Page 141 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, April16, 2003 - Page 9 chose to read passages from a col- lection of artwork and poetry by For the fourth year in a row, Di- women entitled, Anonymous Was rector of Multicultural Services a Woman. Zephia Bryant has conducted a suc- "For a whjle. a woman's place cessful Phenomenal Women's lun- was considered to be the home," cheon. Ward explained. "But now a "Often times people are not rec- woman's place is where ever she ognized for the great things they wants to be." do," Bryant explained. "This is a Found in the basement of Big great way to recognize the indi- Baker Chapel, Academic Secretary, vidual and it really encourages Mardi Melendez, organizes docu- other women to get out there and ments for the foreign language de- make a difference." partment and tutors students in With the purpose of recogniz- Spanish. As aTlaward recipient, she ing women making a difference in wanted to comment on her happi- the McDaniel College community ness for being named a phenomenal whether they are faculty, staff or woman but was tOO busy students, the Phenomena! Women babysitting for a pregnant friend award is given to a total of 30 who was ready to go into labor. women. Melendez "dropped everything" to "This year we had 68 nomi- help her friend. nees," Bryant stated. Like Melendez, Ward finds her- The nomination forms asked self going out of her way to help the members of the McDaniel Col- others. lege community, were asked to rec- "I like people and doing things ognize women who made a differ- Two phenomenal women share conversation over lunch. If has been an annual everuto honor and recognize with others." Ward explained. "I ence. Look for women who have McDtlllie.f's phenomenal women with a lunch and ceremony: think I am an average person but I shown leadership and have gone just enjoy people." above and beyond the call of duty. the thirty phenomenal women. encourage students to attend President's Dining Room included Lopez-Gonzalez felt that she It also asked for women who are "I was really surprised, it was events. the recognition of the recipients could relate to her fellow award positive role models to othes and really nice. Sort of like a thank you "1 sometimes gel discouraged," and for the first time ever, former recrprenrs. are making a difference. Some card for all I do," Lopez-Gonzalez Lopez-Gonzalez confessed. "But recipients speaking about their "lt was a very intimate cer- fOnTIS had single paragraphs and smiled. "Someone sees something I still do something." award. emony, conversing with the ladies." some had numerous pages describ- in me that should be recognized." Bryant believes that persever- Barbara Ward, Office Manager she explained. "We could really ing noteworthy women. Through the Hispano-Latino ance, leadership and trying to make for Residence Life, received the relate as women. It just felt really President of the Hispano-Latino Alliance, Lopez-Gonzalez tries to is what the Phenomenal Women's Phenomenal Women's award last good that we were being thanked Alliance, junior Faniska Lopez- bring cultural awareness to all stu- award ultimately recognizes. year. She spoke to the new recipi- for our hard work and contributions Gonzalez was recognized as one of dents, but it is a difficult task to The April 8th event held in the ents at the ceremony. Ward also to the school." TAisIs1Ae R£MIJC: BSU Fashion Show is "off da hook" ANDRE'" HOOKER scene. "Glve Me Da' Light" left the Swf!Wr;rer spectators yearning for summer On Saturday April 5, 2003 at and the beach. The models strode 7:00, the Black Student Union held across the stage in their bathing their annual spring fashion show. suits while grooving to Sean Paul. The extravagant evening began The intermission featured the with a warm greeting by the mas- McDaniel College Dance Com- ter of ceremonies, Felicia pany. They danced to Sean Paul's Donelson: her dynamic personal- "Get Busy," which made the ity set the mood for the night. The audience's temperature rise. firs! scene "Trashy," consisted of Speaking of temperatures rising, the various models creative use of scene 5 "The Tease" had all the everyday materials, such as news- women in the audience suffering paper, food labels, and even gar- from fever. This all male scene had bage bags. Melanie Gamarra strut- Ebony fanning herself with her pro- ted down the runway wearing a gram. When asking Ebony her dress made out of food labels and opinion of the sensual models Kimberly Boykin brightened the Ebony stated; "this school can be a runway with her skin made out of blessing at sometimes and this is Skittles. . one of those times." When discuss- After getting dirty with the first ing the "model men of McDaniel" scene the audience was cooled LaRhonda Burns stated; "I wish down by the performance of Carl that some of them weren't taken." and Raphael Taylor singing, "I Now the men weren't forgotten want to know." The spectators in the all female scene 6, "Good vs. Veronica Armstrong and Dinah Piles work the runway at the BSU Fashion Show, "This is the swooned and swayed to their an- Bad." The men in the audience is "the Jean Machine" scene, where some of the outfits are personal creations, others accent the gelic voices. mouths were salivating to the con- personalities and styles of each model, and all of them are dangerous. From leaving heaven the audi- trasts of conservative and sexy ence was brought to their past in clothing that the models were wear- Johnson walked down the runway less. The last scene "Jerzees" fea- event to remember. Each year the the "Evolution of Hip-Hop." The ing. with their stylish jeans. tured every jersey from Michael show progresses as new coordina- models grooved to the beats of the In order to cure a fever you must I'm going to make you an offer Jordan when he played for the Chi- tors take lead and new models step past, leaving the audience to dance be given an ice bath, and Kristina that you can't refuse in scene 8 cago Bulls to the Wizards. The on the scene. To many, this was in their seats. The next scene fea- Cheek brought the audience back "Gangsta's Ball." This scene fea- models and coordinators walked the best fashion show they have tured the designs of Kehinde and to Earth with her poem "The Con- tured the models in their formal across the stage with a sigb of re- seen, which means that the future Taiwo, which featured Disney troversy of Your Roots." Cheek left wear, which left the audience in lief; all of their hard work and dedi- holds much promise. characters in elaborate designs; I the audience pondering her mes- awe. After the ball ended Carl and cation finally paid off and the show Guarenteed to have you never knew that Mickey Mouse sage until scene 7 "Jean Machine." Raphael Taylor sang "Back At was over. screaming in your seat, the fashion could look soo good. The fourth Lauren Sparrow and Tianna One," leaving the audience speech- The BSU fashion show was an show was the place to be Saturday.
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