Page 128 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 12 FEATURES ALLIES: Where anyone can turn for help and support structure. We'll fix that, hopefully." much drop the ball on classroom work; scream--ending the silence. SllJffWriler To remedy the structural problems of the rather. the focus was on other programming. McGowan remembers organizing the Want to go to a place free of fear and class presentation, McGowan plans to de- Last semester, 'Allies had co-sponsored a Day of Silence at his high school for the 3 prejudice against your sexual orientation? velop a set of at least five pre-made presen- coffee house. had a 'pot-luck' campus com- years that he headed the gay-straight alliance Want a place to feel comfortable with your- lations. Each workshop would cover a dif- munity dinner, celebrated Corning Out Day, there. "There is something awesome about self, and enjoy life with good friends? ferent issue, this as tolerance or gay rights, had a trip to New York to see the Broadway the national Day of Silence," McGowan said, Go to Allies. possibly even religion (though, McGowan show Rent, sponsored three trips to Balti- "knowing that at least 3,000 other schools Allies is the gay, lesbian, bisexual, noted, such is a difficult topic to address) more clubs. A number of events are also be- are doing the same thing. We even got fac- transgendered, questioning and straight alli- and would consist of a speaker (or speak- ing prepared for this spring semester. ulty to remain silent." ance group on campus. Here you will only ers), set activities, and questions from the "We try to go one event at a time," Roach Allies has never participated in the na- find acceptance, no matter who you are. audience. said, smiling. "All of us in Allies are good tional Day of Silence before, so all mem- Allies isn't a group about being gay. It's an McGowan said the reason he is develop- friends, and we all work hard to get these bers agree this will be one of their biggest alliance for all those who want to support ing the presentations into specific workshops campus events ready." events, symbolically if not logistically. equal rights and respect for all members of is to help the professors get what they feel National Comming Out Day is every Many students know of this remembrance the community. their class needs. The new format will give October II tho Allies, however, spreads the day, but Allies is still trying to get the word "McDaniel College needs Allies," said the group of presenters more time to prepare, idea of the day out through the entire month out among students so April will be a suc- Matthew McGowan, Allies president since and allow the students to have a better un- of October. cess. "I haven't participated in anything December I, "just like it needs the BSU and derstanding when the presentation is over. "Originally we just had events all week, yet," said sophomore Ted Rossini, a nomi- the Hispano-Latino Alliance. Most students "It's one way to deal with the us/them instead of one day," Roach said, "but even nal Allies member. "but I know of the Day here are local, and come from fairly conser- attitude," McGowan said. "Our ultimate goal that was a little much. So now we spread of Silence and am planning to be involved." vative backgrounds. Most have never met a is acceptance on campus. Issues of sex [and the activities through the whole month- Allies hopes to get as many students - and gay person before." faculty - involved as possible. "The more According to Allies' club constitution, the Sexuality is a difficult subject to try to educate people people who remain silent, the more notice- number one goal of the organization is "to able the silence is to everyone else," said educate the community with respect to dif- about, said Dr. Robin Armstrong, associate professor Haines. ferences in sexual orientation. Allies should of music, and Allies'faculty advisor. Aside from While the Day of Silence is symbolically encourage tolerance and diversity among all big for Allies, the biggest outreach event the people." But are the members pursuing this event programming, Allies has also run in-class pre- group has done was the aforementioned Rent one main goal? trip on December 4th. Sexuality is a difficult subject to try to sentations with issues including acceptance; toler- "Going to see Rent was a CAPBoard- educate people about, said Dr. Robin ance and lifestyles. sized outing," said Roach. "and Allies pulled Armstrong, associate professor of music, and it off nicely." Allies' faculty advisor. Aside from event Rent, dubbed a rock opera by fans and programming, Allies has also run in-class sexual orientation'[ shouldn't get in the way 'Ourober' we like to call it." critics, was written and scored in the early presentations with issues including accep- of everyone's equal rights.t'To facilitate dis- In the past, Allies has had a day of si- 1990s by Jonathan Larson, and became an ranee, tolerance and lifestyles. cussion, Allies uses a set of guidelines from lence on October 12th to remember Matthew overnight sensation when it opened in '96. The only problem with the in-class pre- the Office of Multicultural Services that pro- Shepard, a gay college student beaten to The show deals with themes ranging from sentations, according to Dr. Armstrong, is the motes "I think" statements and minimizes death in 1998 because of his sexuality. How- AIDS to sexuality, and even the destructive lack of experience of the presenters. conflict ever, Roach and McGowan thought this effects of hard drugs. Members of Allies not McGowan hopes to address that by training "Overall, the workshops are a great way year's day of silence should coincide with only enjoyed the play, but were interested in a core group of Allies members to run the to get OUT message across to students," ex- the national Day of Silence on April 9th. Rent as a way to help educate. workshops. plained Steve Haines, vice president of Al- The Day of Silence began in 1996 as a "The play itself was a good education "It's a good idea," Armstrong said, "it lies, who will be heading up the new CUT- remembrance of all those who have been si- tool," said sophomore Jessica Whitney, sec- just could have gone better." Previous work- riculum development project. "And so many !enced by prejudice and hate. II was started retary of Allies. "It gave the non-Allies shops have consisted mainly of individuals students really need to hear it" by New England college students, and to- members who went on the trip a new look at talking about issues and different subjects. Classroom workshops are not the only day is observed at 3,500 high schools and the lifestyle through an entertaining me- The presentations went well and were re- method practiced by Allies. colleges nationwide. Participants do not dium." It seems that everyone who went on ceived in a positive way, but more student "Education is not just talking," said speak between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, the Rent trip loved the actors' workshop and participation and better questions for the pre- Armstrong. "We educate by doing-s-talk is handing out cards explaining that they re- the play. It is something Allies intends to senters would have made for stronger pro- cheap." main silent to show support for all people keep in its calendar of events. grams. Allies holds many events and meetings silenced by preju- "I agree," said McGowan, who, given in order to spread the word about the club, dice and oppres- more time to prepare, thinks that the presen- and to give members of the campus com- sion. At the end of rations would have gone a lot better. munity exposure to the group and its rnem- the day at many McGowan was one of the in-class present- bers. "We slacked on fonnal education this schools, students ........................................................ ers who spoke before Dr. Vera Jakoby's phi- year," said Stacey Roach, a former president. gather in a public losophy class. "There simply wasn't enough She feels, however, that the club didn't so place and : DANCING MAD~ ~AIY AJ11114, 2003 Don t be 9tyI GOidRoOm A 7:30 - 8:30y.m. dance IeSSOIlS Does your organization need 7y.m. - midntqht only $2 yer yerson community service hours??? Help out by volunteering for Reunion Weekend Give Lafin dancins a fl"!J! Friday, May 2, 2003 or Saturday, May 3, 2003 Come on owt and 'earn how to ~d !;I0wr groove on! . ......................................................... We need greeters, decorators, (Also anyone who is information guides Sponsored by HLA and Jolly Trolley Drivers. GI The Academic Committee meets on Mondays at *each volunteer will receive a Reunion vans.) Weekend certified to drive the College lOPM in Ensor Lounge. Please attend with any T-Shirt. rected via telephone to Marcus Woods at ex- COMMITTEE comments or questions that can also be di- If interested please contact Katie in the Alumni MEETING tension 8015. Relations Office at ext:4656.
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