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---------------------------------------~~ NEWS Wednesday, October 9, 2002 - Page 4 Campus Safety News: August 20- College Activities Office to Host October 6, 2002 Leadership Work- 120/2002: 11 :35 a.m., Rouzer Hall, items ~e~ei~hbotl~ !~~e~[~~k was notified and 9128/02: 11:24 p.m., Fonner student foun rom students desk were stolen while stu- trespassing on campus given a trespassin shops ent was out of room. 9/1512002: 2:30 a.m., Sexual offense, stu- notice and asked to leave. The McDaniel College den! was forced to perform sexual acts 124/2002: McDaniel Hall, student found against her will. 9/29/02: 12:20 a.m., Student found i Activities Office will be me CDS paraphernalia in his. closet dur- Blanche Ward Hall who is banned from cam 9117/2002: 3:27 a.m., Blanche Ward Hall, pus residence halls. sponsoring a Leadership De- unknown subject broke the glass in the vend- velopment series "Paths to 125/2002: 3:50 a.m., PA Avenue house. ing machine. 9129/02: 12:40 a.m., A group of non-srudenu eport of student being urinated on. Leadership" this fall. acting suspicious on Stadium Drive. Starte 9120/2002: 5:00 p.m., Rouzer Hall, student running after spotting DoCS vehicle. Sev - "Confronting Your Peers" will 127/2002: Lewis Recitation Hall, two un- reported his room was broken into while he eral got away but four were caught. Thre . own, non-student males were trying to sell was off campus. Various personal items were cooperated but one was arrested for disor be held on Wednesday, October ramed art to different departments. stolen and his room was trashed. Nothing has derly conduct. Westminster Police foun 16 at 5 p.m. in the Leidy Room. been recovered. paraphernalia one him. all received trespass 128/2002: 2: 18 a.m., Stadium Drive, while ing notices .• The seminar will be conducted xiting the lower entryway to ANW parking 9121/02: Levine Hall, Subjects was observed by Residence Life Coordinator ot, a Dodge Aries vehicle struck a grey walking toward the stairs leading to the 9129/02: I:38 a.m., Large fight between stu Erica Bowman and Liz Towle, onda Civic traveling northbound, pushing Alumni stairwell with two clear plastic cups dents and non-students at the end ortbe BS e Civic into a parked Toyota Corolla. in hand, subject was stopped and a trespass clubroom parry. Approximately 15 - 2 Associate Dean of Student Af- notice issued due to a prior incident in Bair people were involved. fairs. Those who register by 12 129/2002: 8:30 a.m., Harrison Parking Lot. Stadium. . tudent left wallet on top of vehicle and it 9/29/02: 9:05 p.m., Student discharged a fir noon on Wednesday, October 16 as taken. 9121/02: 11:20 p.m., Students and non-stu- extinguisher into a dryer on the second floo will enjoy dinner from Classico. dents engaged in fight in Whiteford parking of Blanche Ward Hall. - "Money Management: Hints, 12912002: II :30 p.m., Rouzer Hall, under- lot Non-students asked to leave the cam- ge student found possessing 2 cases of beer pus. Tips and Ideas" will be held on n dry dorm. 9/30/02: 1:05 p.m., Fire alarm sounded afte food was burned in microwave in Garde Tuesday, October 29 at 12 noon 9/21102: II :50 p.m.. Fracas in Blanche Ward Apartments. 130/2002: 10:30 p.m .. Golf course, Ravens Hall. One student claimed to be hit in the in the Freeman Room. Mary Jo quipment area breached and gator was face. Suspect left area and was found in 1015102: 3: 14 a.m., Student set off fire alar Colbert, Director of Conference ound outside" area. room and later interviewed by DoCS. No in PA Avenue house while cooking. Services and Betsy Chimock, criminal charges at this time. 13112002: 11:00 p.m., Whiteford Hall. stu- 1016102: 1:10 a.m., Fight between student Assistant Director of College ents pictures posted on bulletin board were 9/21/02: 12:34 a.m., Flashing lights and fire and non-students in Harrison parking lot Activities will be hosting this arked with race-related statements. alarm reponed going off in McDaniel House. Non-students given trespassing notices. A check was done but nothing found. Fol- workshop. Those who register 10112002: 2:02 a.m., Blanche Ward Hall, by 12 1100n on Monday, Octo- low-up of system will be conducted. ' 10/6102: 4: 15 p.m., Non-student juvenile emale was observed in lobby with a can of found skateboarding in Gunn Plaza. One ha ber 28 will enjoy lunch from For- ud light beer, she was asked to dump the 9/22/02: 1:00 a.m. Report of student and been warned before. One started to run an r and informed of her pending write-up. non-student fighting. was disorderly. One received first warning. bidden City. - "Inclusive Leadership" work- 10212002: 1:00 a.rn., Penn. Avenue House, 9/23/02: 7:40 a.rn., Fire in garbage can in of possibl omeone got into the refrigerator and took McDaniel Hall. Pillow found smoldering, 10/6/02: 11:00 p.m .. Complaint by PA Avenu shop will be held on Thursday, domestic 00 campus dispute me food and beer without permission. no evidence of cause. resident. November 14 at 12 noon in the /04/2002: 8:00 a.m., Rouzer Hall. a physi- 9/26/02: 8: 10 u.m., Personal items taken Leidy Room. Zephia Bryant, al altercation between roommates occurred from vehicle near tennis courts. Director of Multicultural Ser- vices will host the event. Those who register by 12 noon on CANCLlN' ACAPUlCOt JAMAICAt 8AHAMA& t MaIDA Wednesday, November 13 will enjoy lunch from Ledo's Restau- rant. Register Now!! Space is limited to 25 participants per workshop. Workshops last for approximately 60 min- utes and are held in either the Leidy or Freeman rooms in Decker College Center, be- ginning at the times listed. To register for any of the ~18~T~U~M~E~LT Paths workshops or to learn more about McDaniel ~~SERYICES College's leadership pro- PROMOTE TRIPS ON CAMPUS grams, contact the College EARN WH & TUVEL FREE! 1.800.648.4849 Activities Office at ext. 2266 CALLTODAY FOR DETAILS! or send an email to
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