Page 62 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 62
Wednesday. November 6, 2002 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff At the risk of being labeled an "anti-dentite" Disclaimer: No dentists were Editors-In-Chief harmed during the writing of this person's hand stuck in my mouth with a Edward K. Schultheis '03 "Seinfeldian" editorial. Their names have double sided pick and a mirror. Sbe states. "I never knew what he was saying .. .l never Matthew E. Hurff '03 been omitted to protect the innocent. really paid attention to what he was singin.g There is a ritual unlike any about until now." I'm thinking that this experience I have ever participated. News Editor Moreover, while it only comes twice a year, woman should be paying attention to ill? Katie Champion '04 its strikes fear into my heart months in teeth that she is prodding, since my jaw IS advance, as a letter arrives in my mailbox kinda locked open with her hand, pick, and Nevertheless, is a in it. mirror she Features Editor Informing me about an upcoming professional, so I'm hoping she can do two Jessica Watson '05 appointment. An exam? Government polygraph test? Meeting a girlfriend's father things at After she finishes her mining and for the first lime'? Ha, I would welcome Commentary Editor those. NO,lamtalkingaboutrnysemi-yearly spelunking expedition in my mouth, the Erin Romanski '04 trip to my family dentist. dentist comes in, takes a look, pokes aro~nd with that pick again, asks the floss quesuon Let me just state that I like my once more, talks about my surgery and ~eo Assistant Commentary Editor dentist Heis a nice guy, and I totally respect I am off - with a fresh toothbrush, Listenne- Donna Hurd '03 the profession that he has chosen - because Edward K Schultheis and of course, floss. people are right, dentistry is a tough gig. But Now while I may be labeled, mucb let me just explain my reasons for dreading tool known to man. And in she goes., After Sports Editor my dentist visits, one of which occurred this about the third tooth that she has scraped, like Jerry was, as an "ami-denure," I ~an say that Iam "pro-dentite" - [Just Greg Lederer '03 past Saturday morning. out pops the question J knew was coming. definitely love my trips to the office. I mean don't leRoy McDuffie '05 See, this time they had to take some "Do you floss?" I'm thinking, ma'am, I'm someone has to make sure that all my teeth x-rays of my mouth. So, they put that lead a college student who doesn't enjoy shaving stay intact because I am convinced that sheet over your chest, and boy do J feel safe every other day, do you really think I floss Advertising Manager missing teeth is not a girl magnet or a good I when the dentist and nurse jump out and that often? However, me being me,l simply image on my job interviews. Hmm, it could Tim Masceri '03 leave me alone with this machine firing me utter "not often." So back she goes tojabbing be a good conversation piece though, "Hey check-full of radiation with a thin sheet of my gums and scraping away what feels like there I'm Ed, guess what me and ,Ge?r:e Subscriptions Manager lead covering my "package." Already I was my tooth's enamel. Washington have in common? That s ng t, Katie Martin '06 weary of the remainder of my day since J But then comes the scariest thing wooden teeth baby! was told that surgery was forthcoming to that I have ever heard ... While a song is extract my three wisdom teeth. So that's playing on the radio, which I wasn't paying -Edward K. Schultheis is a senior ! Senior Writer exciting, ugh. too much attention to, ya know, with a communication major Michael Wiles '03 The little things in life matter the most Staci George '03 lege. While this realization did not suddenly Tammi Slater reflects on the in the process. Iwitnessed that no matter how Staff Writers dawn on me just this year, it has never been old, one can still feel small when by the lenn Ballard '03 trivial matters of life which hoLd something which I have spent my personal ocean. Tara Dellafranzia '03 the most importance. time thinking about. Finding ways to continually bring out our Adrienne Glick '05 The little things. named Whell 1 did, th~ list of people which I youth I feel is extraordinary, because for me through in my mind who helped Colby Goodrum '05 They are what I've always been told that my four years here and are partly respon- some, once they grow old they lose sight of the child in them forever. Nicole Grimm '06 life is all about. sible for the point I am at now was amazing. But the truth is, a child lives in us all. I Alana Reynolds-Hicks '03 Watching a sunrise, reliving a childhood Perhaps maturity is the answer. Some learned that the little things are more of~en Dan Hamvas '03 memory, seeing the joy on a child's face as would argue experience is the missing piece. than not the things we don't bother looking they open a gift, a picture-these are just a I would say that it all boils down to time. Emily.Kirchner '04 few of the ingredients of life. For without time, what's maturity and expe- long or hard enough to see or understand. Katie Martin '03 As a senior. I have come to realize even rience based upon? While this was my first surfing experience Laura Peterson '06 more the precious gift of time. However, It is within time that we grow into the at the age of 21, it was also my father'S at the age of 55. Emily Seal '03 more importantly, I have come to both cher- individuals we are today. It is within, and in But this didn't matter. The experience Tammi Slater '03 ish and respect time. between the moments that we experience the was one which I will never forget; however, Following September IIth, that horrible "little things." Just this past month I have day of tragedy for our nation and its people. witnessed many mind and time altering mo- what was most exciting was my father'S fear- Adviser as sparked an even greater recognition of ments while enveloped in one of my most less tenacity and youthful attitude. This fa- Terry Dalton time and how we, as Americans, often take favorite places on earth-the beach. ther and daughter opportunity was just one a minute for granted. of the small things that stick with you for At the close of the summer season I had Now here I am, practically two months the joy of seeing one of my parents' lifelong life. One of the little things that remind .us The Phoenix is published biweekly. The into my final year of college, and I too find dreams come true when they became the that life isn't for wishing away, but for liv- bninions expressed do not necessarily represen myself often pondering the passing of time. owners of a beach house in Ocean City, Md. ing moment to moment. As a senior and ~-of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the Approaching Homecoming this weekend It is at this very place that I find myself graduation in the near future, this is a year ~nistrntor5ofWMC. made me realize this wasn't just another losing track of time. Iurge all of you to seek of life in which the desire is often to speed The paper welcomes free-lancesubmissioos Homecoming on the Hill-this was it. this feeling. Find the place wbich seems to rnMacintosh disks in most word processor for- Never again would I, or many of my fel- stop time for you, and when you do, you will up, ;~::~o~~of::~ ~::;~~:e been full of ~. The editors reserve the right to edit f low classmates, attend Homecoming as a stu- experience the little things. people and events which have proven to me larity, length, and Libeland to publish as space dent on the Hill. In the midst of all the remi- They are always there, always have been, over and over again that every one of us has bermits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- niscing of time over the past four years I of- we just don't always see them. But it is Our the ability to be, or create the great momen~s ~ diskettes) become the property ofTh< ten find myself going back to the same mo- duty, and Ibelieve each and everyone should and little things in life There are many indi- hoenix and cannot be returned. rnents. make it a priority to experience the little viduals on this campus who come to mind Please include a name and phone numbe For example, move in day, and meeting things in life. Isay this not because they are when thinking of the lengths that people bave orverificarion. Names will be withheld only by my roommate for the first time, parties, more important, but rather because they have gone for me in my four years here. clubrooms, midnight breakfast, never end- the ability to transform, to shape, to touch, These moments are one of the many les- ing tre=:;n~~~OC:~:~ basedon exams and research papers, formals, and to instill within a feeling which is un- sons from this college that f will carry with ~:, race, ~~gion, ~e_nder,sex~ orientalio,: sleep deprivation, Glar, the night of the name like any other. me, and I hope all of you have at least .o~e r:monal ongm, condition of handicap, or man change. and many other countless memories. For me, when I am at the beach time you will keep alive as well. After all, It IS jal starus. However, it occurred to me that often times seems almost to stand still, and I witness acts, the duties of those who aid us that help mold we don't credit the right things or people who or even participate in ones that will and have and shape us to this point of accomplishment. Mail to: fill our time. already left imprints on my life forever. To With senior year pressing onw~d, .my 7hePhoenix Sure, our party memories and Homecom- my fellow seniors, Iencourage all of you to hope is that students don't wish theIr nme WMC, 2 College Hill ing activities are worthy and deserving, right- find that something this year which seems away. Rather thanĀ· wishing time pass, .tak e Westminster,MD21l57 fully so, as portions of our college memo- to almost slow time. Try sometbing new and the time to stop and notice the little thmg s . (4 to) 751-8600 ries, but what goes unnoticed too often are t:ake note of those around you; you juSt might Chances are you won't be waiting vel)' lo~g, FAX: (410) 857-2729 the little things. be surprised at what you find. for life is made of moments in time. EnJOY E-Mail: The string of kind, unexpected, admir- Wbile learning how to surf a few week_ and savor this lime, for it is bound to be one ing, significant, and life altering acts we ex- ends ago, something I've always wanted to of the best of Our lives. - Tammi Slater is a senior perience over the course of time we call col- learn. J found something even more notable communication major.
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