Page 138 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 138
Wednesday, Apri116, 2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Freshman driver: there is Editors-In-Chief School year Erin Romanski '04 no glory, many problems LeRoy McDuffie '05 almost over: Laura Petersen wonders if having a car on campus is the best choice News Editor Get those opinions Katie Champion '04 Well, I guess it is time to confess, I am a will likely be denied and then IwentlO work published before freshman with a car on campus. I have heard - late. On my return to campus, someone Assistant News Editor older students complaining about how fresh- was parked in that exact spor, without a ticket it's too late and Katie Martin '06 manjust like me only make the parking situ- of course. say my experience is the worst; your brain turns to ation worse by having acaron campus - hon- I cannot estly, I am starting to believe this theory. a commuter that I know received a ticket Features Editor Unfortunately, I really need to have my when he was purchasing a parking permit. mush during the Jessica Watson '05 car 011 campus because I have a job about It is common knowledge that the parking summer! fifteen minutes away at a Nextel cellular situation is simply atrocious, but the never- phone store. Oddly enough, Iam beginning ending trips around parking lots to find a Assistant Features Editor to wish Ididn't have a car on campus. space is not my only problem. now [am Laura Petersen '06 On the flip side. I hear countless fresh- known for having a car - not a good thing. Commentary deadline: man complaining about the policy that re- I cannot remember how many times I have Wednesday, April 23 Commentary Editor stricts first year students from having their been asked the question, "Hey, can you take cars on campus. Their complaints resonated me to [fill in a destination of choice]?" Tara DellaFranzia '03 through my mind as I walked OUI to my car At this point I ask myself. "Why can't I Call Tara at x 8033 on a gorgeous Wednesday afternoon to find just say no?" But I say yes, and I end up Assistant Commentary Editor an annoying yellow piece of paper taunting going to Owings Mills, Walmart, and Taco or Staei at x 8541 for Staci George '03 me from under my windshield wiper. The Bell when I could be writing essays or read- more info. last thing I needed was a twenty-five dollar ing. Sports Editor ticket for parking on "yellow wash mark Aside from running over a nail near the Greg Lederer '03 lines." The reason I have my car is to make North Village Apartments, hulling car-less OPINIONS freshman hunting all over town, the endless money to pay for the tuition costs that my for parking spots, having a job, and paying Assistant Sport Editor scholarship cannot cover. for overpriced gas, I suppose having a car is Ryan Brod '06 As I gripped that piece of paper in my a plus - Ican easily get to the bank to with- WANTED! fist, Ithought of all the countless people who drawal money to pay for parking tickets. park on those exact same lines and NEVER -Laura Petersen is afreshman Subscriptions Manager receive a ticket. I filled out an appeal thai English major Katie Martin '06 From envisioning an event to its reality Senior Writer Michael Wiles '03 Staci George reflects the sense of personal pride and victory when four months of planning resulted in one successful day shared wit~ professional journalists and 50-plus students ers put so much into. the year, there are things like two fleldtrips Graphic Designer We had nine local journalists and two and a fund-raiser left to do. Jessica Watson '05 collegiate faculty members lead informative Being this dedicated to SCJ and focused and thought-provoking workshops. Students on College Press Day has made me realize Photographers got help with their resumes, ideas on how to that I have a knack for event planning and Tiffany Lee '06 begin searching and applying for journalism that I like seeing the outcome of the event, Jenn Parry '05 jobs. Seven colleges got to interact with stu- especially when it goes extremely well. dents from other schools and swap helpful On the other hand though, it made have information. to deal with my perfectionist and over- Staff Writers This year we had a wonderful SCJ mem- achiever tendencies. When things weren't Nicole Grimm 06 ber who loves creating and maintaining getting done as quickly as I had hoped or Andrea Hooker '06 r accomplished a huge victory when four websites and for the first time were able to the "I have too much other work to do" line Craig Johnson '03 months of planning and organizing an event make a SCJ website and include a link for was getting real old real fast; I inevitably went turned Spon- out as I had envisioned. could log on and Tom Macurak '02 sored by the Society for Collegiate Journal- College Press Day. Students who would be at- stepped in and picked up the slack. The key to leadership is being able to work with oth- find out the latest speaker Brian Patterson '06 ists, the 4th Annual College Press Day was tending or if a new school had signed up to ers and to delegate successfully. I admit to Dirk Sampselle '06 a huge success, and this is not simply my attend. be lacking in this department. Isaw our time Robbie Saville '04 biased opionion. It was not until President Coley and Pro- running out and if I didn't step in and take Though my actions of late may not have vost Case showed up that I felt the magni- the initiative, this event would fold. I admit said so, Iam truly thankful to the other sq tude of this event. Something really impor- to slipping from time to time and referring Adviser members who helped planning the event, tam was happening in LRH, I had made it Terry Dalton whether it was making signs or calling happen, and other students from other to it as "my event" rather than "our College Press Day." The Phoenix is published biweekly. The opin schools. schools were here taking part in it and net- Although I am lacking sleep and have iOIL\expresscddonOlnecessarilyrcpresentthosco It was to date, the best CPO ever. And it working with professional journalists. other priorities to gel back to, J am going 77UlPhoenixstaJT. the faculty, or theadminisrarors 0 is my hope that it will get better and better No matter what minor complaints Ihave through withdraw and trying to find some McD.miel College. each additional year. about who didn't do want or who said they'd way to stay involved with the planning of TIle paper welcomes free-lance submissions 0 But with making it an even bigger suc- be there but weren't (several McDaniel stu- future CPOs and ensuring that they are just MacintoShdisks in rT10SI word processor formats. n cess, there needs to be dedicated volunteers, dents signed up to attend but were no shows, as good, if not better, as this year's event. editors reserve the right io edh for clarity, length, an ones who are not afraid to make it a large other students from other schools were un- Once again, thanks to all the guest speak- libel and to publish as space permits. All submissions priority or get emotionally attached [0 the (excludlngself-addres:seddiskeues)becorretheprO( event, so much that they seem to be going able to come for one reason or another), this ers, students from different colleges, and behind the erty of The PhoenixarKJ cannot be returned. was a phenomenal event. those SO members who worked Press Day. r Plea<;eioeludeanameandphoncnumberforveri through withdraw when it is over (like Iam). Anyone who thinks they could do half of scenes and/or attended College fication. Names will be withheld only by the discn I apologize to those SCJ members who the work and still pull off a better event than think I have reached my ulrirnare goal of tion of the Editors-in-Cbief. may not have wanted to make this a large this year's has a lot to learn. many students being able to leave College The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age priority like I did or those I disagreed with In the beginning, I never imagined how Press Day after learning so much helpful in- race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national on when they said they had another commitment hard and how time-consuming this would be. formation and meeting many talented jour- gin, condition ofhandicup, or marital status. to attend to that day. When an organization As soon as r got one task done, there was nalists. only has only big event a year, naturally it another to do. 1 literally sent a thousand I hope people were able to use some of Mail to: The Phoenix would be nice to have every member there emails and received almost as many. the "free advice" that they may have gained McD-.mielCollege, 2 College Hill to share in our organization's victory. Even with CPD over, there are still a few at CPO. Hopefully. having items from this wesunlnster; MD21 157 But r don't want to stress over these tasks to take care of after (i.e. paying the bills, event in my portfolio will get me a step closer (410)751-8600 minute details (or the lack of coffee that I sending out thank you cards, entailing the to my ideal job. We shall see! FAX: (410) 857-2729 thought was trivial but others told me other- schools some additional info, and getting a B-Mail: phoortix@mcdaniel.cdu wise), but instead r want to focus on the posi- jump start on planning next year's College -Staci George is a senior communi- tives that came out of the day that I and oth- Press Day). By no means is SCJ done for cation major
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