Page 63 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 63
COMMENTARY Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - Page 7 resonates Senioritis kicks into full swing Staci George addresses the toms of senioritis. But it's like that The dictionary definition of'ter- rorlsm is the unlawful use or threat- issue oj paper writing marathon runner who runs so fast the first part of the race and over- ened use of force or violence by a combined with senioritis. works his body so that he has to person or an organized group Lately, I have been It's that part of the semester slow down for the final part of the against people or property with the very proud to be an where I wish time could be paused race. What happens in the last few intention of intimidating or coerc- like a video. weeks is the determining factor of ing societies or governmerus. often American and I And probably other students are the grades one receives. Ideally, I for ideological or political reasons. hope that even feeling the pressure of short-term have always liked the idea of a What the sniper has done is intimi- assignments like reading a hundred school where grades do not exist. date our entire area. though our country pages and writing a five-page pa- One attends it to learn and in- I know that I am not the only per. As the short-term projects pile teract with other scholars but does one that still gets scared and thinks is going through a up, there is that occasional re- not have to focus on whose grades twice every time Isee a white van. transitional period minder of the end of semester pa- are higher as to validate their smart- Even though I know that the sniper per that ki Its about ten trees be- ness. has been caught I still get scared. and some hard cause it requires that much paper. I truly feel like time is running It is almost like a warning sig- Don't get me wrong I like to out and there is that feel in the back nal goes off inside my head. write. If not, well then I have se- sand will fill the bottom as I finish I of my mind that the hour glass's It is a reflex action that for some lected the wrong career (journal- reason I don't think I will ever be ism). But there gets [0 be a point that last page of the first of three able to shake. where trying to separate the topics large papers Ihave to write this se- Now, I can empathize more of three or four lengthy papers be- mester. with all the citizens of New York comes a problem. For those who work at a ShOP-, after the September llrh attack. Especially when you cannot sit ping mall or have taken on a part- What these types of people are overcome any amount of feats down and focus on oneofthe three attacking is our way of living. or four papers that are due in like ~:~:,j~:e i;~c7~~~t ~~~;eg s~~;e~~~ . They are taking away our feel- are placed before us. ings of security thut by right we Lately. I have been very six weeks because you have assign- already decorated and lined with to be an American and I ments on your to do list that are due holiday merchandise makes it seem should all have. like the semester is slipping away So I believe that the only way even though our I I truly feel like even faster. a transitional [Q overcome them is to fight back through hard times most of you Iplanned a Halloween costume some byjustlivlng our lives the way that I time is running out there an! feeling the same way. and decorated a store for Christmas -Donna Hurd is a senior and there is that feel in the same night, which made the in the back of my whole month of November and its holiday Thanksgiving almost non- mind that the hour existent. I will close with a piece of advice for those readers who are glass's sand will fill 'extreme procrastinators: the bottom There is not as much Lime left as you think, unless you are one of Aside from the recent sniper rising rates as a wake-up call for ket awaiting us. in only a few short hours. Not only those persons who only eats, incidents, and the onset of war with our lazy American society? Not only that, but the likelihood is it flu season, but it is also that sleeps, and goes to class. But for Are we so caught up in materi- that we will have to accept a low time of year when people begin to us busybodies who are in a few Iraq, there is the obvious drag on ranking job despite our over priced develop sentortus (even if they are campus organizations, work, do the economy (hat has been putting alism and success that we'd climb education and obvious qualifica- two or three years away from service projects, and have an in- the corporate ladder without a sec- a general damper on our everyday tlons, is awfully probable. graduating). ternship, the clock is ticking as ond thought? lives. In other words, when the rimes Most people don't mean to one's stress level increases. As opposed to a real ladder in a working class position because oth- gel tough, keep your head screwed slack off and give into the symp- -Staci George is a senior communications major. For those ers will scoff at our mere earnings? on straight. living in ,------------..__:::.:::::::::::=::::::.::~~---, of us not Well, yes it has become more and more disreputable to take a step dreamlike state day down when the times get tough and and day out, perhaps we are forced to scrape the bottom realize that every of the Classlfieds barrel. We would much rather sit on unemployment for the rest of our lives, while the rest of America pays our way through a beseech- ingly welfare existence. It is incredibly scary to be a college student, on the near brink It is incredibly scary Erin Romanski to be a college You may notice it in the form student, on the near of gas prices, as they soar sky high much like the summer of 2001 brink of graduation, when we nearly broke the $2/gal- only to come to the Ion mark at the local Shell station. Especially for those driving SUVs, inevitable we immediately gasped at the cash conclusion that rapidly dwindling from the 'folds of ourwa11ets. there is an extremely But of course being the trans- porradon dependent people [hat we competitive job are and for most, far too proud to market awaiting us. take the bus or walk a mile t~ get to our destination, we begrudgmgly of graduation, only to come to the comply with the governments' high is a junior inevitable conclusion that there is an extremely competitive job mar- English major. fare~~uld we possibly interpret the - •
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