Page 136 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, Aprill6, 2003 - Page 4 NEWS Students and faculty gather for peace-related events around campus to share thoughts and music continued from page J the Peace Picnic are important in order to come a peace picnic, where musicians like "keep in mind that war is going on some- Walt Michael, Eric Whitehair, Rob Caswell, More events to come! where in the world." No matter how detached and Tara DeliaFranzia will sing songs that one feels from it, the war is an ugly reality. speak volumes about what is currently go- Keep an eye out for Dr. Charles Collyer. an adjunct profes- and in Iraq. Poets like sor at McDaniel and professor of psychol- ing on in the world Christina Cheek, Penelope signs and posters; Woods, Marcus ogy at the University of Rhode Island. ad- Miller, and Richard Serrao will continue dressed a concern' that may be resonating in writing their own words or reading some- or contact Mahlia the hearts and minds of those people who one else's. Professors like Ira Zepp, Joyce, one of the have yet to attend any of these events around Cbristianna Leahy, Mohamed Esa, and Tho- campus. Apathy is contagious on this cam- mas Deveny will continue adding the aca- student event pus, like most, and it could be the reason demic touch to the gatherings by sharing aca- many new faces are not appearing at each demic insight and wisdom they have ob- coordinators new event Or as Collyer expressed, people tained during their careers. could be falsely stereotyping the group who A young boy around three-years-old does gather as "peace people". named Darien held a peace sign he had made The stereotypes include the word "hip- Darien held his sign WIth pride. He and his with his Picnic pie," "unpatriotic," "unrealistic," "pacifist," before attending the Peace and his wife who family reside if! Carroll County. Richard Serrao neighbor "unsupporuve of the troops," and ultimately "uu-American." Collyer said and others were babysitting that day. On the walk to gestions included information sessions on the young boy asked ifhe could stop campus, agreed with him. a car with his sign, like a stop sign does. nation building in Iraq, how to give women The last thing anyone wants to be is a voice in the system when they never had Serrao responded to the youngster's ques- unsuppomve of troops or un-American in lion; "You can't stop a car with this, but you one before, and various economical issues, this post-September 11th era. can stop a war with it." More peace picnics and prayer vigils are But despite the stereotypes and the in- And the boy was content with the answer no one will get angry or offended if you try likely, thought Joyce. ability to change one's mind on what is go- and waved his signed vigorously at the pic- to share your opinions, even if they are the The planning committee is also thinking ing on or how much apathy they really do nic in Hoover Memorial Park. dissenting opinions. Whitehair and Joyce about possible guest speakers who could have, these events will continue. Mahlia both agree that this sort of open forum and come to campus and share their expertise on When an outdoor prayer vigil relocates various subjects and how students can take Joyce. one of the student coordinators, says due to rain and eventually turns into a dis- freedom of thought/opinion is pertinent in there will be an event each week to keep this time period. a more active role in such initiatives. cussion group, there will still be songs, po- To get involved in the planning or sim- peace on everyone's mind and prayers in ems, and comments. Unlike the Oscars During Wednesday's discussion/prayer their hearts. vigil, the attendees brainstormed on what to ply attend, contact Mahlia Joyce Of Eric where someone was booed by their peers, Whitehair. The Phoenix will continue its Another beautiful spring day will wel- do next in terms of upcoming events. Sug- coverage and promotion of such events. Writing Center Conference McDaniel College:Under draws tutors and professors Evaluation by Middle States [rom East Coast colleges TARA DELLAFRANZIA the name change was a positi ve step for our Editor Commentary college, The MSA also seemed impressed land universities a voluntary association of colleges (MSA) is development as well as the faculty morale. planning of our campus" with the organized States Association The Middle and uni- versities that is recognized by the federal He indicated an overall positive Junior Marie Lily gave her presentarto government. Every ten years, association response from the MSA. KATlF: ClhMP10~ Specifically, the MSA review evaluates N"~"J EdifO' on an examination of technology within tb participants such as McDaniel are subject to Writing Center and the importance of bot a routine review. curriculum. such as Basic Liberal Arts Re- Last weekend, the 15th Annual Mid-At- quirements, the preparation of faculty, the antic Writing Centers Association tutors and Engtish teachers to learn rudimen dent According to Dr. Phil Sayre, Dean of Stu- governance of our college (faculty and ad- tary web basics. Affairs, arion acts in the MSA evatu MA WCA) conference drew hundreds of stu- Writing Center coordinator Lisa Breslu place of a government review. McDaniel ministration), library resources anti how they ents, professors, tutors and coordinators 10 support the curriculum, and assessment. presented ~cDaniel College from more than _ schools. and tutor Erin Duffy like candy their pape College pays yearly dues to the MSAjust do. as Dean Sayre also described the rising im- other college with you and university you members "would titled. Since October, Writing Center Coordlna- portance of an "outcome assessment," or Center splice? Marketing Writing or Lisa Breslin and Writing Center tutors comma the curriculum," to an over-capaclt costs The college is also expected review to cover the how an institution can measure learning upon across commit- of hosting the MSA orked hard to organize the day of work- crowd. tee, and must prepare various materials for a student's departure. hops and panel discussions hosted annually -n was a great opportunity to host lh their review, Sayre notes that the faculty lends to re- y different colleges and universities of all conference and present papers," Breslin said A few key points were noted and dis- sist this idea. but that schools are currently izes up and down the East Coast. "Most students don't experience this unu cussed with McDaniel's administration and being pushed to administer some type of as- "This was definitely a campus-wide ef'- graduate school and I'm thrilled that the op the MSA review team. Unsurprisingly, these sessment. art and a campus-wide success." Breslin pormnlty came our way:' are many of the same campus concerns Dean Sayre noted that "we show a pro- aid. The group enjoyed a forma! lunch on th shared by our Student body, faculty, and ad- cess where we are developing better outcome "Facilities, catering, parking. duplication ministration. Among areas of improvement assessments." f countless forms, programs. The Writing dining porch of Engler Dining Hall and speech by keynote speaker Terry Riley, di suggested. {he MSA listed parking, a better On Tuesday, March 25th, students were enter and its tutors, no mailer- how dedi- rector of the Writing Center at Btoomsbur rela also invited to an open session with the,MSA -ated, could not have hosted this conference University, emeritus, for eleven years. tionship between the those planning faculty in the President's Dining Room, in uddition lone," she added. His talk focused Oil the kind of sarisfac curriculum and academic planning, as well to an earlier meeting with students selected Writing Center tutor Kathleen Miller tion writing Instructors receive in their work as growth and enrollment concerns. by Dean Sayre. greed that though the preparation was long, Literature and creative writing majo According to Sayre, these comments ~e end result was worth it. K.rysti Durcholz enjoyed the conference a were expected and these issues will be ad- "Though the conference required long a day to learn more about her job and way dressed. !Havean opinion about ours of planning and preparation, the ulti- The M$A made these comments in a pre- 10 improve. a change on campus? nllle result \Va... very rewarding," Miller. a liminary oral report, but will soon produce a .. [ wns extremely proud to be part of th unior, said. final written repon for President Coley. Ac- Writing was very help New buildings, '~rhe enthu.<:.iasm of the presenters and at- cording to Sayre, the final report will most ful to see how olher Writing Centers won cndces was infect\ou.<;:' she added. and J got some ideas on how to improv likely be 10-12 pages long. In addition to procedures, etc? Topics of discussion ranged from tutor- ours,'ยท Durcholz, II second year Writing Cen President Coley, the final review will be pre- ng aboUi unknown topics (0 technology is- tertutor ...aid. sented to the MSA's Higher Education Com- Write a Commentary ues in the Writing Center. "The conference was everything w mittee. Twenty-five papers were presented in hoped it would be: challenging. inspiring Sayre is very satisfied with the MSA re- for The Phoenix and ;oncutrent sessions at the conference ioeJud- rewarding - and now over," said a reliem view and the preliminary results. Sayre also BE HEARD!!!! ng two by McDaniel students and faculty. Breslin. menLioned that the MSA seemed to feel that
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