend of mine got me to read the first There is one actor who has received more book of the series, and since then I have been attention than any of these, even though he hooked. The story that author J.R.R Tclkien never appears in the movie. Andy Serkis managed to weave into the 900 plus pages lends the voice to the creature Gollum who of the entire book, is awesome. The movie is completely computer generated (CO) in trilogy, adapted and directed by Peter Jack- the movie. However, Serkls not only lent son, is equally immense. the voice, but also the likeness and manners The latest installment, The Lord of the of the CO creation - his "performance" has Rings: The Two Towers, is the second movie led some people to think that he should have first and third is the fact that there is no set You will find yourself lost unless you do; so of the trilogy and 'was released on Decem- been nominated for an Academy Award. beginning orending, and while the epic battle why not go spend the five dollars and rent ber 18, 2002. The at Helm's Deep frames the The Fellowship of the Ring, That way you name, The Two ending, you feel that it is can get lost in the second movie, and actu- Towers, comes from "The battle at Helm's Deep is thefocal point of the a bit forced. ally know what is going on. the two towers that movie...whatever slight boredom you suffered during Overall, the The movie is wonderful, the trilogy immense the evil forces con- movie is wonderful, and and J am eagerly awaiting the final chapter, trol in the movies. the middle part of the movie is blown away...." stands by itself as one of The Return of the King, which will be due What is unique the best movies of the year out in December 2003. Grade: B+ about this movie is - for the second year in a that as the middle portion of the trilogy, it The movie could not look better - and row, The Lord of the Rings has been nomi- College 101 has no set beginning or end. In fact, it leaves just the scenery makes you want to take a nated for Academy Award's Best Movie. The offexactly where The Fellowship oftne Ring trip to New Zealand, where the movie was only problem is that the second third of the This is the students' outlet for the completed. filmed. movie sags a bit between the beginning and different situations they eperience on The fellowship, which was forged in the first A person can just get lost in the visuals conclusion, and J admit Ilooked at my watch campus. From campus safety to movie, is now split. Hobbits Frodo (Elijah of the story, and at three hours in length, there right around the two-hour mark. However, GLAR, if you would like to submit a Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin) continue their is a lot to see. And you will find yourself as 1 said before, the last hour of the movie story, please campus mail it to Jessica quest to destroy the One ring, which was ex- just looking at the sets that were built, the just flies right by and any trace of boredom Watson. Names will be changed to plained in the first movie, to be a ring that natural scenery of the country, and the cos- is erased. coincide with the fictional characters represents the darkest of evil. Aragorn tumes that were prepared especially for the I would recommend this movie to anyone- of the series. (Viggo Mortensen) the human, Legolas (Or- trilogy. anyone who has seen the first movie that is. College 101: An ongoing fictional series about campus life think this was on purpose, the water just "Hey, we do Sluff," she joked, but even wouldn't get hot) I gathered myself and she knew thai 1 was referring to the campus ..I'm out of breath as I headed out the dorm. life as opposed to what we do on our own. I'm not really a breakfast person but I "Yeah, I know," I glanced down at my continue my pilgrimage still managed to run in to the dining hall and watch and then jumped up. up the many hills.... grab a bagel. I sat down quickly with Angie. "You're late," Angie said, before I could She is one of the few good friends I have even get the words out, so 1 nodded my head, here; we used to come to breakfast together stuffed the last of my bagel into my mouth, so I can't see inside. I knock gently, and aJl the time, with a couple other girls, but I said my "see yah later" and jolted out of when no one answers a little harder. eventually phased that out. Trust me, it had there. My professor comes to the door, "You're nothing to do with my friends. Despite that I am an English major, J still late," he said, as if this was high school all to send me to over again and he was going "Long time no see," Angie said as I sit have an Astronomy class over in New Lewis His blank stare made down. (also known as Eaton Hall), which is clear the principal's office. uncomfortable. me feel somewhat I smiled, "Yeah yeah," because I knew across campus. What does Astronomy have "I know I'm sorry I~" Hmmm, I've got what she was going to joke about next. 10 do with English, you ask? Your guess is to come up with something good, r overslept, '" mean, you look so pale, are you just as good as mine, maybe rhe stars will help coming out of hibernation?" I rolled my me to predict if I will be a good writer. Re- no, I went to breakfast, no, 1-- "J was read- eyes a little and started to load the cream gardless, nowl'm out of'breath as I continue ing over today's lab so that I would be pre- cheese onto my bagel. It's always the topic my pilgrimage up the many hills of this cam- pared and I lost track of time." I put that of her jokes, whenever we just so happen to pus. My professor starts class promptly at 'concerned college student' look on my face, meet in the cafeteria; it's aJways how it's a 9:10 and it's about 9: 15 right now. but I'm not sure if he fell for it. miracle that I come in here because I rarely I shouldn't have had that bagel, but I am "Alright, come in, but I do want to talk Features Editor to you, after class." Oh great, as if a whole do. Nothing is taken to the heart anyway, so glad that I ran into Angie. Sometimes I'm Waking up this morning was just like any I let it roll off my shoulder. so focused on my academics thatJ forget that hour with you isn't enough. I didn't do any- other, pushing the snooze button a couple "Anything else you wauna throw at me some say "college is the best four years of thing wrong, I swear. I rolled my eyes, but times and rolling over and then the negotia- while we're here?" I bit into my bagel, your life." As I head up to the second floor not so that he could sec. All eyes on me as I tion with myself as to whether or not my chewed quickly and swallowed. It's not that I start slowing down because my heart is rae- make my way to my seat. Some of them presence in class is actually necessary. I I wasn't planning on enjoying this 'fine cui- ing. It feels like J just got off the treadmill even have that "she's always late" look on groaned, because as much as I hate to admit sine, ' but this was just a casuaJ pit stop be- at the gym. I slowly turn the knob on the their faces. Trying not to make a scene I sit it, I actually need to go to class. My name is fore class. door and realize that it's locked. My eyes down. I search my bag for my Biology lab Mya and I am a junior English major at "No, not really. So what's up with you?" do a heavy roll and I sigh. book, but it isn't even there; so much for my McDonald's, I mean McDaniel College. Af- "The usual: class, homework, and lack "Great," 1 whisper, still catching my aJibi. I slouched in my chair, this was going ter taking a lukewarm shower (and don't of a socia1life-" breath. The window on the door is clouded to be a long day. To be continued.
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