Page 37 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES' Wednesday. October 9. 2002 - Page 9 Quiet!! I hear "Voices: Conversations with Joan of Arc" LAURA PETERSON Domser explained. "Joan is a fas- "There were just so ... ...,.------ StaifWriler cinating character." rrrany talented people," Giving off the smell of fresh Christina Allen, who played the Allen explained. "It was buttered popcorn, Alumni Hall in- title role of Joan, made her theatri- a lot of fun, it showed me vited audiences to watch "Voices: cal debut in "Voices." all the possibilities that Conversations with Joan of Arc," Previously a student at the Bal- theater had to offer." presented by the McDaniel College timore School for the Arts, Allen Between dialogues, Theater Arts Department. graduated with a major in classical choreographed interpre- From October 3 to October 6, voice. tive dance breaks with five dollars covered the cost of a Even though this was Allen's gymnastic moves to ticket for the eight o'clock show- first play, she has sung opera be- techno music provided ing.' fore. the audience with what With complex set design and "It was Andrew Pecoraro's idea, Domser calls "three elaborate costumes, many audience he told me, 'I think you should try nngs members were surprised at the out for this play' ," Allen explained. Influenced by a circus modem twist on a historical story. "1 was thinking about trying out for that originated in Quebec "It was an interesting mix," "Three Penny Opera" and so I called the Cirque de McDaniel college freshman Lexi wanted to see how an audition Soliel, Domsercombines Dantzig commented. "Very cool, went." many elements to give elaborate costumes." Andrew Pecoraro, a theater the audience a truly Head of the McDaniel College major at McDaniel College, played unique show that doesn't theater department, Ira Domser di- the role of Joan's father. always focus on one situ- rected and designed sets for "Next thing I knew I had the ation. "Voices." part of Joan, it was a total surprise," "Lots of action,jump- As head of the McDaniel Col- Allen laughed. "I almost had a ing, acrobatics, several lege theater department and co- heart attack." different things going on at once," there were more women than men. positive feedback he has received. founder and producer of Theater on Freshman Kaha Hashi attended Domser explained. "I have at- I focus on talent, not gender," ''Techies,'' another original produc- the Hill since 1983, Domser is a "Voices" and enjoyed Allen's per- tempted to make theater more the-I Domser explained. "We all wear tion, debuts November 20. theatre veteran. formance. atrical." masks, this also indicates that Joan Domser is ready for yet another Combining the plots and styles "I don't really know exactly With each character wearing a didn't wear a mask. She didn't play play. of Jean Anouih's "The Lark," how describe her," Hashi said. "She mask except for Joan and St. games. The masks added a sugges- "I do seven or eight plays a year. George Bernard Shaw's "St. Joan," was very good, she performed very, Catherine, Domser wanted to ac- tion' of truth and personality." I have learned not to fall in love and Mark Twain's "Joan of Arc," very well." complish two goals. Having approximately five with your set, let it go," he smiled. Domser formed the play "Voices." Allen's favorite co-star was Jeff "I wanted to use the masks to weeks to put "Voices" all together, "The auditions for 'Techies' is to- "J liked elements of all three," Goeller who played Charles. make this play less gender specific, Domser is very pleased with the night!" ERIN ROJ\.tANSKI & JULIA KEENE mixed with modem accents here stained glass valances continue to occupied at this establishment that coffeehouse, here is a quote from Comme/ltary EdilOr & JUllior SwifWrirer and there. A staircase leading up line the windows, with tapered is not only a coffee shop, but also the "coffeehouses vindicated," Pour Me Another One at ''The to a beauty salon called Bair Es- candles adding to that sells organic beauty supplies, hand- printed in London, England in Pour House" sentials, and a third floor private ~ homey feel carved soaps, and Burt's beeswax. 1675, which borders the center Situated between Center Street residence is located opposite the Faintly, the music The average crafty consumer room: "Here, for a penny or two, and Sheetz is a pleasant addition doorway when you first enter. Di- switches between would have a field day, but perhaps you may spend two or three hours, to Main Street's otherwise random vided into three rooms of similar clas- sic a I be perplexed by the five clocks that have the shelter of the house, the culmination of offices and quaint design, the coffee house is roomy bal- lads and sit high above one of the bar tables, warmth of the fire, and the diver- shops. The Pour House, as it is enough for a large party and ac- indie new age, all displaying the time 10: 10 with- sion of company. appropriately tagged, offers a wel- commodating enough for couples filtering out moving. A coffeehouse is the sanctuary come variety of lite fare and bev- and small groups. out the strare- Overall, the color scheme is a of health, the nursery of temper- erages for the coffee connoisseur To the immediate left of the g i ~ c a I I Y mixture of warm pinks, greens, ance, the delight of frugality, and and the less adventurous tea drink- entranceway is a room featuring placed yellows, and purples. Providing an the academy of civility. A coffee- lounge chairs and randomly placed _~ ... __ ~ ~- atmosphere of comfort and relax- house is the free school of ingenu- ers alike. Once inside the earthy coffee tables with built-in checkerboards ation,even the Vice President of the ity" house, a foyer adorned with pho- for parties of two and four. Back- Board of Trustees, Dolly Snyder tographs by a local 16 year-old art- gammon, playing cards, and of herself, gave The Pour House a 9 thumbs-up when we bumped into ist, Jordan Wilkerson, and flyers of course, checkers and chess are just her and some of her friends during 't 8 not too upcoming performances by local a few of the games available to play musicians, leads to the ordering while savoring your joe. our lunch. fate!! counter. Lining the walls is a menu Along the shelves, candles, We especially liked the idea of of sandwiches, pastries, assorted handcrafted mugs, coasters, and recyclingyour"javajacket," so that desserts, coffee drinks, and even glazed trivets are displayed for sale. ners of the after the eighth cup of coffee, you milkshakes and something for ev- There is even receive the ninth You can write the ery tastebud. ~er~~~a~u;~~ Their motto is "A True Seattle Style Coffee ;i::. fr:I~S: t~~~ We experimented with slightly next restaurant different menu choices: a double internet ac- House in the Heart of Downtown only serve Free review for The mocacchino with a grilled cheddar Westminster" :~ai~~ C~~f::~ Phoenix. and tomato sandwich, and a double ~::: a~~ t~~~ that the farmers caramel macchiato with turkey, rooms that of- Stepping into the third and last who grow the coffee beans receive - swiss, and sliced apple on wheat. fers a going rate of 15-60 minutes room, also the location of a band a fair price for their labors. Isn't it If you're up for Both sandwiches were accompa- for a fee of $3.00-8.00. Presum- nice to know that someone is ca- some good food, nied by fresh veggies and ranch ably, the astute businessperson and staging area, crayons and coloring sauce for dipping. For the moder- e-mail dependent college student books are stacked on shorter tables pable of being trendy and friendly call ext. 8600 for ate price, they were absolutely de- could both appreciate the conve- to keep the kids occupied. to the environment all at the same more details. licious. nience of this feature. Truly, there is something to time? The ambience is a cozy one, Moving into the second room, keep every man, woman, and child To best sum up the ideals of the
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