Page 31 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 31
NEWS Ants infest her roommate's computer, junior Candidate Megan Jordan is also concerned McDaniel Hall with the ant infestation and tired of believes that a Rooms killing the bugs with her pencil Democrat can win erasers. Continued from page 2 "They are all around my com- Carroll County RLC Wilson has made per- puterand I'm worried that they will Continued from Page J sonal attempts to kill the ants. get inside and mess everything up," does not believe in campaign with "I've bought sprays and traps," Jordan said. "Am' supposed totell Visit the Writing Center and huge posters. Wilson said. "They seem to work my professor that my paper' isn't bumper-stickers put money into big than Rather for a little while but then the prob- done because of some ants? 'don't signs and flashy posters, Nichols Hill Hall, Room 101 lem returns." think so." believes in going door-to-door and Residence Life and Orkin are Residence Life suspects that meets the people that she may be Or, call ext. 4645 for an now experimenting with a special the problem may be a result of the representing. gel that allegedly attracts the ants. pipeline digging between She believes in networking and appointment The ants then carry the gel back Whiteford and Blanche halls but is going out to various communities to their colonies where it kills the still unsure. Workers may have and finding out what concerns rest of the colony. They are using stirred up the colonies in the dry people have in Carroll County. this heavily in the basement in an dirt where red ants are most com- Although Carroll County is nor- effort to stop the ants from enter- fortable. m~lIy a Republican stronghold, Peer tutors offer individual con- ing the building and getting up to Today, Orkin will return to Nichols says that, '" believe a the resident floors. spray the bathrooms and common Democrat can win in Carroll at no charge for McDaniel Residents are fed up with the rooms of McDaniel Hall. County." problem. lege students. Bring ideas, "I'll be studying on top of my rough-drafts and even final bed and find an ant crawling up my arm," junior resident Krysti . We have one goal in mind: Durcholz said. "It's just disturb- ing." you become a better, more The ants seem to be spreading from the ground floors of the build- writer. ing. The first and fourth floors have reported only a few cases while the problem seems the worst on the second and third floors. After seeing an ant crawl out of ':TTO ~~NGEra in college writing. led a time that was v-.,'n·,,~.n ent for me. My 359 MANCHESTER ROAD .ting improved a lot." - WESTMINSTER MD. Braglio 410-386-6144 "I know how to write so better now because of .:. TATTOOS he writing tutors. This .:. BODY PIERCING not just campus employ- t for them. They love .:. COVER-UPS help students become writers." - Yolanda .:. BODY JEWELRY can always find feel comfort- SELECT FROM OUR FLASH The tutors GALLERY OR LET US CREATE lot with my my spelling. I AN QRIGINAL TATTOO FOR to find my·own YOU. stakes." - Becky Arnold 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD Come in for a visit and kiss those
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