Page 127 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 127
FEATURES Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page II Rehearsals and sign tutoring underway for the next show driving is worthwhile." student and "house manager" of the STACI GEORGE their positive reactions. Now they so much better; I realized all the ASS;Xlwl! COIWIJI'III(1ryEditor Harrelson summarizes the main ASL house, is a 1997 graduate of know more about me and that r can learning involved with my role was storyline: The play is about Sarah Gallaudet University. do well in a play." going to be a lot of fun." Besides the story of Helen Keller, name one play that brings (portrayed by Bobbie Jo Duffy)," This is her first play at "Honestly. I am very proud to be Besides rehearsals, Hickey and a young deaf woman who during McDaniel College and her first deaf. If I were hearing, I would be other cast members who have to together a cast of hearing and deaf . actors in order to give those who the course of the play discovers that experience with a hearing cast. Her an actress. There are not many roles learn how to sign meet with a tutor she can do things and be something previous roles include Belle in for the deaf unless the play is about frequently to practice signing and can hear an insight on the lives and greater than she is now without "Beauty and the Beast" culture of those who can't. losing her identity." during a deaf person. Instead, I'd like to learn their lines in sign language. "Children of a Lesser God" is one be a teacher. I'm sure there is a But this is only one difference on James The play also focuses such an example, and it is (portrayed by Andrew reason God made me deaf and I from any other play. Harrelson says McDaniel College'S final Pecararo), "a passionately totally accept that," she commented he is experimenting with captions of her in the final projected onto the set for the dialog moments production for this school year. committed speech teacher at interview. that is not signed on stage ... We're Written by Mark Medoff, this a school for the deaf where As for the viewpoints of a not sure if it is going to work, but play was a Pulitzer-prize winner Sarah works. He comes to hearing cast member and her that is our goal. I want deaf and the movie won and Oscar for realize over the course of the play new role, audience members to be able to Best Actress. that there are many ways to be freshman Katie Hickey's said attend any performance they wish Paul Harrelson, director of successful, happy person in the portraying Lydia (a student of and still be able to understand the Quest Productions and an world. And he doesn't have to insist Jarue's) is unlike any role she has play." interpreter, will direct his first that Sarah fit his vision of what a ever had before. Lydia is a hearing Usually only one night's show Mcpanlel production. person should be," said Harrelson. impaired girl who "wants very is sign-interpretted, but with the He was recommended for the Bobbie Jo Duffy is glad to be much to be accepted into the projections, deaf audience job when the first person Ira playing the role of Sarah. She in western hearing world, believing that is members are not limited to what Domser and the theatre department wanted to audition for the role Pennsylvania. what it takes to win James' heart night they can attend. contacted was unable to direct the because having a deaf person play As a graduate student at show. A newcomer to the McDaniel the roll of a deaf person is different McDaniel, this is her first and succeed in life," explained The show runs Wednesday, Community, Harrelson first than having a hearing person experience attending classes with Hickey. April 23 through Saturday, April 26 stepped foot on the campus during portray that role and act like they deaf and hearing students. She She calls it the most "involved at 8 p.rn. in the Alumni Hall his first meeting with Domser. role I've ever had." Understage. There may be a After making his first commute are deaf. admits to being a little "ln addition to learning the Sunday matinee added also. from Capitol Hill where he lives, Duffy briefly touched on the apprehensive about auditioning for basics like lines and blocking, I Contact the box office for more he wondered what he had gotten commonalities her and her a play with four classes and other also have to learn my lines in ASL information. himself into with such a long character share. She says how priorities. and acquire a "deaf accent" with Stay tuned to the Phoenix ironic commute. Then he added, "But character it is that both she and her At first she was afraid that her my speech. At first it was very for more about want to teach at a school now I have met so many wonderful for the deaf. professors would disapprove ~nv~::~~~~:!:n:~t t;:~~~~e~::~ "Children of a people and have an excellent cast because she may fall behind in her Duffy, a first-year graduate studies, but "I was surprised by with Abbey (the Sign Master), 1 felt ~===Lc=ss=e=r=G=O=d=."==~ and crew. I now .know that all the ~~~~~~~~ SGA CORNER CARRrE SPV.CK & NICOLi!: GRIMM SwjJWrilers Couples Only: How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days is hard at work developing new Committee The SGAAcademic ideas that will benefit (he students ERIN ROMANSKI on how to get a guy to like her, then of McDaniel College. Currently, Co-Edilor in Cllief drive him away using all the tac- tics that women inadvertently use they are in the process of develop- EDWARD K. SCHUI.TIfEIS that scare men from commitment. ing a GRE prep course to be avail- SI'niorWr;/fr able free of charge to every student Her subject is Ben Barry (Mat- Romantic comedies frequently thew McConaughey), an advertis- next fall. Anyone that has ques- rank Iowan critics' lists of movies ing hotshot who has a bet going that tions about the prep course should to see. Some see [hem as being too he can get a woman to fall in love call Felicia Donelson at extension predictable, too forced, and some- with him, so that he can land the 8036. times too stupid. Others think that next ad campaign. The Academic Committee also romantic comedies just aren't too Most of the movie is basically hopes to reduce class size by next funny. scene after scene of Andie attempt- semester. They feel it is important Unlike some other romantic ing to drive Ben away, while Ben to maintain a small student to comedies that I have seen during is always coming back for more. teacher ratio in the classroom to al- my years of dating, "How to Lose The irony, of course, lies in the low the students to learn better. a Guy in 10 Days" is funny. fact that both characters are un- They also hope to enable students I am not going to lie, however, knowingly using one another in to register for their classes online and say that it is not predictable, much different. yet strangely simi- in order to cancel out the endless because lets be honest, what ro- larways. lines and frustration that every stu- mantic comedy isn't. She takes over his bathroom dent encounters while registering. Generally, the format of a ro- and fills his cabinet with feminine edies, so I think it is safe to say that ter than Andie buys a "love fern" Finally, SGA just completed a mantic comedy proceeds as fol- hygiene products, buys a dog for most people will realize the end- for Ben, only to accuse him of let- survey to find out how students feel lows: boy wants girl, boy gets girl, the two of them, throws in a few ing. Getting to the ending is where ting their love die like the plant about the number of reading days boy loses girl, boy gets girl again. stuffed bears and some Carly all the fun lies in this movie. when he forgets to water it? the college allots before final ex- I won't pretend to ruin the film Simon tunes for good measure, and Therefore, if you are a looking ams, Once the results have been for you, because I am pretty sure ruins his weekly poker night. for a good date movie, you really thiS'i~a;~::a;a:~:~~:~~U!~complied, the committee will strive lfyou're ==-==::.._ that unless you are living under a The superlative is when she cannot go wrong with "How to money nothing can ever beat "Joe ~~ ~~!u~~~~:::hedule to the wants rock, the ending will warrant no nicknames his private part "Prin- Lose a Guy in 10 Days." Versus the Volcano." un- _l surprises. cess Sophia." However, no matter Better yet, tum the flick into an willing to take a chance of being - ••••••••••••••••• The movie tells the story of what she does to lose him, Ben all out girlfest. disappointed by the sappy obvious- : Want to add : Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson), won't get lost. He just grins and What red-blooded woman n.ess of this film, stick with a clas- : "Staff Writer" • who is a columnist for Composure bears it, again and again. wouldn't want the opportunity to SIC. · Magazine, She writes "How To:" While the movie does get some- guy bash and relive some not so Combined Grade of: B · to your resume? stories for the magazine, although what repetitive, there are enough memorable dating experiences of · Write for the Phoenix. : she would rather tackle much more humorous moments during the her own? Edward Schultheis and Erin: serious issues like politics and re- movie to keep you entertained. Not only do you get the tradi- Romanski Call ext. 8600 • ligion. However, as I said, the movie is tional romantic movie, but you also • for more details. Her latest incarnation is a story predictable, like all romantic com- get the comedy. I mean what's bet- · .......- . -
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