Page 145 - Phoenix2002-03
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SPORTS Wednesday, Apri1l6, 2003 - Page 13 Stephen Tomlinson tells the story of McDaniel's Cramp who exhibits dedication in the classroom and through her athletic prowess Today: get up at 7:45 a.rn. Go Ln fact the only non-athlete in However. none of that seems to "don't know any different." It is to breakfast by 8:30 and then have the family is Cody, the Alaskan phase Cramp. still working to improve. classes until 10:10. malamute. The fatigue level of a student just who they are. reiterates this At home in the summer father Cramp's Take a break for lunch and then Here at McDaniel, Cramp dedi- athlete is intense. fact saying that she "rarely ever Cramp's father informs us that, back to class from 11:40-1:40. cates her talents to golf and bas- College athletes are always on complains about anything." "When Kelly is home on breaks, After that take a short break and ketball. the run. Someone who is not an adult she schedules her time to include then head off to practice from 2:30- The decision has really paid off Those that can handle the pres- figure to Cramp is her sulternate, workouts and practices for both sports. 4:30 followed by a couple hours of for her. In 2002, she won a confer- sure are the ones that are going to sophomore Lindsay Lingerman. As a coach, 'see her striving to homework, relaxing,lifLing from 9- ence championship on the basket- be successful. When asked whether Cramp improve her weak areas and con- 10 and doing more homework ball team and won the conference Head women's basketball coach confides in her about her stressful tinue to develop her strong points. while watchi ng a movie with as a freshman in golf for her indi- Becky Martin praises Crampon her workload, Lingennan replied, "She I feel she works as hard as she docs friends before heading to bed at vidual play. ability to handle all of the demands. confides in me that the coaches in season." midnight. But none of these accolades "There is more stress on a dual sometimes expect too much of her Tomorrow: repeat process. come without a price. sport athlete that is committed to but that she has too much love for It takes a special person to have Sounds like the life of a Divi- Every collegiate level athlete being successful however, it is nOI golf and basketball to give either this kind of commitment. sion One top prospect doesn't it? has to attend classes if they intend adetrimental issue if you can man- one of them up. She's a trooper." states, There 'If is an old saying that everyone it was easy Guess again. to graduate. age the time," Martin said. " Having a love for the game is This is the daily schedule of It does not matter if the athlete Kelly knows how to handle the something that athletes cannot get would do it.'This old adage is com- multi-sport, Division Three plays more than one sport. Cramp, pressure and can talk to her coaches away from pletely valid when it comes to be- McDaniel College student athlete an exercise science major and edu- about any issues she may have." It is what drives them. ing a student athlete. Kelty Cramp. cation minor, has a huge workload Cramp's father, Art, feels the With all of this extra stress and It is amazing to see how Cramp Cramp plays golf and basket- that she manages along with her same way. activity, there is no reason to feel deals with all of the demands. ball here at McDaniel College. athletics. "Kelly has always had the work sorry for She was a five-sport athlete in She has always been the athletic She takes four, a-credit classes ethic to succeed at multiple chat- Cramp. She still leads the nor- high school and became a true type. Cramp joins both the Green each semester that include chat- lenges, be it sports or academics," mal life of a college student. champion in college. All of her hard work is paying Terror golf and basketball teams lenging courses such as biology, he said. " I feel strongly that Kelly When she has the occasional off. Martin said. from Trenton, N.J., where she has chemistry, and biomechanics. can meet the demands placed on free time she like to watch televi- Time management is the key to lived all her life. When asked which season her participation in two sports and sion and listen to music to "get this life and Cramp executes that There, she played basketball, brought about the most demands the classroom." away from the Sports:' golf, tennis, and softball, all while (school and athletics) Cramp said, As coaches and former student Cramp regularly makes lime to exceptionally. earning her 2nd degree black belt " Definitely basketball. athletes themselves, Martin and Art hang out with friends and do group in Kung Pu. There are more demands with Cramp know what it is like to have activities. She even volunteers at Athletics is a hereditary trait in the practice schedule. the busy schedule. the local YMCA with her fellow the Cramp family. Both of her par- Golfis your own schedule, bas- For many people this kind of suuemates. erus are tennis pros and her 15- ketball is predetermined and we schedule would be unbearable, but The one thing that does sepa- year-old sister is following in usually have games on week- Cramp takes it all in stride. rare her from the rest of the pack is Kelly's footsteps with basketball. nights." Martin says student athletes that even in her off-season, she is
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