Page 30 - Phoenix2002-03
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NEWS Wednesday, October 9, 2002 - Page 2 ture, during the hot and dry summer months. nest in wall colonies Recycling program is a Interested in Invading ants re- "Entire or rafters, occasionally moving into voids sometimes main problem for success NEWS? buildings during floods," RIFA said. Though not harmful to people or pets, they are a nui- Continued from Page 1 We need writers! residents of sance. More than a month has passed since resi- The recycling bins in the past were be- dents moved in and the problem was discov- coming contaminated with trash, and even- Join the Phoenix. McDaniel Hall tually the whole purpose of recycling became "They are all around my KATIE CHAMPION defeated. Meetings are held Assistant News Editor As the school year presses on, both Sayre computer and I'm worried Small, red ants seem to be invading the and the SGA are optimistic that the recycling 6 p.m. on Mon- second and third floors of McDaniel Hall this that they will get inside program will remain strong. year. Though Residence Life has been work- An advocate for the improvement of re- and mess everything up. cycling, SGA President Jamin Bartolomeo, days in the base- ing to improve the situation since August, to be a problem. the ants continue concluded, "J am very pleased with the re- The first complaints of the ant problem Am I supposed to tell my cycling program and f am glad to see we are ment of Rouzer. resulted in two housekeeping ladies spray- professor that my paper back on track. With the current drought, this ing ant killer in the rooms from a small can. will help us continue to improve the envi- BE THERE!!! isn't done because'of ronment." After this proved ineffective, Residence Life called in an outside, professional extermi- some ants? I don't think nator. so. " -junior Megan "There is a problem every year with ants College Democrats didates. hard making posters in McDaniel but this is usually because we Jordan They have worked have young campers who an not good about prepared for busy carrying signs, passing out buttons an wrapping up their food," Residence Life ered. bumper stickers and knocking on doors. Coordinator Shonda Wilson said. "However, Campus workers have sprayed numerous election season The group's website, created by Roth, i this summer, the building was vacant so we times and set out traps for the ants that did in the beginning stages. are still unsure of where they are coming not seem to be working. Continued from Page 1 It has basic contacts for the organization from." Residence Life turned to Terminix who ree of charge in recognition of their efforts. the mission statement, descriptions of pas While ants and other pests are common was also not able to get the problem under elected members of the democrats have also activities and links to various campaigns in donn rooms because of left out food or control. Over the past two weeks, the cam- Pictures of the officers in action will appe pus has hired Orkin to spray various areas en attending central committee meetings dirty clothing, red ants or fire ants are not o get a taste of politics. soon. drawn to those conditions. of the entire campus in an effort to stop the The group is trying to get more campus "We hope that it [the website] will ge According to the Red Imported Fire Ant ants. They have been spraying every nvolvement through the guest speakers. more people involved," Roth said. Information (RIFA) website, fire ants usu- Wednesday in rooms still having the prob- fficers are working hard distributing fly- f you are interested in joinin ally form colonies outdoors in athletic fields lem as well as common areas. rs and attracting potential guest speakers. he group or volunteering with or other dry areas. However, these ants Continued on Page 3 ast Wednesday, Jeannie Nichols, candidate sometimes forage indoors for food and mois- or Carroll County Commissioner spoke on ampaign project, visit th ampus. ebsite at http:! HOMECOMING The organization plans to be more active is year than in the past through fund rais- ON THE HILL ng plans such as raffles and donut sales. cdanielcollegedemocrats Iready this semester, the College Demo- cDanielCollegeDemocrats.html rats have campaigned for various local can- SATURDA~OCTOBER19,2002 REUNIONS America's War on Iraq Honors Program - 11:30 in the Quad. Join current Honors Program students and alumni for a pre-game lunch reunion. Are you interested in, concerned about, troubled by U.S. PARADE. foreign policy? 12 noon- Main Street Do you want to learn more about and share your thoughts Enjoy the one-of-a-kind Green Terror parade asit winds up Main on your government's decision to wage war? Street. Participants include the College President, President and Join the McDaniel campus forum on Iraq President-Elect of the Alumni Association, alumni award winners and the stud~nt organization floats and marchers. Tonight, Wednesday, October 9, 2002 7:00 p.m., McDaniel Lounge ACADEMIC OPEN HOUSE ALL ARE WELCOME!!! 11 a.m. ·12:30 p.m. - Hili Hall Visit the English, History, Political Science and Social Work For further information please contact Dr. Volker Franke, departments' Open House. Dept. of Political Science at ext. 2415 ATHLETICS Alumni Wrestling Match - 11 a.m. ".aD" Green Terror Volleyball Tournament- TBA mU1rfjJ"'ll6Irrl Alumni Field Hockey Game -12 noon Green Terror Football VS. Dickinson - 1 p.m. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED McDaniel College's FOOTBALL HALF-TIME Volunteer Half-time Activities Income Tax Program Enjoy a performance by the Pom Dance Squad; meet the Alumni Award winners and the Homecoming Court; learn what Greek orga- nization has won the James Brant Memorial Cup. VITA POST·GAME PARTY 4·8 p.m •• Tennis Courts Students FREE with McDaniel College 10 and meal pian" Learn how to prepare relatively simple income tax returns and earn Party on the TENNIS COURTS after the game. Enjoy food, fun. & internsbip credits while you Jearn. Contact Susan'Miistein in the Full Effect Band playing great music 01the 70'5, 80'5, and 90's. Business-Economics Department at x2456. Training will take place on "$5 for McDaniel College students without a meal plan (ID required). Saturday. January 2S, Saturday, February I, and Saturday. February 8. The actual preparation of tax returns will take place during tax season 2003. FIREWORKS 8 p.m. - near Gill Gym
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