Page 34 - Phoenix2002-03
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h'il- COMMENTARY Wednesday. October 9, 2002 - Page 6 Staff Glar leaves a bad taste in Internships Editors-In-Chid Edward K. Schultheis '03 the mouth, if allergic get your foot Matthew E. Hurff '03 much else isn't that there News Editor Kelsey Reichard points out Considering in Glar, that really narrows in the door Lekoy McDuffie '05 discrepancies with Glar's inability that \S vegetarian my options. to change. Or if I were just a really picky eater, I Staci George gives sound advice Assistant News EditorĀ· Katie Champion '04 Everyone complains about Glar, right? could pick out all the stuff Idon't want, but in choosing an internship to No big deal. thai is such a waste of food. further career options. Features Editor Ask any student around the country if Why is our cafeteria, a professional food . Jessica Watson '05 he/she enjoys the cafeteria food in college I recently discovered There are many things to complain about and you will get the same answer. here on campus, and no one is afraid to voice Commentary Editor The reasons are pretty similar, too-not that even the food that their disgruntlements. But there comes a Erin Romanski '04 enough variety, too fatty-they can ruin even point when too much pessimism consumes the simple stuff. can be modified to meet our ability to stay focused on the end goal, Assistant Commentary Editor So we complain that they don't serve spa- our needs isn't allowed. which is the true meaning of a college edu- Donna Hurd '03 ghetti casserole and chicken tenders often cation. enough, and that they got rid of the veggie business, consciously wasting all that food? Don't let four years of inconveniences be Sports Editor taco meat that vegetarians relied on two years the obstacle that hinders you from getting Greg Lederer '03 ago, and now we have to stand in line for a There are signs everywhere telling us not that ideal job, writing the next great Ameri- simple sandwich. to take too much, you can always come back can novel, finding the cure to some of the Cartoonist As if that weren't enough, Irecently dis- for more, but the wok lady isn't allowed to world's many diseases, or living what you Jessica Watson '05 covered that even the food that can be modi- leave out something that we don't want, just consider to be the epitome of the American fied to meet our needs isn't allowed. so we can pick it out and throw it away. Dream. Advertising Manager After searching Glar for something to eat The other thought that occurred to me is Find something that will channel your Tim Mascari '03 that looked remotely appetizing, I went to that Sodexho Marriott is a chain in the food grievances elsewhere so that you can really see what they were serving at the wok sta- industry, just like Applebee's and Ruby Tues- be future-oriented rather than embittered. I Subscriptions Manager tion. day. suggest finding an internship that interests Katie Martin '06 Mmmm, linguine with seafood alfredo WelI, when you go to Applebee's and ask you. During the summer, Idid a program in sauce. I'll try that. for no lettuce or tomato on your burger, the Washington, D.C., where I got to intern at Senior Writer By now we all know what goes into that waitress doesn't tell you that the cook has to USA Today. Michael Wiles '03 wok: oil, a TON of garlic, vegetables like put it on there and you can pick it off your- Instead of taking another class in the con- Staci George '03 peppers and onions, the meat of that day, and self if you don't want it. fines of Hill Hall, D.C. was my classroom, then the plain sauce. That's because we are paying money to many journalists were my professors, and a Staff Writers Being allergic to garlic J asked for one get what we want. select few like Jack Kelley, a USA Today Jenn Ballard '03 with none. If we have all paid about $7 a meal to eat foreign correspondent, became my mentors. Ryan Brod '06 The response Ireceived was that they are at our school cafeteria run by Sodexho As an intern, one realizes if this really is Jenn Broderice '03 not allowed to modify the food in any way. Marriott. I don't see why we can't get our the career they want. Tara Dellafranzia '03 "Are you serious?" I asked, "I'm aller- food exactly how we want it. Sure, you may get all A's in you pre-med Adrienne Glick gic to garlic. I can't eat that." We should not have to waste the time or classes like Biology, Chemistry, and Colby Goodrum '05 "I'm sorry," was the answer Igot, "I'm the food picking onions out of the stir-fry, Anatomy, but that does not prevent you from Nicole Grimm '06 not allowed to leave anything out." or lettuce and tomato off the loafer sand- a fear of needles or getting nauseous at the Dan Hamvas '03 So Iwalked away, got a peanut butter and wiches, and they certainly should cater to sight of blood. Cera Jacobson '04 jelly sandwich, and sat down. needs such as allergies or being a vegetar- Through an internship at a hospital, you Julia Keene '04 Then it occurred to me. ian. might realize that you were not cut out for Katie Martin '06 What if I was a vegetarian and only -Kelsey Reichard is a senior the Emergency Room, but rather a labora- Tim Mascari '03 wanted the sauce with peppers and onions, tory. Laura Peterson '06 no seafood? communication major. Additionally, you get to network and es- Kelsey Reichard '03 Make sure you have your, tablish contacts that may prove useful when Emily Seal '03 you get that diploma (which will either say Shanee Strother McDaniel College or Western Maryland facts straight when writing College, campus mail cards are replaced by it's up to you to decide) and your cutesy Adviser the never-ending stack of student loan bills Terry Dalton that await you in the mailbox at your new The Phoenix Editorial Staff There is a greater message to this article residency. The Phoenix is published biweekly. The apologizes to the employees of and that message is that sometimes we Let's face the truth. The economy is suf- opinions expressed do not necessarily represent Student Health Services should be quicker to praise than we are to fering and jobs are scarce. those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the criticize, and unless you are educated enough An internship gets your foot in door and We w0l!ld like to begin this article by administrators ofWMC. on a topic, you should stop and understand may lead to employment when someone apologizing to the employees at Student The paper welcomes free-lance submissions all sides of a matter before rushing to be criti- quits or more jobs are created. Ideally, all Health Services for some opinions that were cal. on Macintosh disks in most word processor for- placed in the Phoenix's last edition, since it seniors, and myself included, would like to mats. The editors reserve the right to edit for Another thing worth considering when have a job secured by the time they cross clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space was brought to our attention that some of tile writing a negative commentary is the greater the threshold to receive their diploma. permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- opinions in the article were factually wrong good you are actually promoting in the com- No matter what reason intrigues you the and taken out of context. dressed diskettes) become the property of The The employees at Student Health Ser- munity. most, all are good reasons to do research and Phoenix and cannot be returned. vices work extremely hard, both on campus Is the article actually constructive, offer- find internship listings that sound fulfilling. Please include a name and phone number ing reasonable and fair suggestions or is it Professors are always eager to meet with for verification. Names will be withheld only by and the community and do not deserve such just a grocery list of complaints without so- students and discuss internship possibilities. praise for pro- in fact they deserve criticism, the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. viding a quality service to the campus in a lution? And they feel like they have contributed to The Phoenix does not discriminate based on In our case, we really do want to offer a your education when you ask for their letter age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, less than ideal setting. they are lo- workable solution to this ethical quandary-c. of recommendation. So why not consider Smith House, the building national origin, condition of handicap, or mari- cated in, was damaged last year because of consider some of these ideas when compos- an internship this Jan-term rather than stay- tal status. ing your commentary. ing on campus complaining about how none a fire, and really is not large enough to ac- We really do not want to discourage writ- commodate the wide range of medical ser- ers from submitting articles, in fact, we want of your friends are around and there is noth- Mail to: ing to do but complain and be bitter each The Phoenix vices that they provide - yet they still do. em- to encourage writers to do so - because ex- day? are not enough there Furthermore, WMC, 2 College Hill pressing one's opinion is everyone's right. Think of it this way, what you may find ployees working at Student Health Services However, not everything has to be a com- Westminster, MD 21157 to complain about during Jan-Term will still (410) 751-&m to attend to every student on campus- yet plaint and, certainly unwarranted complaints be there when the spring semester begins. they still find a way. are unacceptable. FAK (410) 857-2729 And you have the rest of your life to be bit- The people who work there are not face- So again, we apologize to the employees E-Mail: ter. less robots without feeling, and when articles of Student Health Services and would also are written of that nature, it can hurt - as in like to thank them for their hard work under -Staci George is a senior this case, where it did. sometimes very trying conditions. communications major.
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