Page 143 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, April16, 2003 - Page II Unsung Hero - Herb Smith: You Better Belize It ROBBIF. SAVILLE lions to the island. Smith has two may stem from his avid and enthu- ible together that we will never for- SraffWriter children, Megan, 26, and Tyler, 22, Mayan ruins, manatee pre- and says he shares the beauty of siastic approach to teaching. Se- get, and Herb Smith was a big part "Dr. says, serves, and the second-largest bar- Belize with McDaniel's youth to nior Kate Moomau learn valuable of that," Waller says. a chem- Dr. Brian Wladkowsky, Smith helps students rier reef in the world are among the recapture a sense of being a father life lessons, including how to get istry professor at McDaniel and a treasures he has been revealing to figure. McDaniel College students for the "Taking students to San Pedro to know and talk to people. He gets supervisor for the Belize trip, says you thinking about what would be many that Smith had to overcome past several years. each year and sharing the magic of the best thing for you to do in life, obstacles to make the Belize trip Dr. Herb Smith, a resident of Belize is almost like a way of re- particularly concerning what field possible. "It was hard to convince Baltimore and a political science newing myself as a father," Smith of interest you should pursue." the administration that this [rip is professor at McDaniel since 1973, admits. Students claim that Smith's educational, safe, consistent with provides students with. the oppor- He encourages students to ex- style of teaching is difficult, yet the curriculum, and cost-effective," tunity to fulfill their Jan term re- plore the island, and is delighted to ultimately rewarding. "Dr. Smith says Wladkowsky. "Dr. Smith quirement in San Pedro, Belize, see students return home with says that he wants students to be picked a fun, educational place, and just below the tail of Mexico. memories of an adventure filled able to analyze data and make a a lot of faculty members don't Dr. Smith was born in Bryn with self-discovery and reflection. constructive, rational conclusion Mawr. PA and raised in Haverford, "Belize is complex," Smith about what is being presented to know this." commends Wladkowsky PA. He received his bachelor's says. "Irthrows a lot at students in them." Moomau says. Smith's dedication to his students, degree from Ursinus College and ten days. teaching them about a " Each of Smith's political sci- and also believes that he is inter- his master's and doctorate degrees multitude of things, including in- Dr. Herb Smith is a professor of ence students is required to contrib- ested in getting to know his stu- from Johns Hopkins University. formation about Third World coun- political science ute 25 hours of hands-oil experi- dents as people. Smith's enthusiasm for Belize believes that if you gel "Herb and the Caribbean Sea has helped to know students, they are interest- "Fishing and Diving Belize" be- "He encourages students to explore the island, and is delighted ing, intelligent, and entertaining come one of McDaniel's most to see students return home with memories of an adventure people," says Wladkowsky. "Some popular courses. Every January, faculty members focus on the small Smith shares his passion with about filled with self-discovery and reflection." size of the college and dismiss cer- 25 others, allowing each student to embark on a magical cultural ad- tries, the marine environment. snor- spring session is held in the cham- ence to a local campaign. "Dr. tain students, choosing to focus venture. keling and fishing, how to travel bers of the Maryland Senate and Smith wants us all to consider what only on the brightest students. In l997, Dr. Smith established and manage money, and how to eat House of Delegates. Through we would do if we ran for office, They miss out on getting to know "Fishing in the Florida Keys" as a and shop like a native." Smith's guidance, the McDaniel and helps us think of the best ways students, and that really is what the spring break course for adventur- Although Smith promotes the College group has won the "Best to gel to know people and your can- core of the Belize course is about." Herb Smith is a valuable asset ous McDaniel students. The suc- students' interaction with the is- Delegation" award three out of the didate," says Moomau. to McDaniel ColJege. He is a pro- cess of the experience led Smith to land, he stresses the importance of past five years. Other students voice similar develop plans for a Belize excur- safety while roaming San Pedro. "I Not only does Smith actively sentiments about Smith's approach fessor who takes a sincere interest and knowledge sion. A Jan term course in Belize want everyone to soak up as much participate in the college's politi- 10 teaching. Sophomore Leslie in the well-being His development of of his students. was initially established in the as they can from this trip, but for cal programs, he also involves him- Waller, a student of Smith's and 1970s, but was discontinued in those len days, I am like the stu- self in Baltimore political cam- one of the 26 students to venture the Jan term course in Belize has 1973. dents' father and they are my sons paigns. He conducts public opin- to Belize in 2003, says she signed inspired students to explore other Smith revived the trip in 2000, and daughters," he says. ion polls for politicians, volunteer- up for the Jan term course simply cultures in the future, and also pro- venturing for the first time to San Smith is well-known for his ef- ing hours of service to help assure because it was organized by Smith. vides them with memories that will last forever. Pedro, Belize. Since then. he has forts to incorporate cultural expe- a win for his candidates. As a po- "Dr. Smith is a tough professor, As a political science professor, become a familiar face to the lo- riences at McDaniel, but he con- litical analyst, Smith is a regular on but you can't help but be compelled cals of Belize, receiving cordial tinues to make many other substan- one of Baltimore's pcllticul talk while listening to him," says Smith's creative approach to stu- embraces from natives as he strolls tial contributions to the college shows on Sundays. Many of Waller. "I knew he would make the dent learning excites his students. down the dirt roads of San Pedro. community. He is the faculty spon- Smith's political columns have Belize trip a fantastic experience, and his imaginative style allows Smith says he absorbs something sor of the Maryland Student Leg- been published in The Baltimore because he really takes an interest them to apply his lectures to their new form Belize each year. islature, which is a simulation of Sun. in students as people." lives. As a professor, a political contributor, and an international "How could I get tired of para- the Maryland General Assembly. Dr. Smith graciously provides After this year's trip to Belize, dise?" he asks. Students from 14 Maryland col- guidance and service to both local WalJer says she now looks at Smith excursionist, Herb Smith cultivates into the lives of his his passions For Smith, pan of the magic of leges meet twice a year to consider politicians and McDaniel students. beyond being a professor. "All of Belize is observing students' reac- student-drafted legislation. The However, his most dramatic impact us experienced something incrcd- students and encourages them to adults. grow into rational, respected STACt GEORGE j--'!!ASSiSlonl Commenrary Edifor This edition of Travel Time fea- ures Dr. Herb Smith, professor of olitical science, and chemistry rofessor Brian Wladkowski's an- ual spring break trip to the Florida eys. Smith says this was his sev- nth year doing the fishing trip. bey stayed in the town of Mara- hon, which is on the island ofVaca ey. It was a week of improving ne's fishing skills, perhaps the Irs! time someone had ever fished n the Keys, and also time to par- ake in other activities the town has o offer. Eight students join Dr. Herb Smith, his wife Beth, and D/: Brian Wfadkowskifor the 71h annual spring break trip to the Florida Keys "It was another great week in Conch Republic (inside joke). We hadfabulous weather, great fishing, and a great group of students." - Dr. Herb Smith Brian Wladkowski, Chemistry professor. and senior Tom Wolfe proudly show the barracuda they just caught.
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