Page 29 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 29
Wednesday, October 9, 2002 College democrats campaign with local Candidate for politicians for upcoming election period Carroll County; Commissione More political candidates to speak to campus community speaks on KATIE CHAMPION A,"S;I,lant New.1 Editor campus With local elections in full swing, this promises to be a busy LERoy McDunn: year for the College Democrats. News EdilQr Last month, McDaniel College Jeannie Nichols, one of th03 hosted Robert Wack (D), of running for the .office of Carrol Westminster, a candidate for the County Ecmmissioner, vlsire House of Delegates as a guest McDaniel College to speak 011 he, speaker on campus. upcoming election. "We had a really good turnout," Nichols came to McDaniel on sophomore Chava Roth, publicity director said. "People were asking the invitation of the McDaniel Coll questions and seemed to be inter- lege Democrats. This upcoming ested," election would be Nichols' first The organization has m,any ac- county-wide election. tivities planned this year. These Nichols grew up in Baltimore include possible trips to conven- County and attended the University tions, more guest speakers on cam- of Maryland at College Park pus and the continuation of an ac- Nichols explained that while at1 tive collaboration with the Carroll tending college, she was not inter- County Democrats. ~~ec~o:~;ho;:f~!~i~i~!;7:ver, "If they need help, they give us her inleres:7:1 a call," Roth said. community sparked i politics. Chaney and co-president and secretary Carrie Vivian revived the After her college education w~ complete, Nichols moved t group a few years ago. Carroll County and began to ques- This election season, the Demo- tion how the county was being run. crats are busy with local cam- stuffing envelopes for various cam- Nichols says thai her campaig paigns. They spent primary elec- paigns. Through their involvement New recycling initiative suc- tion day camped at the polls at West with the Carroll County Demo- ~sO~~~eif°s~~c:;:n:~'~sS~;:~t~~h:j Middle School, walked in the Fall crats, the organization attended dinner cessful in opening year Carroll County Comrnisstone the Festival parade with Robert Wack's annual Jefferson-Jackson would be to solve the zoning prob entourage and have been busy Continued on page 2 lems in the county, as well as mak NICOLE GRIMM main receptacles, located behind lng sure that the school system i Voices - Recycling Sraf!Writer is once Smith The House. plan went properly about how her campaign iJ funded. also Nichols new recycling on campus Over $2,000 worth of recycling r again flourishing after years of hav- into action during late April of the talked anaged. ing poor access to the facilities. last school year. Nichols explained that at th The SGA in conjunction with the Dean of Student Affairs, Philip toilers were purchased in order to very start of her campaign, one 0 told her that she er consultants Sayre and the administration assure that every floor of a resi- strived to improve til.; student ac- dence hall had the convenience of would need at least sixty-thousand cess to recycling facilities, and their recycling as well as heighten dollars to win the election. Nichol efforts have paid off tremendously awareness about the importance of Cotuinued on Page 3 so far. recycling. - - - - This year, the Residence Life Mel Waylon, head of House Staff has ensured that large boule Keeping Services, of trash that is be- Inside told Sayre that and can recycling receptacles can the percentage be found in every hallway in most ing recycled is much higher than resident's hall, as well as boxes for last year. paper recycling. Sayre added, '" am delighted Due 10 the convenience of the that students have responded by he Phoenix editorial staff offers recycling bins, students have be- using the recycling bins. It is an n apology to the employees of Stu come more avid recyclers, due important act of our civic duty that ent Health Services mainly to the fact that they no we recycle." longer have to hike down to the In the 1980s, the school had a basement floor of their building to very good recycling reputation Garfield? Batman? Papa Srnurf? I dispose of their cans and bottles. within the community, however in au could be a cartoon character To help distinguish between the the nineties this started to decline. rho would you be? Find out wha trash and recycling bags, the trash The students were unsure about ellow students said in 60 seconds bags are dark and the recycling how to distinguish between trash Check out the story behind bags are clear. also makes it easy and recycling receptacles, and dward K. Schultheis looks at [hi more often than not, the two were This factor McDaniel's latest play on page 9. for the Residence Life Staff, who mixed. ear's Ryder Cup and how it com regularly take the recycling to the Continued on Page 2 ares to past events.
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