Page 65 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - Page 9 Ashley Marte and the Famtly sing LIVE at the Underwood has been a member of Szymanski received much atten- LAURA PEn:RSEN SraffWrier numerous bands and gives the tion. With a decade of singing un- Sporting a large smile and ra- Family a rich sound with his har- der her belt, she has just played one diating a lively personality, Ashley monizing vocals. Dave Sraccone, of the biggest gigs in her life. Marie Szymanski is hard to miss. bass guitarist and vocalist, has also "The Pentagon was such a huge But this isn't the only reason played in numerous bands and honor to play," Szymanski ex- Szymanski is so recognizable on opened for acts such as Lorrie plained. "When we got started we the McDaniel College campus. A Morgan and Trisha Yearwood. were nervous but it wasn't as in- junior this year, Szymanski has al- Drummer and vocalist Mike umidaring as I thought." ready opened for the likes of Purdum joined Ashley Marie in Recently playing at the Penta- Shenandoah, Martina McBride, September of 200 I after opening gon building, Szymanski described and The Dixie Chicks. With a for bands such as Lonesrar and the security as simply unbelievable voice described as sensational, Keith Urban. to the point where an escort accom- Szymanski is flattered but refuses No stranger to writing music panied her at all times. Photogra- to take full credit for her achieve- and playing in bands, the phy was also prohibited on her ments. multitalented Mark Appleford visit. "I am nothing without my plays harmonica, rhythm guitar and Titled the "Salute to the Penta- band," she explained. "We make sings vocals for Ashley Marie. gon," Ashley Marie and the Fam- each other, we are as a unit." Lastly, Christopher Bell has expe- ily played at this series of concerts Known simply as Ashley Marie, rienced playing violin but now that were sponsored by the Penta- this young singer has gigs booked plays lead and rhythm guitar along gon Federal Credit Union. It was with her band until 2003. Each with singing vocals. He describes free to all Pentagon workers as a Friday and Saturday night, Ashley playing with Ashley Marie as sim- way of thanking them for their sup- With a decade of singing under her belt, Marie and the Family can be found ply "breathtaking." port of America. Szymanski was playing at a local show or perform- Szymanski describes the type awarded with a piece of rock from Ashley Marie has just played one of the ing to crowds states away. of music she performs as "a vari- part of the building that was demol- "This Saturday we are playing ety," ranging from traditional, blue ished during the September IIth at- biggest gigs in her life. at Genova's restaurant in grass, classic rock, country, to tacks. purposes. Hampstead from nine to twelve at blues. Despite the fact thai herself and With aspirations of being a fa- night," Szymanski said. "Some people think we play all the family were warmly welcomed family, she recollects a funny say~ Next week could be a totally country," Szymanski addressed a to the Pentagon, Szymanski finds tug. mous band one day, Szymanski different story. She and the Fam- current misconception. "We play performing at McDaniel College "My grandfather says that I get draws her inspiration from the ily travel most frequently in Mary- whatever the audience wants to somewhat different. the bull-smack from the Szymanski people she meets. land, Pennsylvania. West Virginia hear basically." "Its weird," she frowned. side of the family," she laughed. "Its cool. every time I meet a and Virginia. Each band member Szymanski began singing at age "They [McDaniel College stu- Szymanski believes that it takes famous person it makes me believe is rich with musical talent from nine when she was involved in a dents] believe that Ithink I am re- 50% talent and 50% entertainment that it is not so farfetched:' she years of practice. Self taught 4H performance group. After be- ally something, but I don't." to be successful, so the "bull- explained smiling. "You know, get- a record deal." lin keyboardist and vocalist Scott ing noticed by the media, Claiming that her talent is uPont Scholar Film Leaderslanted: eries Celebrates The world is not looking for followers, it's looking for Children & Diversity leaders. Let the Leadership workshops show you how. Explore cultural diversity nowned Senegalese musician hrough foreign and domestic films Youssou N' Dour. this film was the JESSICA WATSON cover topics that are more general agement' and in the spring we will eaturing children around the winner of the Grand Prize for best Pearures Editor and basic. Topics include ''The Art have one on 'Basic Investing and arid. Films and discussions are animated feature at the Iruerna- Most colleges and universities of Mingling" and "Inclusive Lead- Credit Management.'" This eared for adults, tional Festival of ave leadership development offer- ership." serves as a great service to the ut most films, ex- .... ------- animated Film in ngs to help college students with They involve speakers such as college community, especially ept where noted. Annecy, France ~eir lives outside of the classroom. Jason Fitzgerald, Graduate Assis- when a lot of students would re suitable for chil- and the First Prize With the Fall 2002 Paths to tant for Residence Life, and Zephia rather have this information now ren 10 and older. from both the chit- Leadership development series and Bryant, Director of Multicultural than later. Introduction and dren and adult ju- iscusaion: he Organizational Leadership De- Services. Another main attraction be- ohnson-Ross. Debora ries at the Chicago elopment Series (also known as OLDS provides student organi- sides learning valuable informa- as- International PLDS), McDaniel College is do- zation members with the opponu- tion is the free meal that comes ristant professor of Children's Film with it. Tasty dishes ng its part to keep the olitical Science Festival. (French ·tudcnt community welJ from Forbidden City nd International with English sub- Restaurant and Ledo's nfonned with informa- Tasty dishes from Forbidden City Restaurant provide an rudles. titles. 74 min.} ion to help them take Restaurant and Ledo 's Restaurant extra incentive for The series is free On December n leadership roles and those who are inter- nd open to the pub- 2, "The Bicycle haracteristics. provide an extra incentive for those ic. Light refresh- Thief" (1947) will An average of 15 who are interested. ested ents will be be shown. This is tudents attend each The next lead- Vinorio de Sica's workshop workshop. ership will cover "In- to Film sessions remarkable drama come These workshops ill be 7-9:30 p.m. of desperation and over diverse topics ranging from nity to develop their leadership clusive Leadership." and will be n Decker Audito- survival in post- ptoney management to confronting skills. These particular workshops presented by Zephia Bryant, the iurn, Lewis Hall of ....~ .... __ .... ...I wwn Rome, won DirectorofMulticulturai Services. Our peers. are designed to meet the needs of Spaces for these workshops are cience, on the a special Academy "We draw our presenters from student leaders and enable them to cDaniel College campus. Award before foreign film had its ~e college community," says Betsy become more effective in their po- limited to 25 participants per On November 11, "Kirikou and own category. It features a father hi mock, Assistant Director of sition. They cover important top- workshop. e Sorceress," wiU be shown. This whose job depends on his bicycle ollege Activities. ics such as fund-raising, and speak- To register for one of these 1m is an animated African fairy and the son who helps him pur- As of now the presenters lend ing before an audience. workshops or to simply learn more ale, recounts the story of tiny sue the thieves who have stolen o be McDaniel staff. The work- "Sometimes follo.w ups are about the leadership programs, irikou, who sets out on aquest to it. (Italian with English subtitles. hops are free and open to all col- done on workshops we had in the call the College Activity's Office ee his village from the curse of a 93 min.) -Courtesy of Public Infarmario Directed "This fall we ege students. fall." said Chimock. on 'Money Man- at ext. 2266 or send an email to icked witch. soundtrack by Michel Office had a workshop by re- celot with The Paths to Leadership series
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