Page 85 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 85
SPORTS Wednesday, November 20,2002 - Page 13 Losing a quarterback Women's field hockey plays may not end season tough throughout playoffs but Westbrook. falls short in playoffs MATTHEW E HURt'F Co-Editor-in-Chief Also, the strong Eagles defense This weekend there was terrible may be just enough to keep the news from about two hours north Giants and Redskins at bay in the Co-Sports Editor Bluejays slipped past McDaniel by on 1-95. Donovan McNabb, the division. When McDaniel athletic learns aslim 1-0 score and the game lived star quarterback for the Philadel- So, while Eagles fans certainly begin their practices every year, up to its billing in another classic phia Eagles experienced a season- would like McNabb 10 return next almost every one has two goals in match-up between the two schools. threatening ankle injury that may week, the big picture may be much mind for their season: win the Cen- The game resembled a stalemate, tennial Conference and the highest, both teams mirrored each other and have him out for 6-8 weeks. Does this devastating injury se- win a National Championship. were equally talented that neither verely impair the playoff hopes for The McDaniel Field Hockey team could gain an advantage in the squad continued the program's first half. the 7-4 Eagles? Well, not neces- greatest season ever with these high With the game scoreless in the sarily. First, an optimistic McNabb goals in reach. feels as though he will be able to deep into the second half, it was play through the injury. season Courtesy of their 16-3 regular Campanelli who would ignite the record, Terror the Green This still does not guarantee Green Terror offense again when success because with the injury he entered rhe Centennial Conference one she found senior Susan Rohrer at as the number tournament will be far less effective and much seeded team and host of the Cham- the net for the game's only score at the 24:47 mark as the team held on more likely to be injured even picnships. Worse. for their first Conference title. On Saturday November 9th, the Campanelli's game winning assist So, for all intents and purposes, lets consider Koy Detmer or Jay team played their first game, a was her ninth of the season, which semifinal match-up against broke a record for assists in a single Feely at quarterback. Neither are Franklin and Marshall College. season. proven at the NFL level at all, so From the start of the contest, The team's goal of the that does not bode well for them at McDaniel put constant pressure on program's first Centennial Confer- first glance. However, if you look the opposition, out-shooting the ence title had been secured, as the around the NFL, there are many Diplomats 16-3, but was unable to team prepared for the National ~uanerbacks that have found vary- capitalize with points as the game Championships. On Wednesday 109 degrees of success when the remained scoreless deep into the November 13th, the team played starting quarterback was downed second half. host to their first national playoff ~ith injuries, even though most With less than two minutes left game against College of NOire aDS Would have never considered them. in the contest, McDaniel junior Dame. Kim Campanelli found freshman McDaniel dominated the con- 'The list is actually fairly long, with Melanie Thompson who slapped test from start to finish, building up ~mes like Tommy Maddox, Kurt the puck past the Diplomats goal- a 4-0 halftime lead and shutting out arner, Jay Fielder and Torn Brady keeper to win the game 1-0. the opposition by a 6-0 score. On it Heck, even Trent Dilfer Green Terror junior goalie Sophomore Sarah LeBarron started seems to be able to fill in well Becky Arnold played flawlessly for me offensive barrage wirh lin un- enough to win a Super Bowl.So. the team, with two saves both in assisted goal and was followed by ~he point is that a quarterback in- the closing minutes of the victory. Campanelli, and freshman Melanie Jury does not necessarily spell the With the victory, the only ob- Thompson and Lindsay Ricks pick- end of the season for a playoff stacle left between Green Terror ing up first half scores. In the sec- hopeful team. The tandem of and their first Centennial Confer- ond half, sophomore Clara Detmer and Feely, in all likelihood, ence title was fierce conference ri- Hollingsworth, assisted on the Th- Will Oat work out to produce a Su- val, Johns Hopkins University. ln Continued 011 Page 15 per Bowl MVP quarterback like an earlier meeting this season, the Tom Brady, but they may provide enough passing to open up rushing ~!~:~ni~:~:~; DaUnC;s~ar\?~ Westminster's Island Green Practice Facility DRIVING Prices: 45 Balls.... $6.oo -Heated & Covered Tees 105 Balls••..$IO.oo -Golf Lessons by 165 Balls••..$ I 5.00 Certified Golf Expanded Professionals Lunch Special Impact Custom for McDaniel Golf: Students (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) -Full Service Repair -Custom Club Fitting Lunch special -Reg ripping includes sandwich, chips, 20 oz. drink Retail and $6.00 bucket Featuring Ping, of range balls Titleist, Top Flite, Maxfli, Peerless, KZG All For $6.00
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