Page 140 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 140
Wednesday, April16, 2003 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Dealing with war through song, poetry, & commentaries Staci George talks about the student-led events occurring around campus and professors who have added this war to their syllabi What a wonderful world this could be I would like to take a few moments to with their peers. discuss what has been occurring on our cam- In my intercultural communication class, Poem written by Marcus Woods pus. There may be some Phoenix readers one student choose to do his assignment on I see skies of blue and clouds of [ won't pass any judgment, I won't who have no idea about me following. "how the media stereotypes a certain culture" white cast any blame A few students have organized various on the Iraqi soldiers. A red starry death on an Iraqi I respect you, btu disagree, won't types of forums so the McDaniel commu- War, foreign policy, and the media are nity can express their feelings on war, peace, being worked into several McDaniel College night. you do the same? and other topics of interest. classes. These professors are concerned for I see death and destruction from a Because in a wonderful world we I'm not Dilly at these events as a student- their students and want them to seek a higher forced intervention could all agree to disagree. And journalist. but as someone who is interested level of knowledge on the subject through An endless crusade, can I have see each other's points of view and in hearing what others have to say, whether class lectures. and have a peer-driven class your attention? live in harmony it is through a song. poem. quote, commen- dialogue to stimulate one's ability to debate And isn't this a wonderful world? tary, or a thought that just occurred to them. the situation. Wednesday April crh's prayer vigil turned Although some colleges are allowing pro- And Irespect those troops into a very informal yet informative discus- fessors like Dr. Leahy to address such top- I've seen babies born. r watch Who risk their lives for me sion group. h may have been the one event ics in such a manner, other schools' admin- them grow Those liberties r take for granted to date with the least amount in attendance, istration are encouraging them not to discuss I pray this terror they'll never see To ensure that I'm free but I think the small group setting made it the war or what is being seen in the media. easier for us to speak our minds as thoughts And if students skip class for a peace pro- or know occurred. test or a prayer vigil, the professors are sup- I pray for a world without vio- So for all those troops who feel The students present were not complain- posed to "punish them accordingly" either lence and strife battle is their calling ing about their classwork or other priorities. through a lower grade or reponing them to Without this senseless devaluing May the Deity protect you and keep but rather trying to brainstorm with faculty the dean. of human life you from falling and concerned community members on This is absolutely absurd. We are paying Into the hands of thine enemies where to go next. to be there in class, the professors are not You see, standing up for peace means paying us per hour we sit in class. Because And r know my voice isn't as having those who do not understand you or we are (or our parents, I should say) are pay- loud as theirs So I've told you my piece your values assume thai you do not support ing for our education, then there should be And [ can't even talk 'cause I" 111 And I pray for peace OUf troops or their Iraqi endeavors. no repercussion for missing a class in order so scared And Ihope for peace I heard people's testimony about trying to attend a prayer vigil. How do you think and not in to hold a peace sign outside tbe Carrol! outside the box if you are chained within the I feel so powerless So may peace find us and set us fre Commurutty Library and have offensive classroom walls and not allowed to learn control Because our humanity is the key things yelled at them when cars drove by. from a peer's poem she recited at the recent The claws of uncertainty are That death and destruction aren't By standing up for peace, they were open- gathering? tearing at my soul just Slats on TV ing themselves to the posslbltry of being ar- During our current time period, it is best That's the broken lives and homes rested and charged with assault. not to let these feelings bottled up inside, or Why can't J speak my mind of people like you and me In classes, professors are tossing aside pushing them off because Test A, Project B. carefully planned syllabi and revising the or Paper C are on your never ending to do Without the fear of verbal flack? So take a different perspective day's discussion to issues the students want list. Sing. write, draw, speak. compose or 'Cause I can't be patriotic because it adds clarity to learn more about. I'm not currently in the whatever it is you do to get those thoughts Unless I support this attack But you don't even have to listen to class, but Dr. Leahy said (hat the war in Iraq out. If not being done yet in your classes, me has been a topic of discussion all semester encourage the professor to address the "here What a wonderful world in her Conflict Resolution class because and nows" of what is going on in the world. that's what the students want more informa- - Staci George is a senior communi- What a wonderfully American I'm just a young man trying to find world some peace of mind lion on and they want to be able to discuss it cation major Why can't Ibe American? Hoping and wishing that I'll see What Price for Freedom? peace in due time 'Cause 1 remember Americans Song written by Richard 1. Serrao Like Marvin Gaye Because what a wonderful world Saying only love could conquer this could be Freedom! Hear the government say that we hate What price will you pay for your need 'em! And Dr. King saying not to -Marcus Woods is a senior freedom? Would you take a sword in your retaliate English major Would you die today for your hand, freedom? and draw a line in the sand? Do you kneel and pray? Thank If someone crosses it like- a Gonna take your head, like a wave pounds the shore, your freedom! snake in the night, put it in between bread, recedes and breaks. Would you swing your blade make a soul sandwich Every Freedom has has a price Would you take a gun in your with Righteous might?! so the Devil' s well fed. to pay! hand, And would you be able to sleep Like sand on the beach, and shoot someone in a foreign good at night?! Gonna call your son, slowly washes away! and hand you a gun, Seems there's less and less ev- land? brainwash you Would you watch them burning, Freedom! ...Freedom! ...Freedom! ery day! like a fire in the rain?! Gonna take your thoughts, as the Chosen One. 'cause Revenge is the name of put them in a smooth box, As time passes by, the game! so you don't hurt yourself, Gonna fight for the cause, I notice the change, gonna keep it locked. though there's too many laws; I hear Freedom ring, feel the firm grip of Freedom's but, it sounds kinda strange; Freedom! What price will you pay for your Gonna wrap your brain jaws! Do you know what freedom? with invisible chain, Price you'll have to pay?! New laws every day erode your pretend I care, The Government gives, freedom! 'cause I feel your pain! as well as it takes, Freedom! ...Freedom! ...Freedom!
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