Page 60 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - Page 4 NEWS McDaniel lecturer Suzanne Seibert edits book Heads-n- Threads hopes to woo college highlighting historical women in Maryland's history crowd with various Western Maryland The three had dinner one night and the hard-won victories. as testament to women's unique selections College alumni decision was made that Seibert would be the vital role in the shaping of Maryland, the TUtI MASCARI editor of the book. U.S. and the world," she writes. "Our cor- AdverlisingM(llUJger featured in book of from The women included in the book ranges respondence and interviews sent many fami- Heads-n- Threads, owned and operated by such as Harriet activists civil rights remarkable women Tubman to politicians such as Ellen lies to attic trunks where they pulled out yel- cousins Alan Nusinov and Taylor Honkofsky, lowed newspaper clippings, diaries, and let- on October opened to the public its doors Sauerbrey. Many Western Maryland gradu- ters to help craft the story of a grandmother, KATIE CHAMPION 15. The shop offers a wide variety of prod- ates are also included in the book. mother or aunt." News editor ucts including hand-blown glass tobacco Former Western Maryland College Dean The book helps to rectify historical ne- 1\vo years of hard work and dedication of Women, Margaret Minerva Robinson glect while setting an example for future pipes and water pipes, tobacco smoking ac- finally came to life for English lecturer (1857-1945) of Frederick County, is recog- generations to properly record women's ac- cessories, tapestries. dorm decorations, vin- Suzanne Seibert last week. nized for dedicating herself to education at complishments. Glendenning adds. tage clothing, hemp necklaces, handbags, "Women of Achievement in Maryland a time when not many had access to formal On Monday, October 21, 400 people in- lamps, watches and cameras. History," which Seibert edited, is the prod- learning above the elementary level. Dur- volved in the project as well as many of the Smell any fragrant aromas emanating uct of a collaborative effort of numerous reo ing her time at Western Maryland, she set an women featured in the hook attended a spe- from McDaniel's dormitories lately? Well searchers. writers and volunteers to bring example for women to excel not only in aca- if you have, the incenses and candles used forth recognition to some of the extraordi- demics but also in character. A plot near the cial dinner in Bethesda to unveil the book. to generate such aromatic scents could have was "It nary women in Maryland's history. women's residence hall that she turned into "Glendenning really nice," Seibert said. been purchased in Westminster's recently gave a speech." Many of the accomplished women are a garden still blooms beautifully to this day Seibert, who is beginning her 13th year opened store. noted for their significant affiliation with as a memorial to a woman who made a dif- as an English lecturer at McDaniel College, Heads-n- Threads is located at 2B Bond Western Maryland (McDaniel) College. ference in Maryland history. is also director of the first year composition Street, just off Main Street and directly "The book is a massive effort to research Lillian Cleveland Compton (1884 - 1973) program. She also teaches women's litera- across from BB&T. The 1,100 square-foot women that date back in Maryland history," is recognized in the book for saving ture, composition and reading and ghost fic- store's operating hours are Tuesday through Seibert said. Frostburg State University. In 1945 she was tion as a first year seminar course. Seibert Saturday, II a.m., to 8 p.m., and Sunday 12 The 7-yearproject, piloted by Maryland's supposed to prepare the school, then p.m., to 6 p.rn. The store is closed on Mon- first lady, Frances Hughes Glendenning, be- Frostburg State Teacher's College but instead also serves as the Affirmative Action Direc- days. However, starting afterThanksgjvin~, tor for the college. gan with the realization that there is a lack gave it a second chance. "She worked like an absolute dog," the store will be open seven days a week until of information about women who have be- Valedictorian of her 1889 graduating Mangan said. "She was just so dedicated in the end of the year. come significant historical figures. A 13- class from Western Maryland College, I. getting this perfect." The 20 year old Honkofsky, who now member committee solicited names of over Jewell Simpson went on [0 coauthor "Ad- commutes 30 minutes every day from Attention Randallstown High School in Columbia. His 25 the shop, went to to manage Howard year old cousin Nusinov is a native of Faculty & Owings and graduated from Shepherd High Mills and attended Franklin School Col- lege in West Virginia. Honkofsky was previously employed at Fire Flies, a similar store to Heads-n- Threads located in Baltimore. According to 650 women. ventures in Reading" among other accom- Honkofsky, Nusinov, who still maintains his Graduate students from the University of plishments. She is recognized for the direc- job at Charles Nusinov and Sons, lnc., ap- Maryland, Salisbury University, Bryn Mawr tion of the use of study guides for Maryland proached him six months ago with the propo- and Yale among others spent four years mak- teachers. sition. Honkofsky's response to the idea was, ing sense of the material, according to au- Sarah "Sadie" Kneller Miller (1867 _ "It's butta." thor and Salisbury University professor Dr. 1920) of Carroll COUDlY is an 1885 graduate When asked why they chose westminster Carolyn B. Stegman. of Western Maryland College featured in the as their site, Honkofsky replied, "Mainly be- "Our research had people going through book. She went on to work in the cause of the College and because there's no dusty attics to submit photos. keepsakes and Westminster community as a journalist at store around here like this." diaries for us to get a better idea of who these various newspapers and became known for When asked how sales were doing, women were," Seibert said. "h was really her pictures of the Panama Canal in 1906. Honkofsky said, "Business has been steady the group of volunteers that made this hap- By age 26 Miller was writing for the Bal- but it can always get better." pen." timore Telegram covering the Orioles and The shop offers a layaway program, and "women of Achievement in Maryland signing her byline "SKM" to prevent her in the future, will be hosting a raffle draw- History" is a 464-page collection of biogra- readers from figuring out her gender. WMC ing for a top-shelf water pipe. HonkofskY phies and pictures s of remarkable women who English professor Dr. Keith Richwine redis- noted that random discounts are given to have made a significant difference in Mary- covered her work and displayed it. Today patrons who do favors for him such as get- land. The book divides these individuals she is recognized as one of rhe most popular ting him food. achievements into seven categories; civil and adventurous photojournalists of her time. Heads-n- Threads offers unique products rights. education, community service, health Bertha Sheppard Adkins (1906 - 1983) with a unique atmosphere. So, if you're in and science, arts and culture, business and became the assistant dean of women in 1934, the market for a new water pipe or maybe sports, and law and public service. and after just two years, was promoted to just a Grateful Dead shot-glass, Heads-n- The project, overseen by Frances Hughes dean of women. After her time at Western Threads can help you out. Glendenning, patterns a similar project in Maryland, Adkins went on to become the Prince Georges County, "Women of first woman to hold the post under the sec- Achievement in Prince George's County retary of any government department. History." Among other graduates is Ellen In her letter that appears in the beginning Sauerbrey who graduated summa cum laude of the book. Glendenning, Chair of Women in 1959 with a degree in English and Biol- of Achievement in Maryland History, ex- ogy. She became the second woman in presses a special thanks to Seibert. Among Maryland history to run for governor. others she writes, "I am particularly grateful Other women featured in Women of [0 project editor Suzanne Nida Seibert." Achievement in Maryland History include Seibert became involved with the project entertainer Kathie Lee Gifford, gymnast Do- when Dr. Kathy Mangan asked if she was minique Dawes, singer Toni Braxton, and interested in the job. Glendenning, a per- Shirley Phillips of worchster County, co- sonal friend of Mangan through other founder of [he Phillips Seafood restaurant projects, menLioned that the project needed chain. an editor and asked if she knew of anyone In her foreword to the book, Stegman, who would be willing to take on the job. comments on the importance of the book to "I immediately thought of Suzanne history. "This book's mission is to bring {Seibert]," Mangan said. alive their stories, including defeats and
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