Page 102 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 102
Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 14 SPORTS Athletes bringing the McDaniel Indoor track team to new heights GREG LEDERER Sports Editor With strong performances abound, the a long jump of 21 feet 6 and 1/4 inches. McDaniel College Indoor Track team is off On February I, the Green Terror contin- to a strong start in 2003. gent visited Lancaster, PA to compete in the Most recenlly, the team traveled to Franklin & Marshall Invitational. Lewishburg, PA for the Bucknell Winter Heinke had another strong performance, Classic. Senior lfeanyi Ani broke a confer- as she qualified for the ECAC in the 3000 ence and school record in the long jump meters race with a time of 10:51, while the event, with a leap of 22 feet and 7.75 inches. 4x200 relay team of Christine Johnson, Junior April Brown also shredded sec- Kellie Pfeiffer, Nikki Lepson, and Merson onds off her conference best time in the 55 picked up a first place finish. meters sprint with a time of 7.48 seconds, Bruce won the pole vault at 9 feet and -.: bettering her earlier conference Jeadingtime also came in second in the 55 meter hurdles of 7 .50. With the Conference championships with a time of 9.39. fasting approaching, she is ready for the com- On the Men's side, freshman Stuart petition. Johnson finished second in the 200 meter A~iz?na Wildcats forward Luke Walton drives the ball past (I defender: Read about him and "I feel like its coming faster than last year, dash and Ben Hall came in third place in the" his numoer one rqllked leamma/es on pge. f3. but i feel like i'Il be ready for it," said Brown. shot put. Invita- Swim teams finish Another pace-setter was junior Christine The athletes will next compete on Feb- Johnson who garnered the conference best ruary 21, at the third Susquehanna time in the 400 meters, coming in at 60.83 tional. seconds. conference slate, focus on On February 8th, individual athletes competed in the UMES Fighting Hawks The Phoenix Games. For the women"s contingent, run ~ports section could Conferencef.hamplonships se- nior Blair Heinke won the 3000 meter in 10:45, while Jen Bruce finished second eally use theexpertise in the pole vault at 9 feel 6 inches. Senior Melissa Merson also had a strong pC someone who is Sports Editor events for the Green Terror, taking the 200, performance, running the 55 meter hurdles The McDaniel College swimming teams 500, and 50 yard freestyles. in 9.43 seconds, the sixth best performance nterested in regular season has come to a close with the The Green Terror squads swept both sides in the conference season. Photography. Men's team finishes 7-4, and the Women 7- of their matchup against Urstnus College on On the Men"s side. freshman Broderick 5. January 25th. Maybank didn"t show any nerves in his first If interested, Both teams finished their season with a On the men's side, the team won every meet, as he qualified for the Eastern Colle- combination of awesome victories and bit- event in the competition, with Pickett, giateAthletic Championships (ECAC) with please contact the ter defeats. Easterday, and junior Erich Bass each pick- a triple jump of 44 feet and 112 inches and On February 8th, the squads went on the ing up three victories in the contest in route in the long jump with a leap of21 feet 1/4 Phoenix at ext: 8600. road to Chestertown, MD to meet Washing- to a 118-41 win, inches. Ani was close behind Maybank with ton College. On the Men's side, the meet was closely On the women's side. Allen and Smith fought throughout the competition. Junior picked up two victories apiece and Pulley Dan Pickett led the way for the Green Ter- won three events to lead the team to a 130- ror, winning the 1000 Free, 200 1M. and the 61 victory. 200 Back as the contest came down to the With the conference slate of games over, last event of the day: the relay, the team is now focused on the Centennial The team of freshman Nate Payne, jun- Conference Championships to be held in ior Jason Stackhouse, junior Bryan Wingert, Lancaster, PA through this weekend of the and sophomore Alex Spry picked up the go 21-23. ahead victory to win the meet 95-93. On the Women's side, the team was domi- nated by the opposition, losing 148-49. Jun- ior Mary Easterday won the 100 Freestyle for the Green Terror. The McDaniel squads struggled against Franklin & Marshall on February 5th. The Are you interested in diplomats swept both the men's team (118- 72) and the women's squad (121-67). Sports and Writing? The Green Terror 200 yard medley re- lay team of Spry, sophomore Nick Grigsby, Easterday, and Picken won their event with a team of I :44, while Pickett also came back and won t~e 100? yard freestyle, Easterday The Phoenix needs also contn?uted In the loss, winning the 200 yard 1M With a time of 2;06, people to cover the FOr the Warnell. junior Melanie Pulley won the ,100 yard breaststroke with a lime many different sports of I: 13 and the 200 yard freestyle relay team on the McDaniel of senior K~IJi Parentas. sophomore Lee Ann Riuerpusch. and freshman Brooke Bennett Campus. and Aimie Smith won their event as well. The Women's squad dominated visiting ~:~r:~~~~3~~1Iege on February lst by a If interested, The team won every event in the con- test. and were ~pearheaded by freshman please contact the Cassandra Allen who set a new school mile- \feli.IWI .Hff~(1IJsoars over the IIlIr(/I<'s. She WlISone oj athletes tmnored ill 1mr,Senior Phoenix at ext: 8600 Tribute on pge. 15 ston~ for the 100 yard (I :09) and 200 yard breaststroke (2:21). Pulley also Won three
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