Page 36 - Phoenix2002-03
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COMMENTARY' Wednesday, October 9, 2002 - Page 8 Library should be used for A tribute to some of studying purposes, not McDaniel's heroes social bonding time Menckin fellow Baltimore native felt the semester, anarchy the (myself whole included) over the was As campus H.L. when screaming once said, I have always job of a journalist was to comfort the af- looming name change, I ran into Dean Ethan Tim Mascari discusses student's flicted while afflicting the comfortable. But, in any a journalist misconception of library use as a they'll start back up again and than what do since I am not really Ihave never been able manner of speaking, form of social gathering. you do? {Q pull this off with any sort of grace. Be- Other students don't just forget where On Saturday September 28 Dr. Ira Zepp they are-they never knew, perhaps because cause of this disturbing fact, I have decided discuss a matter that is very Jr, professor of Religious Studies emeritus, of a relaxed high school library policy. to, yet again, to me with hopes that it will be important delivered an uplifting speech exploring his These are the kind of people that think of understood by as many of you as possible. personal observations of change and conti- a library as a Barnes & Noble or Borders All the same, now would probably be a nuity in life, in history, and at McDaniel Bookstore. good time to send the kids to bed and hide College. your small pets, just in case. His speech is posted on the College's We should be able to Since website if you would like to read it. everywhere September II, 200 1, Americans have done a lot of talking about In part of his speech Ira talks about ad- hold our own with the who walk among those us mostly ministrative risk-taking, sacrifice, and cour- etiquette, and class we heroes: only to change our lives, or at least unseen age during periods of uncertainty with ref- how we view the world, forever. erences to specific McDaniel presidents. display while frequenting This, the more I think about it, is a con- Mike Wiles So I started to think if there was anything we as students could do or change that would our library. cept that I can apply to my college career. Seidel at the local Safeway at around \0:30 Not that I have my life saved from the grips better the institution while this name change one night. Notonly did he approach me first, ordeal blows over. A library is supposed to be an icon of of death daily or around here, but T truly but his first question was an inquiry about higher education, not a social hangout-if you think there are those among us on this cam- my parents, who he met when they were stu- I thought we could change the library eti- need to converse with someone you can use pus that have made the past three years of dents here over 30 years ago. quette of McDaniel students. the commons.' my life entirely more livable and enjoyable, From there, he asked what they, as well When I first read Ira's speech I was in Some people have been using the afore- not to mention altogether quite enlighten- as myself, thought about the name change, Hoover Library's first-floor computer lab. Well when r finished reading 1 started to mentioned alcove on the first floor for group ing. So, as is frequently my style, here is a and he and I stood in front of Safeway for study _ its not _ voices carry. meandering, and yet incomplete, list of such about fifteen minutes discussing the matter. A library is supposed to If you're participating in a study group people. In the end, while he and I shared different you should us~ the designated group study If we are going to go about this chrono- views on the subject, it was that night I real- be an icon of higher areas. logically, I must first mention my Spanish ized it doesn't matter what you call this place; Say you're quiet while in the process 1101 professor, Dr. Chavez, who is, if with people like Dean Seidel supporting it, education, not a social studying; it's very easy to forget when walk- memory serves, currently a professor of we'll all be just fine. hangout-if you need to ing to and from your chosen study area. Theology at Bowie State. While I was never Dr. Hebert Smith, a great professor and So please be considerate of your peers exactly a stellar Spanish student, Dr. Chavez all around hell of a guy, is the other example converse with someone than too. always took the time to see me as a strug- of someone whose words have effected my Another problem plaguing Hoover is its . gling student, not just as some punk stacker outlook on life. In his case, he has often sup- you can use the commons. use by sports teams for mandatory study hall. (which, of course, are my true colors). ported my manner of thinking with his own, While on the surface this sounds like a great Not only did he teach me a lot of about and thereby helping me become more confi- brainstorm en route [0 my usual study booth dent in my beliefs. idea, in practice it can be quite distracting the meaning of struggling until the bitter located in the depths of Hoover's basement. It seems a lot of these athletes don't re- end, a skill I still utilize to this very day, but Time and time again, Dr. Smith has gone I proceeded straight through the rotunda until ally want to be there in the first place and he didn't fail me. I've always thought that out of his way to tell me how much he enjoys I reached the alcove on the left immediately end up socializing instead of studying. was great of him. my editorials not only on a humorous level, following the elevator. This is something the Athletic Director Jumping forward a bit, when I needed but also on a personal level. There I paused. needs to address. advice sophomore year regarding housing Telling me that my writing reminds him Seated in the four-table alcove were two If he thinks he is doing his players a ser- issues-Dean Phil Sayre answered the call: of something he would have written at my students, just chattering away like they were vice by demanding mandatory study time, both literally and otherwise. age is just about the biggest compliment I in a bar or something. he needs to think again. Not only did he respect my concerns, could receive from him, and it has helped me They were laughing it up; just having a For those of us who go to the library good 01' time over a topic completely unre- actually, "gasp," crack a book, we don't ap- to but incorporated my suggestions when de- stay the course over the years. the fall Bottom had to be made. cisions line? None of us are really alone, Although lated to any academic subject. preciate the distractions. semester of my sophomore year seems like nor would any of us ever truly want to be. I I wasn't surprised or shocked. While we cannot compare Hoover Li- ages ago now, and I honestly don't talk to I've walked passed those tables count- think it is important to step back every once less limes to the hum of socializing students, brary with the likes of the New York Public we Dean Sayre as much as I would like to any- and a while and examine the impact that other Library forgotten Library I've more, never or the Francis Loeb how he came but this time it hit me. have on our lives, and, in a society that prizes I shouldn't have to go to the basement should be able to compare the mindset which through for a student in need. the villains over heroes, give the good guys just to get some peace and quiet. one carries into the building. Two other people that jump to mind are their due. Thanks. Not in a library anyway. We should be able to hold our own with those who, much like Dr. Chavez and Dean -Mike Wiles is a senior English and class we display Sure I haveA.D.D. and the anention span the etiquette, our library. while fre- Sayre, took the time to get to know me and major. Last changed quenting my way of thinking. thereby of a gnat, but some student's library behav- ior I have witnessed isn't acceptable, regard- this I;u~S~i~~~stoflra'sreflectionsheposes ,----------------------- less of your attention span. "What new challenges will force us to T don't feel that there is any negative in- American Red Cross Blood Drive think outside the box, to expand the canon, tent involved; some students are just incon- while holding finn to the classical virtues of siderate. @ McDaniel College They forget where they are sometimes, truth, goodness, beauty, an the historical val- ues of freedom, equality, and justice .. " and in my experience if you ask them nicely to keep it down, they will. Well here's your first challenge. Sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha Psi Omega This sounds simple enough, but there is Hoover should be a sacred place, not like a little more to it than that. Big Baker Chapel, but in its own right. Take someone who is a little shy, maybe We all know that Hoover isn't the best October 23, 2002 a freshman who feels intimidated for some small liberal arts college library, but it's the reason. one some of us need to research and study 12- 6pm [fthey don't have the nerve to tell some- in. one to be quiet than the only other option is So please try to treat it, and your peers Forum to move, and that's not fair. with some respect. Maybe then you'll receive Why shouldn't the loud mouth who uses the same respect when you really need a quiet the book as a paperweight be forced to relo- place to open a book. Sign-up outside Englar Dining Hall th cate? September 30 _ October 11ill Sometimes you call tell someone to be -Tim Mascari is a senior history quiet and they'll listen, but 15 minutes later major.
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