Page 84 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 84
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 12 FEATURES Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets DORAY FOR TH Special Effects reveal what's really going on at the school of Hogwarts HITEFORD JESSICA WATSON also (0 have done some light reading on the tern of this. Feawres Editor side. They suspect that the chamber of secrets, LEANING STAFF New to theatres just this past Friday, While Harry still is the same ol' Harry, hence the title, is hidden in Hogwarts, but Warner Brothers Pictures proudly presents he has definitely grown a little taller and his the question is where? And once they find Ithough several of us com- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. voice is deeper (suck itup to puberty I guess). it, who can open it and what awful being lain, a thank you is overdue This movie is a follow up to Harry Potter Whatever is lurking around at Hogwarts even lurks inside (or more appropriately, is what- and the Sorcerer's Stone and ever it holds sul! there)? Was it ANDREA HOOKER has attracted viewers both a monster? Did it break out? Staff Writer young and old. Some of the students have Most of the commentaries that I read It's based on the novels by been terrified and left paralyzed in the Phoenix are usually commenting on J. K. Rawling, directed by by something, but what? Their the food at Glnr or the infamous Smith Chris Columbus and produced bodies were carried to the infir- House, but [ want to take the time to thank by Davide Heyman and Chria mary still frozen in time. An- our lovely cleaning staff. Columbus. other clue surfaces in the mys- I personally want to thank Ms. Betty This movie has the young tery, a diary by a former student and Ms. Debbie for greeting me in the wizard Harry Potter (Daniel named Tom Marvolo Riddle. morning, making my day a little brighter. Radcliffe) and his friends Ron Although its pages are blank, it The cleaning staff tries to keep our lovely (Rupert Grint) and Hermione may hold the clues that will help dormitory clean, despite some of our resi- (Emma Watson) facing new Harry and his gang get to the dences need to desecrate our bathrooms. challenges as they enter their bottom of this. In the showers the walls are covered with second ear at Hogwarts School Think you're a littJe to old the hair of past occupants, but not due to of Witchcraft and Wizardry. to see Harry Potter? Think our cleaning staff. Their quest is to reveal the again. The special effects are It is because half of the Whiteford girls dark force that has been ter- the main attraction, with are apparently going bald, don't rorizing the school. "This sequel is a part of a planned series of Hogwart much larger and ex- worry this is just a mere exag_, This sequel is a part of a posed than ever before. geration. It is just some of our ! planned series of seven Pot- seven Potter films and is exploding with Did you know this school residents don't clean after ter films and is exploding also had secrets underground themselves while washing their with the computer animation computer animation..." as well? As large as hair. that brings the mystical world Hogwarts is underground Through all of the hair and of Harry Potter and Hogwarts matches what you can see "forth meals" that h a v e to life on the big screen. has the professors shaken, not stirred. This from above. The school becomes vast and This is also one of those movies where school has some horrifying secrets, and it's unpredictable, and the battles (whether it is it pays off to have seen the first movie and up to Harry and his gang to get to the bot- with the Quiddish game or against a dragon) are intense with no fairy tale endings. By the way, come prepared; this movie is almost three hours long, but it's worth CANCllN t ACAPlll~ • JAMAICA [elebrate With The Eireen Terror 8AHAMA~• FLOIIDA All The Way To The [hampionshipl Weekend Football Specials Saturdays • 4-7 PM i!!OC:Wings- Buy them by the dozen __ Share them with a Friend. $7 _SO/lb. St:eamed Shrimp _ Tender. Juicy. Steamed To Order_ $5_95 Gourmet: Crab Pizza _ Our Most Talked About NEW Appetlzer_._ Tasting Is Be/ieving. $i!!.9S Harbor Bay Fries _ Wedge Cut. Russet Fries with Crab SELLTRIPS Seasoning and Ranch Dipping Sauce_ $5.75 AT McDANIEL, Scrumptiousl Barbecued Shrimp baked _ in Gulf Shrimp Jumbo WNWH, our hD~emade BBO sauce and topped with txovoume. CriSp bacon and melted GO FREE!! CALLTODAY FOR DETAILS!
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