Page 133 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 133
Wednesday, Aprill6, 2003 Volume XXVII Number 4 Students run into changes at class registration Peace New process and new time changes for some fall 2003 classes picnics T ATA DEI.I_AFRANZIA and vigils Commflllory Editor Lisa Taylor, who will return as a senior in the fail, arrived at the continue Forum exactly at her registration time. While she was glad that she did to be held not have to wait in a line at all, other problems soon arose. This year, the Office of the Reg- on campus istrar sent out memos with rimes on a separate sheet of paper rather GEORG" than on the sheet that students use Allsi.flam STACI Cummcmary Editor to fill in their class choices and times. During a beautiful spring day Students registered for classes with the sun shining and a beauti- on Monday, April 7th. ful blue sky above, about 40 sru- While much of registration day dents, faculty, and community ran as wei! as usual, there were members gathered for a Peace Pic- some issues that impacted students nic. registering for fall classes. A week later, about 10 people According to Taylor, many stu- came together for a prayer vigil in dents arrived at registration with Ensor Lounge on a rainy, cold only their class information sheets, night. No matter what the weather, and were sent away until they could Senator Sarbanes discusses return with the other sheet that in- ning list of canceled classes outside these people want peace or the op- cluded their registration times. the forum door as usual, and an ef- economics at annual Resnick Lecture portunity to exchange information com- extemporaneous through Although Taylor remained calm ficiently updated list of changes on ments or thoughts, prepared poems, during the registration process, she the school's website. ing is one event that set the agenda" borrowed or original song lyrics, or attributed her grace to being expe- While the Office of the Regis- Assislanl Commemary Editor several times in his speech. quoting someone else's words. rienced at the process. trar is frequently blamed for regis- The McDaniel Community In his speech, he addressed two Organized by a group of However, she stated, "I think tration mishaps, it is clear that other welcomed U.S. Senator Paul S. problems identified with the statu- McDaniel students and faculty, the this year was the worst year at reg- avenues may be considered for Sabanes to campus on Tuesday, lory framework for these larger Peace Picnic on Thursday, April 3 istration," noting that it was par- improving the registration process. April 8 with dinner at the companies. and the Prayer Vigil (which actu- ticularly disorganized. McDaniel students also had President's house and then a lec- First, there is an inaccurate ally turned into an informal and Taylor also mentioned the Tues- comments about how the registra- ture in McDaniel Lounge. oversight of the accountants, Peer free-flowing discussion) on day/Thursday class meeting time tion process could be made easier, The program stated that, "Sen. reviews were established so one Wednesday, April 9, are forums for change. This affected her sched- before the actual day of registra- Sarbanes will discuss how the leg- accountant could keep an eye on the McDaniel and Carroll County ule, but did not create any class tion arrives for a student. islature can respond to the current another on, and sort of keep each communities to come together and conflicts. However, it created gen- Lisa Taylor, who used to live in economic situation when he visits other in check and hold them ac- voice what's on their minds. eral confusion among registering Honors housing, commented that McDaniel College" for lhe4th An- countable for faulty accounting. Eric Whitehair, as he got ready students. li ving with upperclassmen helped nual Resnick Lecture. However, peers were afraid to tattle to play guitar and sing a song like on each other regarding this viola- While students observed many Sarbanes is a Democrat and na- Woody Guthrie's "This Land is tive of Salisbury, MD. 10 2000, he tion of the "honor code-like" points of disorganization, the Continued on Page 2 policy. Your Land," said that events like Registrar'S office did keep a run- made Maryland history when elected to his 5th term as a U.S. Second, there is a lack of ac- Continued 011 Page 4 Senator. He is the son of Greek countant independence. That is, immigrants and brother of a there are a small number of accoun- McDaniel B.A. recipient as well as rants representing a large number Masters' recipient here on the Hill. of clients. With fewer clients, the The lecture series is named for accountants need to make money Alleck A. Resnick, "a distinguished some how, even if it means not be- Baltimore lawyer, respected phi- ing accountable or not acting inde- lanthropist, and dedicated commu- pendently when the client asks you nal leader in Jewish educational to do something unethical. and civic affairs," states the pro- Looking around the room, there gram. He is also a life member of were definitely some puzzled looks the Board of Trustees. by people who could care less Sarbanes gavea lengthy speech about economics. especially at this on economics and talked about time with war going on. ura Petersen recognizes what had happened in the Senate "It was disappointing that the henomenal Women's luncheon as they dealt with all Enron, topic was so far from what's going or achievements thus far. WorldCom, and all the other big on at this time in history, especially companies with shady accounting with an excellent Senator who practices. could have addressed more press- He alluded to the fact that ing issues," said Dr. Christianna irk Sampselle salutes Lacrosse "events dominate where the agenda eam in a victorious spring goes. For example, Enron's fold- Continued on Page 2 eason.
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