Page 56 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 56
DMen TeffllT Sports Volume XXVI Number 4 McDaniel College more dominant then usual, as they The McDaniel defense finished Without senior starting quarter- only allowed the Red Devils past the game the way they started it, as back john Luster at the controls, the fifty yard line twice in the con- they hounded and pressured the the McDaniel College football test. The game started weI! for the Red Devils throughout the second team was minus one of their main opposition as they hooked up a 54 half. contributors going into their home- yard strike in the first quarter to The unit was led by senior line- coming game against Dickinson take them down to the Green Ter- backer MaLt Wilchinski's II tack- College. ror 34 yard line, but the drive les, while defensive lineman The Green Terror still had their stalled as the defense tightened up. Haroun Hebron had a sack and a vicious defense and a solid perfor- With a slim 3-0 lead at the half, forced fumble in [he contest. mance from sophomore quarter- the offense sealed the deal in the The team also received a strong back Orion Canine to win another third quarter on a critical 4th down performance from senior defensive homecoming on the hill, 20-0. play. lineman Jesse Hudson, who was in With Luster suspended for vio- Needing 2-yards to keep the the Red Devil backfield the entire lating team rules, the reigns of the drive alive, Canine ran tbe option game and forced a late fumble to offense fell into the bands of Ca- play 10 perfection, sucking in the seal the shutout win nine. defenders and then pitching the ball All told, the defense only In his first start, Canine to senior running back Jemel yielded 112 total yards and a slim struggled early ill the game. throw- Johnson who sped down the side- 19 on the ground to the Dickenson ing an interception on his first pass line 39 yards to a Green Terror offense. attempt as the offense sputtered touchdown that broke the hack of Canine finished the contest, for 71 yards Women's Soccer early in the contest. Canine, who the Red Devils. completing four of nine passing had received considerable playing Johnson picked up 90 of the attempts while rushing time during the season, settled team's 223 rushing yards in the on the ground. Centen- challenging for down as the contest continued, contest, on 15 carries while the The offense will look to him to driving the team down the field that passing game mustered only 52 lead the team to another culminated in three points off of a yards in the contest in the absence nial Conference championship in field goal by sophomore Nate of Luster the absence of Luster. victory, conference crown Getchell. From there, the offense would With the homecoming The Green Terror 3-0 lead tack on another Getchell field goal the 2002 squad played their last would continue until the end of the and senior running back Scoots home game of the regular season GREG LEDERER The teams entered the game Sports Editor Crowell scored off a four yard run and look next week to their game With the Centennial Confer- very evenly matched and played to I the McDaniel scoring against conference foe, Franklin & a stalemate in the first half as no- ence schedule in full swing, the body netted a goal in the first half ."iii;::'.~.:"'-IDi".M Marshall College. McDaniel College Women's soccer of the play. In the second stanza, team finds themselves in great the game remained scoreless until shape for the championship chase Gettysburg's Julie Girman netted a with a solid 3-2-1 record in league goal at the 65 minute mark to take play. The team continued to build the lead. The goal would end up on their strong season with multiple being the game winner as the Green games in October. Terror fell just short in a 1-0 final. Most recently, the Green Terror their second conference loss of the dominated a home game against year, McDaniel senior goalkeeper non-conference foe, College of Candice Kuligowski had a strong NOtre Dame. performance in goal despite the Senior Melissa Merson started loss, with four saves. the offensive attack with a goal off The loss was a heart breaker for a pass from junior Christine Mayne the team, but they remained posi- and freshman Lindsay Lauenstein tive that they can comeback from and sophomore Katie Kirley also the defeat. On October 5, the team scored to build a 3-0 lead as the ventured on the road for a confer- team cruised to a 5-1 victory. ence game against Franklin & Sophomores lillian Tyrnchy Marshall College. and Brooke Weimer added second The opposition dominated the hall goals to ice the win as the of- first half of the contest. picking up fense kept the pressure on the op- 2 goals, and had control for the position throughout the second majority of the second half, until half, outshooung the opposition 20- [ in the contest. McDaniel also had McDaniel made a late surge. With only 3 minutes left in the 18 comer kicks compared to just Contest, sophomore Katie Kirley one for the College of Notre Dame. Scored two goals, both assisted by Undefeated in conference play, sophomore teammate Brooke the team hosted bitter conference Weimer, to send the game miracu- rival Gettysburg College on Octo- Green Terror linebacker Omar Phillip (9/) and HarOlI/J Hebron (65) swarm the enemy bali carrier ber9. lous into overtime. Story continued on page. II
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