Page 33 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 33
COMMENTARY Wednesday, October 9, 2002 - Page 5 Ethernet expertise from an ~sthe world truly amateur's point-of-view civilized at all? Tara Dellafranzia presents Colby Goodrum questions some advice for frustrated there is nothing to do here on the address back or have the luck of the political and religious heartedly in a certain faith's divin ethernet users. weekends but party, sleep, or surf logging on with someone else's. strife in the Middle East. message and its divinity, but yo the internet. By the way. it is illegal to reclaim In the beginning, there is your Some of us manage to do all a stolen IP address-it has been cannot see it. so in essence it i .., thing wa The same imaginary. computer. And a cable (with con- three in the same day, so that adds tried. In today's world itis impossible true when I was little and 1 had a nector, if you have a laptop). to the traffic. A common problem with all o not be aware of foreign affairs. , imaginary friend. Hall fits together so snugly, and There is simply not enough networks is viruses and the spread- Ince it is impossible to be unaware Other people could not see m when you turn your computer on, bandwidth allowed for all the ing thereof. f foreign affairs, we all know that friend, and I could not see theirs cross your fingers and pray to the people that are trying to access the With major file sharing going I the center of [he international but we did not start beating eac Gods and Godesses of connectiv- net. Perhaps it's time to upgrade on, our booklet rightfully warns us ebere right now is lraq. other up because are friends wer ity, things usually workout: you're by adding another Tl. not to share files or download any- However, Iraq just falls into the different. on the internet via McDaniel's T I thing fishy or weird. reeder problem of the Middle 1wonder what it is going to tak line. The most common With the amount. of fake-out ast, like the Israeli/Palestinian to figure all this out" The onl In case it doesn't work out the porn type hotmail messages re- onffict, which is something that thing I can come up with, given th first time, Information Services problem on our ceived per login, not downloading most people are probably familiar way things are going now, is ilia helps-they even provide a user school's network is one of these is nearly impossible. ith. Myself being included in we are going to have to have guide complete with an FAQ However, we were warned. those people, I have my own opin- time-share in the Middle East lik troubleshooting section. traffic. Students In case you are dumb like me ons on the subject. as Iam sure we your mom used to make you aru While this guide is helpful in frequently complain and had a folder shared from over II do. your siblings have with a toy tha distinguishing between a PPP the summer, you will find that the As an observer of the situation everyone loved. adapter number and that of the that there is nothing school's network will quickly oetween Israel and Palestine, Ihave You know. Monday and Tues ethemet adapter, it's missing cer- populate your system with a com- orne to a few conclusions, some day you could have the toy, an tain things. to do here on the mon nimda virus. f which are probably a little sim- then Wednesday and Tbursda Here are a few questions I weekends but party, These things specialize in tra- listie, bUI I am just an ordinary your brother could have it, Frida would like the FAQ in that lovely versing a network, and although Person trying to make sense of this and Saturday it was your sister' booklet to answer: Why does my sleep, or surf the ours is supposedly scanned periodi- II. tum, and you alternated Sundays computer freeze but only when internet. cally for viruses, it took me having I think the United States's sup- Well, the same thing could' be connected to the network? to notify the ethernet people of the port of Israel politically, economi- true for the Middle East. Th Now that I've moved the sa- virus several times before Ifigured ally, and most of all militarily, is Christians can have it for the firs tanically deemed AOL program Even with the diminishing use out that the virus was being repopu- ntirely too one-sided in regards to four months of the year, and th and its adapter from my computer" of Napster-Iike programs (mostly lated each time I connected. he Palestinians. Ialso believe that, Jews can have it for the next fou why is my computer freezing? by the people that don't know about Iam not willing to risk leaving or a country that claims to support months, and then the Muslims If the network is giving me vi-, there is still not my computer shared on the net- uman rights and this idea of equal- Cal ruses, does that make me an enough bandwidth. work again to see if the nimda vi- ty for all, we are not doing enough have it for the last four months. internet whore? This is most frustrating when rus is still there, but any courageous unemploy- However, this probably woul At first. Iasked these questions one is trying to do actual research net-surfing soul with a E!:n!:':.:!ce~tinian not work: either. because I~ politely and without mention of the for academic purposes, but is also motherboard 10 fry should give it a r-:-;:nY"way, enough of aD tbe t81i: ~~~:-~I word "whore." After I got a virus, bothersome when surfing for lei- try. bout the problems of the Middle in the Middle East and we ~uL I was finally able to receive a re- sure and pleasure. Lastly, what do you do if you ~st, we all know the problems at have to go through the same thinl ply from a woman who simply Would you want to look at porn have a problem? and: Israel and Palestine need fig- all over again. wanted to "know if you're up and or even play the more innocent Ya- Well, you call the ever-popular re out a way coexist, and every- If any of you have bothered t running." hoo! Games without graphics? x8778, which brings you to a re- ne could do without Saddam read this far into the article yo While Ido not know the answer It kind of zaps the fun away. corded message that may as well ~ussein. What Ihave tried to fig- may be wondering what my poin to many of these questions, I did Symptoms of congestion on our in- be a computer itself. re out over and over again, with is, or if 1 even have one. Well, receive help from someone who adequate network include: missing It pedantically explains how to ittle success, is why in the hell is do. does: off campus, of course. pictures on fully loaded pages, leave a message and to speak this such a big problem? Well. not My point is that the human race This professional who probably DNS error pages, and very slow slowly, because the message must hy it is a problem. the problem is likes to think of itself as very civi makes at least three times as much response time. be transcribed. hat rbe Arabs don'[ recognize the Iized. We have organized group as we spend on tuition yearly, ex- Another thing that the school's One can only call and seek ad- sraelis, and the Israelis seem to of people. established govern plained the problems. network seems (0 be doing is reas- vice so many times before mes- hink tbe solution is to colonize ments, economies, social struc He said they might be common signing IP addresses. sages become annoyed, and then alestine. tures. and we have come up wi problems on the school's network. When you sign onto the net- angry. The issue has become political, such wonderful inventions as th 1 trusted his advice, because work, the school's server assigns I still don't know why my com- ut it is based on religious grounds. pooper-scooper and the aton when I hooked up my computer to you an IP address. puter freezes every few hours it is am not a particularly religious bomb. his cable modem network for days For some reason, our school's connected to the etherner. Person (although 1 went to Carho- Yet. with all the advancemen on end, there were no errors or fro- system randomly takes them away But hey, I've shared my ic school for twelve years), but I we have made, we still hav~-~ ave no problem zen screens. and assigns them to someone else. ethernet FAQ expertise with you, igious faiths. with different re- lems such as the Middle East. M Here's what our school's This is bad. perhaps someone out there in the question is very simple. Are ~ ethernet people either don't know The major symptom of IP reas- land of greater intelligence may I just do not see why other rell- really that civilized? or are too busy to tell us: signment is a failed connection or have an answer. ~ons have such a hard time accept- -COlby Goodrum is a an IP configuration ng another error message. imaginary religion's The most common problem on - Tara Dellafranzia is a For this, you pretty much have to riend. sopbomore English. our school's network is traffic. Stu- senior English major. t . dents frequently complain that wait it out until you get your IP A person may believe whole~ phUosophy major.' Do you have an opinion? Do you like to write? Are you interested in Photography? If so call x8600 to learn more about working for the Phoenix , .
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