Page 144 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 144
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - Page 12 FEATURES Opening Night for "Children of a Lesser God" days away STACI GEORGE scene. "It's always easier to 'feel' your screen with surtitles (which are on top, rather Commentory Ednor character once your off book," Hickey than on the bottom like subtitles). rehearsal schedule so soon after Threepenny Show time for "Children of a Lesser agreed. Harrelson said surtitles are used in opera Opera ended. lawyer, which is wanted I get to playa God" is right around the corner. Rehearsals, Sign master Abbey Rain, a kindergarten so people can read the English translation of be untiJ acting stole my heart." to set construction, and costume fittings will teacher at the Maryland School for the Deaf what is being sung in Italian, but rarely are She had another good reason for doing soon turn into the reality of opening night. (STACI NEEDS TO CHECK THIS), has surtitles used in theatre. this show. "It's good practice for when [live Freshman Katie Hickey, who portrays been diligently working with the cast to im- This show has been enlightening and eye- "Lydia," responded in an e-mail sent on April prove their signing skills and gel their lines opening experience for the cast members who in the ASL house next year and (before the sign language." show) I only knew minimal 10 that a lot is going on behind the scenes down more fluently. may not have known too much about sign lan- like costume fittings, gathering props, hang- Several cast members will have to speak guage or the deaf culture before. ing lights, and finishing the set. their lines as well as Working with Bobbie Jo Duffy, who At press deadline (April 11), the show signing them, depend- portrays "Sarah", is the first time was about a week and half away. ing on who they are in- some actors have had communicate "Every show I always say I want another teracting with in a with a deaf cast member during The show nms wednesMY, week, that I need another week of rehears- scene. rehearsal."I find it so exciting when als," said director Paul Harrelson in a sort 01 Harrelson com- I can communicate with Bobbie Jo Ayril 23 through saturMY, joking manner before he concluded that this pared Roin's job with during rehearsal. April 26 at 8 p.m. in the time the wishful extra week will not be nec- the show like that of a I feel bad because my sign- essary. voice instructor. ing is very choppy and my knowl- Alumni Han understt!ge. "We got a very talented cast. I know it Whereas a voice edge of ASL is limited, but Bobbie will all come together/The only challenge coach helps create an accent or certain tone 10 is very nice about it.;." explained Hickey. Thm will be a sunday after- he's worrying about is Easter Weekend, in one's voice so that the actor's annuncia- She continued: "This play has been such which will mean two (if they decide to re- tion and rhythm is perfect, Roin is respon- an awesome learning and growing experience l100nmatinee at 2:00p.m. hearse on Sunday night) or three less days sible for how the actors look when they are for me and probably all of the cast members of rehearsal. signing and make sure they are signing the who have never really been exposed to the contnet the box officefor more Harrelson said the week before Easter right words rather than inaccurately sign- deaf culture. iliformation. will be (he tech rehearsals and the days after ing their lines. It's amazing what you can learn in a will be dress rehearsals, before the show In addition, she will be the sign inter- month." The ndt issue willfeature a opens on Wednesday, April 23. preter during Friday and Saturday nights' Fellow cast member LaShawn Eley had During rehearsals, the cast is working on performances. this to say about her role in the show: "I'm review0/ developing their characters and what he/she But a deaf audience member will be able kind of honored to gel one of two hearing would be feeling at a given lime in each to attend any show because there will be a female roles and glad to have a less hectic children of a Lesser God. Unsung Hero: What it truly means to be "changing lives" BRlAN PATI'ERSON "Josh invests in the students, so they don't ministry, in part due to the example Foster and the 3D-hour famine, a fund-raiser in StaffWriler empty themselves," said Coombs. set for him. which the fellowship raised over $2,000 to He has spent over 40 hours a week for Foster- considers his first priority to be "I've been able to see what ministry is all help combat world hunger. the past three years working with students the work he does r+ --., about by working Each semester the feIlowship puts to- on campus. In spite of all this; very few with the students, with JOSh," said gether The Edge, an event that Foster is par- members afthe McDaniel College Commu- especially on an Michael. His experi- ticularly proud of. It combines popular cul- nity know who he is. So, who is Josh Fos- individual basis. ences through fel- ture and spiritual issues to provide a safe en- ter. "He has done a lowship and with vironment for students to talk about Christ Foster, a Western Maryland College lot of his work be- Foster have strongly and spiritual issues while relating it to life. alumnus. graduated in 1996 with a seJf-de- hind the scenes, influenced the steps The last Edge, held in February, featured signed major in sports journalism. After ca- and receives no ac- he plans to take with clips from the movie "Minority Report." reer opportunities failed to open up in that cotades," said his future. In addition to the movie, the Edge in- field, Foster was called into ministry. To- Mit c h e I I Jodi Martin, a se- cludes free food, live music, and a speaker day he is one of two Intervarsity Christian Alexander, direc- niorcommunications who relates the movie to everyday trials and Fellowship (lYCf') staff members assigned tor of College Ac- major, also shares the tribulations and Christianity. According to to ministry work at McDaniel College. tivities. "He Foster, this mixture of pop culture and reli- This group was founded to establish a works well with gion reassure students that this is not an event Christian community on campus and to pro- the students and is where they will be "preached to." vide resources for students curious about patient, approach- [VCF staff workers are required to raise learning more on Christianity. As a staff able, easy to talk to an average of $45,000 every year in order to member, Foster acts as a facilitator for sm-. and non-judgmen- support their ministry. This includes a pe- dents and also helps to organize several cam- taL" pus events. Because Foster riod of 18 months of fundraising before a "God called me into ministry," said Fos- is a positive role staff worker can begin their campus minis- sal- goes to help subsidize ter, "1 have a real love for this campus and I model with an try. The money and ministry budget; it is raised ary, benefits, have a passion for helping people connect easy-going per- to God." Foster really enjoys working with sonality, students through donations from family, friends, and local churches. students on a spiritual level. This passion find him easy to groups and gets to Several members of IVCF at McDaniel for helping others has evolved into the steady confide in. "Josh Josh Foster, as a part a/the lntervarsiry know students on a growth of the Christian Fellowship on cam- acts as an enabler Christian Fellowship staff, considers students personal level, Foster agree that Foster doesn't receive much rec- pus. The group has grown from 40 mem- in creating a place his first priority. helps organize events ognition, but that is the way it should be. The is a student FelJowship organiza- Christian bers in 1999 when Foster first began work- where I can think like coffee houses tion, and praise does not go to the staff. ing on campus to a current total of 85 mem- However, according to Michael, the fellow- bers. Foster really enjoys working with students on a spiri- ship wouldn't be able to do milch without Wednesday night fellowship features a and retreats prayer-and-worship session as well as guest tualleve/. This passion for helping others has Foster, such as their weekend to learn more conferences that call students speakers who touch on a variety of topics. evolved into the steady growth of the Christian about Christianity away from campus. Recent guest speakers have touched on is- Even with the success Foster has had at sues such as sex in college, relationships, and Fellowship on campus, McDaniel, he plans to move on at some the importance of diversity. For many mem- bers, Wednesday night doesn't just bring clo- about new ideas and new people," said Sam ing a part of this organization changed his point. He knows his future lies elsewhere, sure to "hump day," it's a night where good Renner, sophomore. He enjoys being a life and he is now a small-group Bible study but he still isn't sure about what that will entail. friends come together in fellowship and the member of Christian Fellowship and hav- leader. Foster also serves as a guidance COun- highlight of the day. ing that one-an-one relationship with Fos- selor to students, even if they don't plan on "I have a heart for this campus," said His partner, Beth Coombs, is a part-time ter. "People don't recognize him as a leader, working under IVCF. Foster, "but God has other things He'll call staff member who spends 20 hours a week but he is very much influential." He is always looking for students who me to eventually." For the time being, be on campus while also working on Renner was able to explore ideas about possess qualities that would make them good will continue to equip Christian students will fundraising. She sees how important Foster God through a small-group Bible study, an ministers and strong spiritual advisors. Matt the skills necessary to reach out to others on is to students in the Christian Fellowship. integral part of any college fellowship. Be- Michael, a math major, plans to go into youth campus and to become student leaders. "I want to help people know [God]."
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