Page 131 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 131
SPORTS Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 15 Baseball team stint in Florida, with solid showing in Conference play GREG LEDERER SporlsEdilOr Following a 7 game stint in ited with the loss. Shorernan in their home opener. Florida (4-3 record), the McDaniel In the nightcap, the Green Ter- The Green Terror used a potent of- College baseball team set their ror rallied to pick up a come from fense and strong pitching from se- sights on the Centennial Confer- behind 4-3 victory. nior right-hander Mike Geaneas to ence schedule. The team got off to a sluggish cruise to a 9-3 victory. Most recently, the team hosted stan when Haverford jumped ofT to From the start, Oeaneas was in conference foe, Haverford College a 3-0 lead in the first inning, but control, striking out the first three for a double header on March 29th. senior pitcher Jeff Starcher settled men he faced, and continued for six In the first game, the Green Ter- down and shutdown the opposition innings, yielding only one hit to the ror struck first when junior short- as the Green Terror started to chip opposition. stop Ryan Shotzberger connected away at the lead. The offensive production began for a leadoff home run to give the The comeback began when the early as the McDaniel plated four team the early advantage. team scored a single run in the runs in the first inning, and four Unfortunately for McDaniel, fourth inning to decrease the lead more in the fourth to take the win. the team wouldnft score again as to two, and then made their move Senior designated hitter Todd Haverfordfs Tim Mcl.ean shut in the seventh inning, when they Huber had three hits and 3 RBIs to down the Green Terror offense and plated three runs, culminated by a lead the team. rallied from behind to score three base loaded single from senior out- The team looks forward to the runs and take a 3-1 victory. fielder Kevin Kozak. bulk of the conference schedule in . The loss dampened the perfor- The victory improved the their pursuit of the Conference mance of McDaniel junior right- teamfs record to 7-4 overall, 2- I Championship. hander Dave Skoczlas who struck in the Centennial conference out ten opposing batters and On March 25, the team hosted yielded only five hits, but was cred- the winless Washington College Baseball resultsfrom Senior Mike Geaneas is lethal on the mound WId at the plate. DAIIlDSINCI.AIR Cocoa Beach, FL Tennis squads looking Marquette Coach March 15th to begin a winning against Simpson fighting for more than tradition in 2003 12-2 W a National March 16th against Oneonta Championship GREG LEDER SpomEditor 2-3 L For the McDaniel College Ten- one player Shannon Pussy fell to nis program, the 2002 campaign Ursinus's Courtney Root by a score RYAN BROD was a forgettable season as both of 6-2, 6-2, and freshman Danny Assi.rwm Sp(JrI.r Editor squads completed play winless and Magid fell to Katy Butler by a March 16th The Marquette Golden Eagles In light of the recent scandals frustrated. count of 6-3,6-3. against Baker Uni. men's basketball team is making in the college basketball world (i.e. Instead of feeling doomed by The Women's squad looked to its first Final Four appearance in Villanova, Georgia), it is refresh- the past, the teams are focused to get back on the winning track when 9-5W nearly three decades. ing to hear about such a courageous on the 2003 schedule and a chance they hosted conference opponent, With a decisive win over story. for redemption and respect in the Dickinson College. heavily favored Kentucky, the Although Schwab is faced with Centennial Conference. It was another tough match for March 17th Eagles will meet Kansas in the na- tremendous odds everyday and al- In the Men's opening match of the Green Terror, as they fell again tional semifinal game in New Or- though there remains the ominous the season, the Green Terror hosted by a score of 9-0. against Richard leans. fact that his disease has not yet been conference foe, Ursinus College on The Men's team took on Stockton BUI more amazing than the cured, he is still present on the March 23rd. Dickinson College on March 26th. team's magical run in the NCAA Marquette bench at tip-off. Talk Behind the home crowd, the The squad struggled and eventually 5-4 W tournament is the story of special about inspiration. team was inspired and swept the lost the contest 7-1 to the Red Dev- assistant Trey Schwab. When the Golden Eagles take first five positions, in route to a 4- ils. Schwab, who sits alongside the the floor in New Orleans, they will 3 victory. The lone scorer for McDaniel March 18th players on the Marquette bench, be fighting for respect and a place Junior number one player Scon was freshman Aaron Taylor who was diagnosed recently with idio- in the college basketball record Mahoney defeated his opponent, picked up a come from behind vic- against FDU pathic pulmonary fibrosis: a rare books. Jeremy Landis by a score of 7-6, tory at the number 4 position over Madison form of lung disease that severely But special assistant Trey 6-1 and senior Dave Johnson Dickinson's Ian Richman. impairs one's breathing ability. Schwab will be fighting for his life: picked up the victory over Chris Taylor lost the first set 6-3, but 5-2 W There is no known cure for the the ultimate prize. Fox by a score of 7-6, 6-0. rebounded to take the second set disease, only the hope that the Other McDaniel winners were 6-3, forcing a tie breaker that he coach will receive a transplant in Ben Deneberg, Aaron Taylor, and won 1()"3. March 19th due time. The Phoenix Craig Johnson. The win kept the freshman per- But, as the coach bluntly stated, Sports Section is The pairings of Mahoney, fect for the season this far. against Pikeville "The sad reality is that a lot of folks Johnson and Deneberg, Taylor also The next day, the Men's squad College (KY) who were ahead of me [for trans- currently looking picked up victories in doubles. The ventured on the road to take on plants] didn't make it." victory already doubled the team's Elizabethtown College in an non- 9-13 L Meanwhile, Schwab remains for interested win total of last year. conference match-up. on the Marquette sideline, with a photographers. On the Women's side, the squad The Green Terror fell again on private plane aat each game in case didn't have the same luck, as they the road 8-1, with Taylor continu- March 21th a donor lung becomes available. were swept by Ursinus 9~0. ing his strong play, picking up a During games, the coach is The inexperienced Green Ter- straight set victory over against Oneonta equipped with supplemental oxy- Please call us at ror lineup had trouble with the Elizabethtown's Andy Borzok 6-3, 4-8 L gen on the team bench, but still is ext. 8600 more battle tested bears. Number 6-2. very much involved with the coaching staff.
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