Page 59 - Phoenix2002-03
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Taking matters into their own hands: Honors Program students make Daniel Maclea renovations KATIE CHAMPION Wilson became involved in the Ne:wsEdilor project as a coordinator. She con- The honors floor of DMC hall tributed couch covers and worked has been given a fresh new look, as a liaison between the students by its residents. and the physical plant. The stu- With the help of the Residence dents picked out paint colors and Life staff, many honors students swatches of material for curtains. took matters into their own hands Wilson then went to Duron and the painting and hanging curtains in physical plant paid fro the neces- their common rooms. saryitems. Traditionally, the honors pro- The honors students painted gram has been housed in sections everything. Sarah Vannoy, an hon- one and tWO of DMC. ors student, made the curtains. Renovations had not been done The honors students created a in the past few years and the resi- committee to chose paint colors dents felt that it was time to step in and designs for the wall coverings. and take rnauers into their own "We had control over every- hands. thing," Diller said. "Residence "We decided as a group to take Life was very supportive and we ownership of our suites and im- think it looks great." prove them," James Diller, project Traditionally, fraternities and manager said. ''The condition was sororities have been allowed to take fair at best." over their floors, painting and deco- It was Residence Life Coordi- rating, as they wanted. The hon- nator Shonda Wilson's idea to ini- ors students decided to expand this tiate the revamping. to their organization. "There were a ton of dilapidated In the future, the students hope couches and awful flooring that to paint a mural in the hall. it done in a short amount oftime," needed some help," Wilson said. "I'm impressed by them to get Wilson said. "ltlooks really nice" INTERNATIONAL Like to read news? Like to make news? STUDIES ABROAD Why not WRITE news?! The Phoenix needs news writers. Many departments give credit for a semester with The Phoenix. Sign up at spring registration and email to get involved. <>; « Would you like to make your mark at McDaniel? n s • rttPhoeni)( SPAIN • FRANCE • ENGLAND • AUSTRALIA _ '¢IN-I· "o4M--ili§-a- CHILE • MEXICO. COSTA RICA • ARGENTINA Tne Phoenix is seeking a ~ Academic credits II> Cultural excursions WHAT'S INCLUDED new masthead ~ Room and board ... Overnight excursions II> Tuitionat host university .. Entrance fees If you have a great design for the ... Full-time resident directors Ground transportation Airport reception .. Daily tutorial assistance new masthead, email us at II> .Dn-site ISA offices Student services for details. II> Internet access II> Medical insurance ~inner will receive -$100 cash prize! (8001580·8826· is. ros t udie s e br e c d.j e m •
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