Page 99 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page II GET • NOTICED There is a plethora : of community service : opportunities available On Campus: Anyone : both here College cam- the on : McDaniel this community needs upfor a game of golf? • pus and in the surround- : ing Carroll County area. • In an effort to spark stu- vided by over 100 different stu- real, well that's what people in the dent interest in commu- dents. Subscriptions Manager house do it for." House members The installation of a carbon mon- The organization usually works Swinging a golfclub seems like intend to continue their engaging nity service, The Phoenix • oxide or smoke detector, a shower one weekend a month, and Mr. a simple task, but teaching 20-30 service project for the kids this will be highlighting ser- grab rail, or a handicap access ramp Roenick communicates the upcom- kids ranging in age from 5 to 14 spring and next year. vice accomplishments is not an issue for students living ing work dates through e-mail. Stu- years old how to swing golf clubs Plans for the spring for the kids and opportunities in up- in McDaniel College residences, dents can volunteer their time on a could be quite a~ ~~ __ .,:_:;n.~c:l:ude three coming issues. but these minor home repairs are month by month basis, whenever project-the exact major problems for some citizens. it fits into their schedule. It is not project tackled by the Feel free to contact With the help of students who vol- necessary for students to have any affinity housing the Career Services Of- unteer their time and labor, the or- background with construction or group Links "Fore" fice at ext.2243 for fur- ganization TOOLS (Teens Offering maintenance, as they will be per- Kids. This past fall, ther information on any Others Love and Service, lnc.) pro- forming the minor home repairs Links "Fore" Kids • of the service activities vides service to help elderly, dis- under the guidance of adults who sponsored three free abled, and impoverished citizens are, according to Mr. Roenick, golf clinics, instruct- • mentioned in this col- maintain their homes. "highly skilled and well versed in ing youth in the com- : umn or if your organize- TOOLS is a non-profit Chris- the work that they do." The adults munity on the basic : tion would like to be rlan organization that, according to will teach the students everything components of golf. : spotlighted. President Jim Roenick, functions they need to know to perform the The clinics were held under a "commitment to the Lord labor, even, according 10 Mr. at Westminster Island and to the community to help Roenick. if they must begin as ba- Greens, a driving people who need assistance and sic as "showing how to hold 1I ham- range just recently don't know how to get it." mer." installed last summer. up for the gym class," but would Funded mainly by a large grant If you are interested in assisting The nine mem- still have a lot of fun playing. from the Maryland Affordable with this organization, as they are bers of the affinity L-=-__ _::=:::"::=tournament. If you would be interested in Housing Trust, the organization looking to tap into the wealth of housing group Links "Fore" Kids, Dan Waeger said Links "Fore" participating in such an event to provides all the mate.cials and la-, able-bodied students here-on cam- and some other members of the Kids is also "hoping to open up to learn a little about golf or if you bor necessary to replace, paint. in- pus, the next tentadvety scheduled golf team took turns teaching the the college student body" by orga- would stall, and repair numerous interior date is February 22nd. clinics, receiving some additional nizing an evening for students to want to help organize the event or ' and exterior structures in homes. Please contact President Jim help from the driving range staff. go out to the golf course and learn the youth tournament, you should TOOLS has helped approximately Roenick at 4l0~875-2452or at Member Dan Waeger stated "see- about golf. He said they came up reach Dan Waeger and other mem- 40 clients since their organization jimroenick@hotmail.comformore ing smiling faces when the kids get with this idea "because a lot of kids bers of Links "Fore" Kids at ext. in January of2ool, with labor pro- details. excited when they hit a golf ball don't have the time or don't sign 8395 Gene Orza speaks to McDaniel Student Government Assembly: on Major League Baseball Campus Life Committee JULIE OGRVSKO Special to Phoenix whowrotethis? salary cap, an ultimatum to which $4 million that the managers actu- This semester, SGA's Campus Life Committee per year." He went on After an no player would succumb. to explain incredible 224 days of strike and ally pay for the players to not have will meet every Monday night at 9:30 in the SGA office. Gene Orza, a principal arbitrator no baseball (no replacement play- free agency, that is, to keep the for the MLB Players Association, ers would play on the owner's player from other teams. When All students are welcome to attend these meetings. Tom ventured to our McDaniel lounge terms), the owners took an impor- asked about several players initia- MarshalJ, Class of 2004 President, is the head of the Com- on Thursday, February 6. A middle- tant message and retracted the ul- tion to the Hall of Fame, including mittee and can be reached at extension 8114 with any aged man, Mr. Orza previously timatum. Pete Rose, Orza stated "I don't see questions or comments. Current issues the committee is worked as chief consul to MCRB By 2002. the owners had pro- why the voting committee lets the and has spent 18 years as a union cured a better thought-out plan to MLB, and independent organiza- working on include: improving residence hall conditions, negotiator resolving the many con- save money rather than demanding tion, tell them what to do." GLAR meal plan concerns, repairing sinkholes in the flicts that arise between the play- a salary cap, the owners decided to He also pointed out that base- driveways, and enhancing multicultural diversity on cam- ers he represents and the owners of place a tax on the player's salaries. ball began as a gambling sport, as pus. baseball clubs nationwide. The tax would have a "Robin Hood did many others, the most flagrant .•......•....•.... ... . Thursday, Orza opened with a effect," states Orza: the money ac- trivia question to which a correct quired from the tax would be re- of which is football. Closing his discussion, Orza spoke on the pos- response, written and submitted distributed to poorer, smaller clubs. sibility of a club coming to Virginia :~ou knowhowto expressYOluself after the presentation. would be The increased revenue sharing orMD. : creatively, rewarded by two VIP box tickets' would serve to improve the com- will most likely The Expos courtesy of Orioles manager Peter petitive balance of the league. packing up and leaving their Ca- be ~ CONTRAST Angelos, a man Orza claims has After a brief discussion of his which continues been quite a monetary beneficiary role in these negotiations, Gene nadian home, spiral in support of the · downward of Orza's talents and services. Orza allowed extensive time for American sport. : wantsyou! Orza went on to discuss recent questions. One of the first regarded negotiations; he first commented the extravagant salaries that today's He believes the team will most · Contrast Literary Magazine is looking for students who on the strike of 2002, which he di- players take the luxury of; Orza likely move to DC, not Northern ·can write poetry, rectly relates to the strikes of '94, Virginia although he thinks putting short stories, paint, draw, take explained that these salaries are a a team in New Jersey would be a '95, and '96. Gene states that the photographs, and express themselves creatively. Youcould function of revenue; as in most oc- good experiment with the idea that - difference between these strikes be published! The whole campus can be looking at your cupations, the pay scale is a pyra- the Yankees are successful only and their resolutions is simple; the • work. Drop off your masterpiece at the drop box behind mid. because of their New York spon- strike of 1994 proved to be a tough In baseball today, 3,000 play- sors, and the head-quartering of • the Information Desk. Deadline March IS. CaUJay Levy negotiation because the owners ers make less than $5,000 per year nearly every media corporation in demanded the emplacement of a . __ .._._ ..- yet the top 500 players rake-in over their horne, NYC.
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