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NEWS Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - Page 3 Campus Safety News March 29 - April 3, 2003 129/03: 8 a.m .. Vehicle backed alarm to sound. COI\fPlI,rm 0\' KATIE CU,\I\fPION 4/4/03: II :55 p.m., Windows bro- under prescriptions Oil conduct. New.IEJill)/ uo another vehicle in ken in balcony door in Blanche 4/1/03: Student's car tires damaged Ward Hall. 4/6/03: 3:48 a.m., Fire alarm ouzer Hall parking lot. along Stadium Drive over past few students being charged for under- sounded in Whiteford Hall. weeks. age possession of alcohol. 4/5/03: Westminster Police Depart- Building was evacuated. Pull sta- ment witnessed a student open the tion in main front lobby was acti- 4/1/03: 5:20a.m.,Fitc extinguisher 4/4/03: 6:05 a.m.. Student had her door and enter Campus Safety Jeep vated. System was reset by stolen from ANW Hall. license and $46.00 stolen from her in Garden Apartment's parking lot. DoCS. purse in Hoover Library's Com- /29/03: II :50 p.m., Tables set up 4/1/03: 9:21 p.m., Student seen n Decker Center outside ofForum 4/5/03: 12:59 a.m., Student sprayed 4/6/03: 3:57 a.m.. While evacuat- dropping bottles out of Rouzer gun from an or a special event were overturned Hall. Student confronted and more 4/4/03: 6:12, Fire alarm water from a water ing for fire alarm. pet was found md tablecloths strewn. Tablecloths upstairs window in Daniel Macl.ea in a student's residence. beer was confiscated. sounded in building D of North ~ere trod upon leaving them soiled Village Apartments. Cause of Hall. nd disheveled. 4/2103: 1 a.m.. Dead cat. found in alarm caused by smoke from cook- 4/8/03: 3 p.m .. Concerned student hallway of Blanche Ward Hall by ing. 4/5/03: 6:02 p.m., B~ttle of grain reported possible assault on an- 130/03: Graffiti found on women's Building Services workers. No alcohol recovered from a room in other student in Hair Stadium athroom stalls ill middle level of Blanche Ward Hall. parking bowl. suspects in the case. 4/4/03; 8: IOp.m.,A shelf in Daniel Decker Center. MacLea Hall was spray-painted 4/3/03: II :23 p.m., Former student causing fumes and destruction of 4/6/03; Student received a suspi- 4/8/03: 6:16 p.m., Students setoff /30/03: 2:55 a.m., Fire extln- college owned property. A student cious message on his voice mail. fire alarm in North Village Apart- ulsher expended in Blanche Ward caught violating sanction given by group claimed responsibility for Investigation continuing. ments due to unclean stove. Hall. Residence Life. the incident. 4/4/03: Fire extinguisher found 416103;12:20 nm., Fraternity docu- 419/03: 7:24 p.m .. Victim received 130/03: 3:05 a.m .• Underage sub- 4/4/03: 9:45 p.rn., Three students mented for playing drinking games obscene messages on his com- eCI consuming alcohol in Rouzer with pin and hose missing. Ex- in hallway of Blanche Ward Hall. puter email. Investlgaricn con- Hall. changed for new. cited by Westminster Police De- tinuing. partment when found to be in un- 4/6/03: 3:20, Students found 4/4103: 12:14 a.m., Westminster derage possession of alcohol on 130/03; 7:05 p.m., Fire alarm playing drinking games in room ill 419103: 11:l7 p.m., DoCS patrol rounded in North Village Apart- Police Department requested assis- Stadium Drive. Blanche Ward HaU. Student cited found broken window in the art tance at an off-campus party with nenrs. Dirty stove burner caused studio. Students visit Johns Student journalists network and interact aopkins Hospital at 4t~E!~~ual C~s!!~~!tuE~w~,~~pDallYcommented thatfromthe AS$iSfllnl New.f Editar lead by Gettysburg College jour- program he "hopes the students NICOLI> GRfMM Writer's block was no where to nalism professor Robert Knight learn how important Journalism is S((JjJWrifer many patients out of their rooms be found as collegiate and profes- and Hood College journalism pro- to American society and to preserv- On Friday, March 28. ASAP to listen. sional journalists from surrounding fessor Donna Bertazzoni. WBAL- ing constitutional freedoms," also AIDS Support Awareness Preven- Freshman Carrie Speck, who areas descended on the McDaniel TV sports reporter Sarah Caldwell reiterating "how varied and inter- ion) organized a trip to John's was very moved by the experience. College campus for the 4th Annual discussed women, sports, and the esting a profession it is-if you are ~oPkins hospital to visit patients explained, ''The infection of HIV College Press Day on Saturday media and Kelly of the Carroll interested in something, you can ithHIV. is so widespread, and the fact that April 5. County Times lead another work- find a way to write it in a story." Five students from the college we feel so far removed from the Approximately 50 students and shop on Criminal Justice Report- George had her own praise for trended and the visit turned out to situation makes it all the more im- advisors attended, from schools ing. Following lunch, Fox 45 In- Kelly, designating him the "Most ~ both worthwhile and rewarding. portant to support ASAP and visit including Gettysburg College, Villa vesugari ve Reporter Jon Involved Speaker," as he was the "We met a variety of people," with patients; Julie College, York College of Leiberman delivered this year's first speaker to arrive and the last 'reshman Alicia Feuillet recalled, In doing so we realize that we Pennsylvania, Hood College, keynote address, "Why Local to leave, participating in numerous 'a woman with four children, a gay are not removed from the disease, Elizabethtown College, Mount St. News Still Matters." This was workshops and panels in between. ouple, a husband and wife, black but that it crosses all socio-eco- Mary's College, and Shepherd Col- Leiberman's second year on the SCJ Members, many of whom eople, white people; the patients nomic boundaries." lege. Hill forCoJlege Press Day, as it was helped significantly with the orga- rossed a lot of barriers." Despite the fact thai a campus When students and journalists as well for Shalal-Bsa of Reuters. nization and execution of the event, The students spent their time at wide message was sent out about started to arrive to Lewis Hall and George commented, "I hope this include seniors Staci George, Tara ohns Hopkins talking with the pa- this trip into Baltimore, only five introductions began, SCJ President trend continues where we are able DellaFranzia,Tammi Slater, Tim tents in the Polk Ward, which is students showed up. and College Press Day Coordina- ~~sw:~~~~~e previous years' speak- Saul, Ed Schultheis, and Jessica pecifically designated for those For those who attended, how- tor Staci George said she felt re- Fitzgerald; Juniors Katie Cham- ever, they realize the importance of lieved. "I knew that all my hard George said, "all of this year's pion, Erin Romanski, Melanie Put- uffering from Hlv and AIDS. their visit and encourage people to work had paid off and that this speakers were wonderful and the ley, Artina Young, and Jessica The conversation was not lim- get involved with awareness would be the best College Press students left the event with a lot of Watson. ted to their illness. but rather what fas going on in the lives of the stu- groups such as ASAP. Day to date," she said. McDaniel helpful information and some re- Champion and Romanski are S~ck argued, "The fact that so Journalism Professor Terry DaHon ally good contacts." Kelly of the upcoming SCJ co-presidents and ents. "When we left, even if it was few people showed up. proves how confirmed this saying. the event Carroll County Times, commented will be responsible for planning omething small, we could tell that important it is to have a group like was "very, very successful, easily "There was a very good group next year's event, which will agaiQ fe made a difference to them and this on campus." the most successful we have had." of professionals here. high powered be held at McDaniel. elped take them away from the AIDS is a real issue, not just The morning began with panel people. The lady from Reuters and Following the day's event Presi- roblems in their life for a little here in America, but aU over the disCUS8ions on either internships or Jon Leiberman, I mean, damn thai dent Joan Coley and Provost Sam world. resumes. was Impresslve Case. both whom Stopped by the fhile," Feuillet added. In the United States, around one Session n featured workshops The day concluded with a group event at some point in the day. sem In addition to chatting with the with to George Alumna messages on current events, Americans Stacey atiellts, they also passed out col- million or AIDS and are living million lead by WMC Gazelte and Jamie panel discussion the War in Iraq. and congratulatory of her and the group's of The particularly on behalf HIV Duck 29.4 ring books and other gifts to en- people are infected with HIV or Kelly of the Carroll County Times. how journalists at the collegiate successful event. The work of ertain them. AIDS in Africa alone. People need Andrea Shalal-Esaof Reuters, and level should tackle. investigate, and George and the SCJ organization For ~ome patients in the ward. ro be aware of the problem but also Jay Apperson of the Baltimore Sun cover such stories. Eddie Sweet, a was al~o recognized through fheir immune systems were toO lo~ that lhe sufferers are real people, Carroll Coumy Bureau. Editor-in- student from Mount 51. Mary's anonymous comments On evalua- a allow them visitors in theIr each with their own story w tell. Chief Kip Jones of the Gettysbug College. conuncnted, .., think pro- tiOn surveys. one reading, "Wow. ooms, so the group stood in their College Paper, was impressed with grams like this are important to Staci and company did a gremjob. oorways and said hello. One of together. were mel he members of ASAP also shared Duck's workshops.."1ying. "She was bring different schools to exchange its My expectations Please invite us at today. McDaniel helps (he community clear, gave useful per- very direct. he gift of her voice, which brought tinent information." ideas ... " again."
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