Page 38 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 38
Wednesday, October 9,2002 - Page 10 FEATURES AeVIE IEVIEW: "The Four Feathers" is NOT worth seeing GRl:l:K CfllRNER disapproval of his cowardice. Jack Durrance ongrats to the new ladies of sorority life JENN BALLARD SlaffWriler (Wes Bentley) is his only friend who stands by him. I was leery of Jack due to his obses- ADRIENNE GLICK Bayley Fannin When I went to see "The Four Feathers" sion with Harry's fiance and the excessive StaffWrirer Iwas slightly apprehensive. Reviews for the amount of staring he does at the two of them. Kara Kunst The girls of Phi Sigma Sigma, Phi Al- movie ranged from 'the next "Lawrence of When his friends ship out and his fiance pha Mu, Phi Mu, and Alpha Nu Omega Arabia'" to "remade for seventh time, re- and father renounce him, Harry decides to would like to thank all those who partici- Alpha Nu Omega Welcomes: mains rot." (Charles Taylor) journey to the Sudan and prove to each of pated in the Fall 2002 Sorority Recruitment Heather Nichols The only thing this movie has in com- them that he is not the coward that they be- Program. We hope you enjoyed getting to Kristin Ramey man with "Lawrence of Arabia" is the desert. lieve him to be. So begins his desert adven- know sisters and more about Greek life If you are a person who likes seeing movies ture/quest to do good by each of his friends, here on campus. Congratulations to the Heather Roberts Liz Sexton They mentioned girls below. ;~t~ aaca~~~~:~ PlIlI•• kII"':- ~:~~:e:~~~th~h~ seventeen the new member classes as of the Angie Schmidt comprise can act and that as he accom- Bid Day Ceremony held in red square on moves relatively plishes his mis- September 27, 2002. Way to go girls}! "Sisterhood .. Jearn it. .love it!" quickly this is not sion. -(Greek 101 Fall 2002) the movie for The Phi Sigma Sigma Welcomes: you. two most irritat- M i c h a e I ing aspects of Christina Carbonetto P Schiffer and the film were Jobi Larrick UPC4»MING Hossetn Amini Abou (Harry's Kristen Morrison adapted "The desert guide) Tiffany Norquesr Four Feathers" and the four Whitney Waters :EVl:NTS from A.E.W. white feathers. r Mason's 1920s think unless one novel about Brit- slept through Phi Alpha Mu Welcomes: The Phi Sigs are sponsoring a Red Cross ish Imperialism, the film I be- Chrissy Dacrulle Blood Drive this month and adding to the duty and honor, lieve most mov- Leigh Gariques excitement of this Saturday's football game which is directed by Shekhar Kapur (t'Eliza- iegoers will understand the concept of the Megan Simmons verses Muhlenburg with a ROCK-A- beth"). Heath Ledger plays Harry feathers so the constant repetition of 'Harry THON! Please come out and show your Faversharn, a young military man newly gets a sad look, pulls out the feathers, cries support! Sign-ups for blood donations are engaged to be married when he and his and touches them, then wraps them up again' Phi Mu Welcomes: outside of glar and we will be rocking in friends are informed that they will be ship- gets really irritating. All the time he spends Chrissy Anderson red square from 2pm Friday afternoon ping out fight Sudanese rebels. Right away staring at the feathers would have been bet- Jennifer Dumpert through 2pm Saturday afternoon. Be sure the characters are unlikable. ter spent developing the characters. to sponsor a sister! I personally find it hard to enjoy a movie Poor Abou landed in a classic cliche - the I kept wishing native guide that finds the lost white boy in they would when } ~-' finds out that he will actually have hurry [0 go up the nick of time. Though Abou (Djimon EXpress vourse(f •••• and die so I could go to dinner. When Harry Harry, you can never quite I fight, and maybe die, he resigns from the Hounsou, "Amistad") gives a passable rea- write for the Phoenix son for assisting army. Nothing could make his fiance Ethne understand the slavish extreme of his devo- happier than when Harry confesses he wants tion and therefore comes off as rather ran- to stay in England because he loves her, un- dom. Call ext. 8600 for more details til he shouts that his decision has nothing to The scenery is beautiful and there are do with her. some scenes that are moving, but they can- Then come the tears. Not hers, his (he not tip the scales against the rest of the film likes to cry, and does so throughout the that was pointless and boring. The true high- Exams and papers leaving you movie) as he tearfully admits that he never light of the film was the Braveheart-esq wanted to be in the army in the first place. battle scene. The sheer magnitude on foot and feeling a little stressed? Here of this Harry then receives the feathers. scene due to number of soldiers Three of his four best friends (and later horse back fighting it out in the desert was what an expert said about relaxing Ethne) send him white feathers to show their impressive. CAN~ .. ACAl'Ulc<:!) .. JAMAICA EMILV SEAL stress, she advises us to exercise for at least SlaffWriter 8AHAMM .. FLOSInA Two exams on Wednesday. One exam ten minutes each day, maintain a healthy diet, our caffeine includes which intake limiting and a paper due Friday. A meeting Monday (hard to imagine, right?), improve our time night and another on Thursday night. Even management skills-and surround ourselves though we know it is coming, it always with social support. seems to slap us in As far as relax- the face when it ar- ation techniques, Mindy rives. That's right, advises us to focus on it's midterm time. our breathing- close Does this schedule your eyes, take deep sound familiar to you? breaths, and clear your Don't know what mind. Following this, to do? You are not tense and relax each alone. It seems ev- muscle in your body. is another SELLTRIPS eryone week I talk to has Visualization technique relaxation they one that AT McDANIEL, just never want to that Mindy what you want Vi- offers. sualize DRNWH, come because So what to happen, such as re- of the work load. GO FREE!! do we do when the ceiving Finally, she tells an "A" on a test. WLTODAY work piles up and we us to make use of clear are under so much stress we don't know what FOR DnAILS! to do? way to maintain healthy relationships as dur- a communication Mindy McCord, instructor of the Relax, ation Techniques class offered this month ing this stressful time. Hopefully these tips has a few helpful tips. In order to manage will help us to make it through these next few weeks with a little less stress . ."
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