Page 61 - Phoenix2002-03
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COMMENTARY Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - Page 5 Forgiveness is bliss f you have an opinion, voice it known as the Feminist Movement? Tara DellaJranzia looks at Or what about those responsible for Colby Goodrum people saying (hat the paper is use- not to be a newspaper in the "na her ability toforgive the fact that I will probably hold a encourages student Iess: to those who say the commen- tional news" sense of the word; with others BA and no job when I graduate? involvement. tary section is JUSt filled complain- a Phoenix is a forum for students. people as a wa l Iook at the Phoenix of angry bunch This morning, Iawoke in a clas- The big businesses that control I have been writing for the ing. sic cold sweat. the government, and (he govern- hoenix for two semesters now, I will admit thai I am one of community. I wasn't sick and I wasn't ment that controls the big busi- td I have 10 say it is one thing I those people that complain, but I Whether or not people readio dreaming, but the heat here in nesses. ever thought I would do. like to think that contained within the paper like what Iam saying' ANW had magically turned on at The huge machines that do tre- When Iwas in high school J re- my complaint is greater point that not importam-ff you think Iam some point, and J came to a real- mendous amounts of right and ember thinking how the people tries to make people think. raving idiot. that is just fine, m wrong simultaneously on a daily ization. at wrote for the school newspa- To those who believe that the goal is to get people to tbink A realization thai could only be basis. rwere such darks, sitting in their pa~ is useless, I would most defi- events going on around them, paralleled by my favorite film Then there is the sore spot: high inle office talking about the weird The other thing that aggrav school. ings that would appear in the up- If you are going to me about comments on the q I forgave a person I've been thankfully displaced oming issue. complain about the of the school paper is that I do from high school for four years However. after working for the that, in the past, did now. hoenix I have learned that there paper, at least take see a lot of the people who com plain show up at our weekly MOQ. It was some kind of nightmar- me so much wrong ish prep school from hell. s a lot more to putting out a news- enough of an day meetings at six p.m. in th I originally and never But here at college, people that aper than 1 do not really tbought. interest in it to Phoenix office outside of R ranted, Lounge. take part wear Abercrombie now talk to me, I merely apologized. and now I don't hate them for wear- n the editing process. some of which contribute. If you are going to camp , rite commentaries, ing Abercrombie. e better than others. nilely nave to dtsagree. about the paper, at least tak I scene of all time in which Jerry This new discovery of forgive- However. I have gained an ap- Yes. the news section is not the enough of an interest in it to can tribute. Maguire writes a mission statement ness wasn't religious for me. reciation for those who do put so most nationally based news, and Do not get me wrong, I am a that turns out to be the best and I wouldn't even go as far as uch time into the editing precess. the features section is kind of for complaining, cyniCism, and sur worst thing of his life. calling it spiritual, but it is another Over the past few weeks I have goofy, but it is a school newspa- casm. but at least try to make a dif I woke up realizing that I have kind of awakening. students been able to forgive. A Star Wars type of awakening, earJ various people, make comments as per, what the hell do you expect? ference with your discontent. ell as professors, Our job is to report on things go- I forgave a person that, in the and I have returned the balance to -Cclby Goodrum is a past, did me so much wrong and the Force. bout the quality of the school ing on around campus. sophomore English- I wouJd even go so far as to say ewspaper. never apologized. So after my sweat, I will I have heard everything from that the function of the Phoenix: is I deserve the apology, but my shower, and cleanse again and philosophy major, may not turn out to Deaf education needed for cold sweat isn't over the fact that I again in the cycle of forgiveness, never got one, it's a vindication of which mayor my mind as it replays mutual civil- be more perverse than initially sus- ity from someone whom I'd never pected. be- Campus Safety officers thought I'd forgive. The showers will continue So r have forgiven my former cause of the irony that 1 never for- arch nemesis. mally complained about the dra- tried to turn on the car and tried to differently. But some people, I just can't matic temperature changes that Emily Kirchner addresses stop the alarm. The officers should have stayed seem to forgive. take place in here whileI'rn asleep. a need for ASL training After some time, the alarm was until they knew that the problem Take Britney Spears. Should I among Campus Safety, still not turning off. ~ was absolved and until the students really forgive someone who single- -Fara Dellafranzia is a The officers didn't have any in need were taken care of. handedly destroyed what was once senior English major. I would like to address an inci- type of tools- not even pliers or a In an extreme emergency situ- Excellent service by dent that occurred on October 18, screw driver with them. left my boy- ation, an officer would aid and be able need to be 2002, the night before Safety Homecom- Campus there at the student's ing. friend and me at the scene with the to understand the student's needs dedicated Englar ing my car 10 Harrison lot when we students who still had a problem. fuUy. My boyfriend and I were mov- -Emily Kirchner is a the students live on cam- Although came across three Campus Safety pus, they still did not want the junior psychology major. dining hall employees officers, including Mike Webster, alarm to continue to sound. with four students that obviously My boyfriend did eventually were having car trouble. shut the alarm off using his own smile and the enthusiastic attitude It turned out that these students tools, If Emily Seal compliments of Michelle, which is contagious. It is Campus Safely'S duty to Glar staff for excellent Her positive attitude is not spo- Perhaps the help the students on campus in any you have an service. radic, but is genuine every day at officers could way that they can. pinion that you dinner. receive some sort of In the case of this situation, they Glar is one place where there is She offers helpful information disregarded the needs of the S(U- would like to never a lack of complaints. about what is on the dinner menu minimal training in dents. Students are frustrated daily and reminds us when our dinner fa- The officers should have stayed express in the with the food selection at dinner or vorites, such as steak and shrimp, ASL to avoid total until the problem was solved and the long lines they must wait in af- are approaching. confusion the next should have used more discretion Irorm of a letter tel ter their 10:20 class lets out. And the service doesn't end when leaving six students in the the editor or a However, there is one thing there. time that a deaf dimly-lit parking lot. No matter how we feel about Furthermore, there are many commentary, feel the food that is being served that student has a Deaf students and faculty at .. .there is one thing day or night, I think we would all problem. McDaniel College, free to contact is aware campus about Glar that agree that you can't help but smile were deaf. The owner's car alarm helpful The to these students. of and theCommen~ the counter. when Sandi is behind stands out, and that Not only does she listen to our had been going off for days and her Campus Safety also needs to complaints, but she tries to pass car battery was dead. become aware. Editor, EriD is the service of two along any suggestions we make. Campus Safety was having a Perhaps the officers could re- Romanski at likes she employees, Sandi most When about asked her job, what she replied hard time communicating with the ceive some sort of minimal train- to say the least, and we students, ing in ASL to avoid total confusion Zepp and Michelle without hesitation, "You kids!" went to see if we could help. the next time that a deaf student has x8073. The That I have some knowledge of ASL Stevens. how much response only reiterates and I helped Campus Safety com- a problem. in the Phoenix is always she likes her job and Just a small background shows how lucky we are to have a municate with them, but I was sur- looking for new about Glar that stands out, and that language can allow the Deaf and is the service of two employees, staff that really cares. prised to see no notepad, something the hearing to communicate. persuasive staff Sandi Zepp and Michelle Stevens. -Emily Seal is a senior that could have aided in communi- Although this problem was not cation. Every evening, no matter ,:hat communications major. life-threatening or extremely dan- writers. mood r am in, I am greeted with a The Campus Safety officers gerous, it should have been handled •
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