Page 57 - Phoenix2002-03
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- Volume XXVI Number 5 North Village apartments nearing completion onstruction of ewacademic Best Western hotel residents anxious about change in scenery uilding hinges KATIE C.IAMPION pon Maryland New$Ediror With winter weather creeping rant money closer and closer, builders are fe- verishly working on the construc- KAn" CUAMPION tion of the North Village apart- N~Wf ErJ;lo~ ments. College officials are still College officials are in the earl hoping to move students living in tanning stages of a new academi the Best Western hotel in by mid- uilding. January for the spring semester. If all goes according t chedule, the building could hre "I spoke with the builder last found as early as this Slimmer. week." Ethan Seidel, Vice Presi- The new building is going t dent of Adrrurusrration and Fi- It wil nance, said. "He said they should O~!an csttmatcd Sg million. have two buildings completed by ouse the graduate and profes January." tonal studies, the academic skill With the first two buildings enter, psychology and educatio nearing completion, students are epanrnents as well as all depart anxious about who will be moving ems in Thompson and Winslo in and when. ails. in current plans, rh AJI forty students living in the As shown Best Western wi II be the first to nilding wi!] occupy the space be move in, according to Residence ween the library and the Alber Life Coordinator Shonda Wilson ormun Ward residence halL Residence Life has made sev- While college officials arc get eral attempts to make the Best ing excited about the new build Western residents feel as comfort- ng, the construction depends able and live as conveniently as them." were McDaniel College merchan- he approval of a grant from th possible. The majority of students late. "We had some problems with given parking permits in an effort Each year the state of Marylan the computer Jab in the beginning to make parking more accessible to dise arrives to replace old CIS aside money for private col In rh of the semester," Wilson said. them. Best Western residents knew ege academic facilities. bas ben College ast, McDaniel "They did not have AOL Instant that they would have to provide Western Maryland items fited from these grants from th Messenger at first but the bugs have their own transportation before tate that have aided in the con been worked out with the equip- they signed up to live there, Wil- NICOLE: GRIMM curred was that the McDaniel Col- truction of the library lind th ment." son said. SlajfWl'iltr lege logo was misprinted and the novations of'Eaton HaU. Hill H The use of shuttle buses, while ''We haven't had too many com- merchandise had to be returned to Hall in the 1990s. seemingly a solution to the lack of plaints about the message system," After weeks of waiting, the the factory. nd Peterson presentation wa A formal parking for Best Western students, Wilson said. "Messages are left at McDaniel College gear is slowly The "c" in the name ade to the state agency in Se was not implemented this year. the front desk. It's like they have starting to fill the racks in the book "McDaniel" was printed as a capi- 'ember. The next pari of (he p "We used shuttle buses in the their own personal secretary." store. tal "C" instead of a raised lower- ess is for this to be submitted past but no one utilized them," In order to check messages, stu- The orders for the new case "c" with one line under it. he Department of Budget all t Wilson said. "We have a limited dents have to call the front desk. McDaniel College clothes and Luckily this minor problem was not number of Campus Safety staffing Most commented that the most in- other products were officially at the expense of the bookstore and anagement of the Marylan available and last lime students convenient aspect of Jiving off- placed in August and as November it was easily corrected. igher Education Commission. became frustrated waiting for Continued on page 2 begins, the orders are still coming Book Store assistant manager "We have submitted our appli in. Currently there are boxes of Vicki Carlson commented, "It is ation and made our formal presen clothes in the back room waiting challenging to work with the com- Continued 0" fU'81!2 to be displayed in the store. panies to ensure they produce the The process of gelling com- correct logos." the Inside pletely new logos printed on the In an effort to help clear familiar book store items was a bit majority of the Western Maryland tedious, according to store manager College clothes and other merchan- Kyle Meloche. dise, the bookstore put most of the First, new artwork was created items on clearance. ~ward K. Schultheis discusses th and sent off to the vendors who Consequently, many of these Iways dreaded visit to his famil then sent back proofs of the new items were sold over homecoming entisr's office. items for approval by the book weekend to the returning Alumni. store. It is then the job of the man- Western Maryland College mer- agers to review the proofs for any chandise such as blankets, t-sbirrs, problems and send them back to the and nags are still available. preeks not only know how to party company and wait for the new Alumni also have the option of ut they know how to make th items to arrive. ordering other WMC items such as wade when it comes to their stud es. ''The process is a bit frustrat- class rings and diploma frames. ing," explained Meloche. "It takes Meloche and Carlson are still a little longer to approve the art- waiting on some items and are !With a win over Bryn Mawr, th work and the proofs for the hopefulthat the store will be com- ield hockey team has secured McDaniel College items." pletely stocked by the mid-Novem- layoff spot. One of the problems that oc- ber.
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