Page 132 - Phoenix2002-03
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Volume XXVII Number 3 McDaniel College Men's Lacrosse Phoenix Sports remains perfect under Schedule new head coach Baseball Gettysburg DIRK SAMPSELLE near blowout, 18-3. Assisting on April 4th SlajJwrilu six goals and scoring two for hi~- 3:00pm self, Rob Weaver aided the team In The undefeated Green Terror their explosive first- quarter run. lacross team is on the path to a di- The team had netted three goals vision title under new coach Jim Men s Lacrosse remaining with over II minutes Townsend. He holds two trips to the quarter. Fords goalkeeper John in the NCAA playoffs under his belt Michal was kept active, making 16 Muhlenberg with his previous Rensselaer Poly- April 5th technic team. saves on the day his team was The Terrors posted their sixth outsbot 47-19 by the'Ierrors. 3:30pm Denison College provided the win of the season against the Dickenson Red Devils on 26 of team's closest competition on the season, holding the Terrors to a win March. Justin Merson of New Women s Lacrosse Windsor MD scored the Terrors a by only three goals, and lost 7-4. hat trick, netting his first only J: J 2 McDaniel goalkeeper Mike College of Notre into the game. Korba was ice when the heat was Dame McDaniel quickly netted two on in the fourth quarter and the Ter- . more before Dickenson had even rors heald only a one goal lead. He April3rd gained posession. Dickinson was made four of his 15 stops early that 4:00pm Softball team looking down by five before they could quarter to keep the Big Red's at- answer [he Terrors. tack from the perimeter at bay. Rob Weavers five assists In a nail biter non-league win toward another strong helped bring Dickinson down to over Messiah College, McDaniel Softball increased their 4-3 halftime lead just below .500, with a 3-4 record Washington on the season. when Pete Schaffer sparked a scor- season. McDaniel travelled to Kings ing streak with his goal early in the April 5th Point, NY to battle USMMA on 22 third quarter. answered However, of March. In the blowout, nine dlf'- later in the quarter Messiah with a hat trick 1:00 pm ferenr McDaniel players scored in CRAIG JOHNSON lighted by a grand slam in the sec- the first half alone, which ended from Jono Linebaugh, but were still Staff writer ond inning by third baseman Candi unable to close the gap for a vic- Track and Field After a long period filled with with a score of 11-2. Kuligowski. Overall, the Terrors won 13 toryAll-American Joe Ellis lead @Gettysburg frigid winds and snow- covered The Terror scored two more faceoffs to the Merchant Marines. McDaniel in scoring with three fields, the bats of the defending runs in the inning to jump our to a On March 19, McDanielbeat- Inv. conference champion McDaniel commanding lead, and went on to out Haverford College in another goals for himself. April 5th College softball team are starting an easy victory via the mercy rule to heat up. in the fifth inning. The season got off to a rather slow stan for the Terror at the East The second game marked an Men's Tennis Coast Collegiate Classic in equally impressive showing by Roanoke. VA. McDaniel, as Camponelli struck @Haverford out seven batters. She also added The team compiled a 2-3 record April 5th during their stay, splitting a series a homerun, the first of her career, to go along baseman with second with Marietta College and drop- 1:00pm ping two games to Bridgewater Kristin Barrickis shot in the second College (VA). inning. A four-run fourth inning al- However, the final game of the with an Women's Tennis two-day event saw the Terror of- lowed the Terror to emerge the sweep easy victory, completing @Haverford ~ fense rise to the occasion to defeat Carolina North by a Wesleyan April 5th Score of5-0. This momentum car- of l~~i~uss~:~ffto a rocky start," ried over to last Thursday for the says Campanelli. "BUl I think we inaugural game of the newly Con- have got things headed in the right Mens Golf structed softbal I field on the direction now." contest sched- A double-header College McDaniel campus. @Elizabethtown From the opening pitch, thrown uled for yesterday at Ursinus Col- lnv. out by Dean of Admissions Marly lege was postponed due to inclem- The team returns to ent weather. OiConnell, the Green Terror took April 9th control against visiting Villa Julie Centennial Conference play at College. Starting pitchers Sam home on April lst against Franklin Abrams and Kim Camponelli each and Marshall College. Women's Golf allowed just one hit apiece as After outscorlng their oppo- McDaniel posted back-to-back 8- nents by a combined 21-0 in the last @Gettysburg lnv. o victories. three games, it appears Coach Dix early success 5th Abrams struck out five batters has the Terror bats rolling. If only in the opener, which was high- the snow clouds could do the same lhing.
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